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Q: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty" ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   4 Comments )
Subject: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Asked by: evan0-ga
List Price: $40.00
Posted: 07 Nov 2002 10:05 PST
Expires: 07 Dec 2002 10:05 PST
Question ID: 101274
Of the countries listed in the CIA World Factbook
(, which are the ones which have
never had national governments that were not popularly elected, and
what are the ages of these nations? In the event of a gray area (in
you opinion), include the country and its age, along with a comment
about why the listing might be questionable. For instance, the USA has
had several non-popularly (non majority) elected presidents because of
the electoral college; so there's some gray, though not much.

Request for Question Clarification by scriptor-ga on 07 Nov 2002 11:18 PST
Dear evan0,

I tried to answer this question, but encountered several problems. The
first and most important one: How shall the answerer define the "age
of a nation"? For example, the German nation is about 1000 years old.
The Federal Republic of Germany, however, was founded not earlier than
1949. You mean rather the age of the state currently existing than the
age of the nation, I presume?
Then, how do we define the age of a state? Armenia has been existing
since 200 AD. Is, for your question, the beginning of today's Armenia
really that early? Or does modern Armenia begin when the Soviet
Republic of the same name was founded? Or rather when the country
became independent from the USSR in 1991?
Also, what exactly do you regard an elected gouvernment? Modern Norway
has, since it became independent from Sweden in 1905, alway had an
elected parliament (excluding the years of German occupation in WWII),
but also a monarch. Nevertheless, Norway is a perfectly democratic
state. Does it fall under your definition of countries without
gouvernments popularly elected?
Speaking of Occupation: What about periods during which a country was
occupied by another state?

Any clarification would be helpful.

Clarification of Question by evan0-ga on 07 Nov 2002 17:57 PST
Hello Scriptor,

Thanks for the helping to sharpen my thinking. Let me put it this way:

Which countries (forget about their age for now) do _not_ have
cultural memory of a national royal period? By royal I mean royatly
under any of the names (tsar, king, pharoah, emperor...) denoting
hereditary national rulers, typically claiming mystical or divine

In practical terms, we will peer into a nation's psyche, at least in
this case, by looking at the nation's postage stamps and currency.

So if, since the last redefinition of the nation (post colonial US,
Mexico, Canada, India; post WW2 Germany, Japan; post-Soviet Armenia)
the nation still depicts, on stamps or currency, its own historical
royalty, then we'll say that the nation has a cultural memory of

I'm pretty confident this clarification of the question ("Which
nations have no memory of a royal period?") still has holes, and I
look forward to your comments as we iterate, I hope in just one more
step, to an answerable question.

Subject: Re: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 11 Nov 2002 12:47 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Evan0,

There are several ways to approach your question. If you're
interested, I made a list of each country's type of regime and rulers
(including traditional and pre-colonial rulers). However, when
considering this list carefully, one notices that almost each country
of the world belongs to one of the following categories (if not more):
(1) Is currently a monarchy (or, like Canada or Australia, officially
recognises a monarch as the supreme sovreign, even if practially it
has no meaning).
(2) Was a monarchy and became a republic
(3) Was part of a larger monarchy/empire (most notably, part of the
Spanish, Ottoman, Portuguese, Dutch and British empires)
(4) Cosists of cultures and people who had monarcy before the
colonialisation by European powers (most notably, post colonial French
(5) Justifies its exitance and right of independence/self decleration
in a historical kingdom, which is supposedly related to that country
(examples: Croatia - no independent Croatian kingdom since 11th
century; Israel - no idependent "Israelite" kingdom since Greek and
Roman occupations; etc.)

This is also logical - since monarchy is considered to be one of the
oldest forms of organisation, every people that is settled, and moved
on from the hunters-gatherer step, has some form of traditional (non
elected) leader. Since modern states do not consist (at least not
solely) of hunters-gatherers, they maintain some form of monarchy in
their collective past, or in the past of the groups that consist that
"nation" (since in the post colonial world, it is hard to talk of a
"nation", for example, in the Nigerian case).

Saying that, there are several lists that provide us with information
on the times of democratisation, and therefore, on the nations which
were democratic "non-stop". I am basing myself on Samuel Huntington's
theory on "waves of Democracy" (The Third Wave: Democratization in the
late twentieth century).

The first countries to democratise in the 19th century were Australia
Canada, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland,
U.K. and the U.S.

Of those, Australia, New Zealans, Canada, and of course the UK, are
officially subjected to the British Monarch. Finland was subjected to
the Swedish monarchs and later to the Russian Czars. Iceland was
subjected to the Danish royals, and actually had its own until 1944.
Sweden is a Constitutional Monarchy.

Which leaves us with Switzerland (1848, full democracy, including
women, only in 1971) and the US (1776; 1919 partial voting rights to
native Americans; 1920 to women; until the 1960s Native Americans,
African Americans and other minorities - notably Asian Americans -
were discriminated in various "literacy tests"). As you mentioned
before, in five cases, the popular vote was not compatible to the
electoral college vote. See also

Chile, democratic since 1987, belongs to a secodn type. It is
democratic since the first wave of democracy, and its monarchial
heritage sums up to the Spanish colonial heritage, but it was couped
in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet.

Many other countries democratised in the years 1826-1926, but later
loss that democracy and regained it only after the Second World War.
Among these countries: Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan,
Netherlands and Norway. 

Of these, Austria was a centre of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; Belgim,
Japan, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway are all constitutional
monarcies. Germany, Italy and France had their own monarchies, but
became republics. germany itself is of course fully democratised only
after 1991, when both parts of the country are democratic.

Colombia, a former Spanish colony, is the only one left, but it is a
highly breakable democracy, and in the midst of a civil war.

Few more countries, which were democratised during the 19th century,
are Argentina, Czechoslovakia (Czech and Slovak Republics), Greece,
and Uruguay. 

Of them, Argentina (dem, since 1983) and Uruguay have only the
colonial heritage of the Spaniarsds, but then again - they are very
shakey democracies. Greece, Hungary and the Czech and Slovak Republics
were democratised in the last 20 years, but had monarchial heritage
(Czech Republic - Roughly coextensive with today's Czech Republic were
the "Lands of the Crown of St. Wenceslas," over which the emperor of
Austria (until 1867 a purely dynastic, rather than territorial, title)
ruled in his capacity as king of Bohemia and, subsidiarily, margrave
of Moravia and duke of Upper and Lower Silesia.").

Estonia, democratic sicne 1992, could be also added to the list of
countries who have a very faint history of monarchy, it never had a
royalty according to

Botswana, Gambia, Israel, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Sri Lanka, 
Trinidad &
Tobago, Venezuela - were all democratised during the Second Wave. Of
them, Israel is the only one that could be considered as having no
monarchial tradition, through it relates to the Judean and Israelite
Biblical rule. Other countries still adhere (officially) to the
British monarch, or had some sort of monarchial rulers in the past.
Another grey case, similar to Israel, is Botswana, democratic since
independence in 1966, that has traditional leaders, but its leaders
are democratically elected.

In other words, you can see very little number of countries in your
list, because most countries were historically part of monarchy, or
relate to a historical kingdom. Very few countries are democratic in
the Western sense for a long time now, so it is also hard to judge
from this angel.

I hope that helped and answered your question. I'd be pleased to
answer any clarification you may need. My search strategy was to
search for each country, with words such as "democratizetion",
"monarchy" or "king".

Clarification of Answer by politicalguru-ga on 14 Nov 2002 06:55 PST
Dear Evan0, 

Because of computer problems, I haven't been able to upload the list,
so I pasted it here, and I hope you wouldn't mind

BC - British Commonwealth
yp - yes, partially (democratic) (or np - no, but has some democratic
trad - traditional monarchy 
trans - transitiona regime 
ni - not independent

Country                democratic (now?)           monarchy ever? 
 Afghanistan          transitional                     y trad.colo
 Albania                yp                                  y trad
 Algeria                 n                                   y ottoman
 American Samoa  ni                                  y trad
 Andorra                yp                                 y now
 Angola                 yp                                 y
 Anguilla               y                                   y bc  
Antarctica             ni                                  na 
 Antigua and Barbuda  y                              y bc
 Argentina             y                                   y colonial
 Armenia               yp                                 y trad +
 Aruba                  yp                                  y
 Australia              y 1901                           y bc
 Austria                y                                    y
 Azerbaijan           n                                    y trad

Bahamas, The     y                                     y bc  
Bahrain                n                                    y now
Bangladesh          y                                    y colonial +
Barbados             y                                    y bc
Belarus                yp                                  y trad 
Belgium               y                                    y now
Belize                  y                                    y bc 
Benin                  partial                              y
Bermuda              yp                                   y uk/bc 
Bhutan                n                                     y now
Bolivia                 y                                     y
colonial + trad
Bosnia and Herzegovina y trans                   y trad + austro hung
Botswana            y                                     y bc * trad
Brazil                  y                                     y
British Virgin Islands  ni                             y bc 
Brunei                 n                                     y now
Bulgaria              y                                     y trad (2)
Burkina Faso       trans                               y trad  
Burma                n                                     y british
colonialism + trad
Burundi               trans                               y belgium +

Cambodia           y trans                              y now 
Cameroon           yp trans                           y trad + parts
brit/german colony(3)
Canada               y                                     y bc
Cape Verde        yp                                    y portugal  
Cayman Islands  ni                                    y now  British
crown colony
Central African Republic  n/trans                  y trad + modern (4)
Chad                  no trans                           y trad 
Chile                  y                                      y
China                 n                                      y
Christmas Island  ni                                    y bc  
Cocos (Keeling) Islands  ni                          y bc 
Colombia            partial                               y spanish  
Comoros            partial/no                           y trad +
Congo, Democratic Republic of  n                 y trad
Congo, Republic of the partial/no                  y trad  
Cook Islands         ni                                    y bc  
Costa Rica            y                                    y trad +
Cote d'Ivoire           partial/trans                    y trad
Croatia                 y                                     y trad +
austro hung
Cuba                     n                                    y
Cyprus                  y                                    y brit
Czech Republic     y                                    y austro hung

Denmark              y                                      y now 
Djibouti                 y                                     y trad
Dominica              y                                     y bc  
Dominican Republic y                                   y spanish  

East Timor            trans y                            y postuguese
+ trad
Ecuador                n/trans                            y spain 
Egypt                   n                                     y
ottoman + self + mythical(5)
El Salvador           y                                     y spain 
Equatorial Guinea  partial/no                          y spain 
Eritrea                  trans                                y trad +
Estonia                 y                                     y
colonial (danish, swedish, russian see 6)
Ethiopia               partial trans                       y trad 

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) ni                y bc now  
Faroe Islands          y/ni                                y danmark
Fiji                        yp                                  y 
trad  +brit colony
Finland                  y                                    y
colonial swedish/russian
France                   y                                    y until
French Guiana       ni/y                                  y colonial
French Polynesia   ni/y                                  y trad 
Gabon                   yp                                    y trad 
Gambia, The          trans p                              y bc + trad
Georgia                 trans                                 y trad +
Germany               y                                      y 
Ghana                   yp                                     y trad
+ brit rule
Gibraltar                ni                                      y bc
Greece                  y                                       y also
Greenland              y/ni                                   y
denamrk now
Grenada                y                                       y bc  
Guadeloupe            ni/y                                   y
Guam                    ni                                      y
Guatemala             y                                       y trad +
Guernsey               ni                                      y part
of the uk
Guinea                   yp                                     y
Guinea-Bissau        y                                       y
colonial portugal
Guyana                  y                                       y
colonial brit + dutch

Haiti                       yp                                     y 
Holy See (Vatican City) n                                 n, never  
Honduras                y                                       y trad
+ colonial
Hong Kong              ni/n                                   y
chinese dynasties + uk
Hungary                  y                                       y

Iceland                    y                                       y
trad + colonial (danish)
India                       y                                       y 
bc + trad
Indonesia                 yp trans                             y trad
+ colonial
Iran                         partial                                y
shah trad
Iraq                         n                                       y
hashemite + colonial brit
Ireland                     y                                       y
colonial brit
Israel                       y  (7)                                 n
- but as a myth (8)
Italy                        y                                       

Jamaica                   yp                                     y bc
Japan                      y                                        y
Jersey                     ni y                                     y
Jordan                     partial                                y

Kazakhstan              n                                       y trad
Kenya                      n                                       y
trad + colonial
Kiribati                      y                                      y
Korea, North             n                                       y
trad + jap. occupation
Korea, South            y                                       y trad
+ jap occupation
Kuwait                      n                                       y
Kyrgyzstan               yp                                     y trad

Laos                         n                                       y
Latvia                       y                                       
y trad "mythical"
Lebanon                    n                                       y
Lesotho                     y                                       y
Liberia                       civil war                              y
Libya                         n                                      
y trad + ottoman
Liechtenstein              y                                       y
Lithuania                    y                                       y
Luxembourg                y                                       y

Macau                        ni                                      y
colonial portugal
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (FYROM) 
 y ottoman austro hungary, yugoslavia
Madagascar                 py                                    y
Malawi                        y                                      
y trad + colonial
Malaysia                     n                                      y
Maldives                     n                                      y
trad + colonial
Mali                            y                                     
 y trad
Malta                          y                                      
y colonial (+ 11)
Man, Isle of                 ni/y                                   y
Marshall Islands           ni/y                                  y
trad + germany colonial
Martinique                   ni/y                                   y
Mauritania                    n                                      y
Mauritius                     y                                      
y colonial (brit)
Mayotte                       ni/y                                   y
Mexico                        yp                                     y
trad + spain
Micronesia, Federated States of  
   y trad + colonial germany
Moldova                      p/trans                                y
trad (12)
Monaco                       y                                       y
Mongolia                     yp                                      y
trad (+ czarist Russia)
Montserrat                   ni/y                                    y
now uk
Morocco                      partial                                 y
Mozambique                trans                                  y
trad + port colony

Namibia                y                                    y (trad +
Nauru                   y                                    y
Nepal                   y                                    y now 
Netherlands          y                                    y now 
Netherlands Antilles  
                           y                                    y
New Caledonia      ni                                    y trad 
New Zealand         y                                    y bc 
Nicaragua             yp                                    y spain
colony + trad
Niger                    trans                               y trad 
Nigeria                 trans                               y trad (+
brit colony)
Niue                     ni/y                                 y  trad
+ bc
Norfolk Island       ni                                     y bc  
Northern Mariana Islands
                            ni                                    y
Norway                y                                      y now 

Oman                  n                                      y now 

Pakistan              np                                    y trad (+
brit rule)
Palau                   ni                                     y trad
Panama               y                                      y colonial
Papua New Guinea  y                                    y now 
Paraguay              y                                      y
colonial spain
Peru                    y                                       y
colonial spain + trad
Philippines            y                                      y trad +
colonial spain
Pitcairn Islands     ni                                      y now
Poland                  y                                      y trad
Portugal                y                                      y trad
Puerto Rico          ni/y                                   y spanish

Qatar                    n                                      y now

Reunion               ni                                      y
Romania               y                                       y trad 
Russia                  y                                       y trad
Rwanda                trans                                 y trad +
Saint Helena          ni                                     y (Brit.
Crown colony)
Saint Kitts and Nevis  y                                  y bc 
Saint Lucia             y                                     y bc#
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 
                              ni                                    no
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
                             y                                      y
Samoa                   y                                      y trad
San Marino             y                                      no (14)
Sao Tome and Principe 
                             yp                                     y
colonial portugal
Saudi Arabia           n                                      y now
Senegal                 yp                                     y trad
Seychelles             y                                       y
colonial brit.
Sierra Leone            trans                                y
colonial + trad
Singapore               partial                                y
colonial + trad
Slovakia                 y                                        y
austro hungary
Slovenia                 y                                       y
austro hungary, yugoslavia, etc.
Solomon Islands     yp anarchy/civil war              y british crown
Somalia                  trans                                 y
South Africa           y                                        y
british rule + trad
Spain                     y                                        y
Sri Lanka                y                                        y
Sudan                    n                                        y
ottoman, egyptian and self
Suriname                y                                        y
Svalbard                 ni                                        y
Swaziland               partial                                 y now
Sweden                  y                                         y
Switzerland             y                                        no 
Syria                      no                                       y

Taiwan                    yp                                       y
Tajikistan                n civil war                            y
legedary (15)
Tanzania                 np                                       y
omani; brit. colnialism, trad
Thailand                  y                                         y
Togo                       trans                                    y
Tokelau                   ni                                        y
bc; trad
Tonga                     y                                          y
 Trinidad and Tobago  y                                        y bc
Tunisia                    np                                        y
Turkey                     y                                         y
center of the Ottoman Empire
Turkmenistan           n                                          y
Turks and Caicos Islands 
   y uk
Tuvalu                     y                                          
y now

Uganda                    np                                        y
colonial + trad
Ukraine                   yp                                         y
also under russia
United Arab Emirates 
   y now
United Kingdom       y                                           y now
United States          y                                           no
Uruguay                   y                                          y
trad + spanish rule
Uzbekistan              n                                           y

Vanuatu                  y                                           y
Venezuela               yp                                         y
Vietnam                  n                                           y
Virgin Islands           ni                                          y

Wallis and Futuna    ni                                           y
trad (now)
Western Sahara       ni                                          y

Yemen                    n                                           y
colonial - ottoman and British
Yugoslavia               trans/y                                   y
austro hungary and ottoman

Zambia                    np                                         
y british colonial + trad
Zimbabwe                n                                            y
british colonial

(1) An anecdote: Benin was called Dahomey until 1975, when the
military regime decided to change the name of the country. One of the
reasons is apparently the curse of the last king of Dahomey, that the
country would not be managable, because of the traitors who gave him
to the French.
(2) Another anecdote: The heir to the throne of Bulgaria, is now their
elected President.
(3) Cameroon as a colony was a German, a French and a British colony.
(4) Not a very nice story: on 1976, the dictator Bokassa proclaimed
himself as an Emperor of the land. He was deposed on 20/9/1979., but
managed to pull some tricks Neron would be ashamed of, notoriously
shooting school children in the national stadium.
(5) Modern Egypt attributes itself the Pharonic kingdom. 
(6) See: Does Estonia Has a King?
(7) Excluding the occupied territories
(8) Israel relates itself to the myth of the Biblical kingdoms of
Israel and Judea.
(9) see The History of Kazakhstan 
(10) see: Gypsy Journal
(11) Malta was ruled by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
1530-1798 but in practice also after that.
(12) See Chastain, James, "Cuza, Alexandru Ioan (1820-1870)",
ncyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions
< >
(13) Saint Pierre e Miquelon became a French colony after the
revolution. The two islands' original inhabitants parished; the
islands therefpre had no "monarchy". They are part of France, and not
a sovreign democratic unit.
(14) San Marino claims to be the oldest republic in the world, since
the fourth century. It was briefly occupied by the Germans and the
British during WWII. My mistake for not including it in my original
(15) See Pamela Constable, "Tajikistan Struggles in Post-Soviet
Poverty" Washington Post, Monday 12 February 2001; Page A14
(16) Naturally, parts of the US were British colonies (as well as
French, Spanish and Russian territory); Hawaii had a monarch.

For general sources, see

Thank you for your ratings!
evan0-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $20.00
Insightful answer to my (intentionally) vague question. I have also
included a pre-tip of $20, requesting publication, as a clarification,
of the regime history that the politicalguru-ga author has compiled
and to they allude in their answer.

Subject: Re: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
From: omnivorous-ga on 07 Nov 2002 12:01 PST
Evan --

A little-known fact: America had a king, who had a seat in the
Michigan legislature:

Best regards,

Subject: Re: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
From: mwalcoff-ga on 07 Nov 2002 12:07 PST
If you're going to include that guy, certainly you have to mention
Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico
Subject: Re: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
From: neilzero-ga on 07 Nov 2002 15:04 PST
In light of the clarification by scriptor, perhaps the answer is all
nations which presently have properly elected leaders, even if they
also have a figure head royalty. This is reasonable as they became
essentially a different contry when the royalty gave up it's power.
Alternately we could conclude every part of our planet had something
like royalty at least briefly, perhaps in prehistory, but most in the
last 6000 years.  Neil
Subject: Re: Nations which have never had any form of "royalty"
From: shananigans-ga on 08 Nov 2002 00:31 PST
Australia (since its Federation in 1901) has always had an elected
parliament, though sometimes the ruling party has received less than
50% of all votes. However, it still has the Queen of England as
figurehead, even though she and her representative the Governor
General of Australia have no real influence or input.

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