Thank you for your question. You can create a graph looking exactly
like your drawing. Here are the step-by-step instructions. These are
assuming the data in your spreadsheet looks like thisL
1) Choose an empty region on your sheet and either click the Charting
Icon or go to Insert > Chart
2) When the Chart Wizard comes up, on the left hand side there will be
a list of chart types. Choose the third one down. It says Line
3) When you choose line, on the right hand side there will be a
selection of choices. Choose the first one pictured. It will be in
the upper left hand corner of the sub-charts. When you click it, it
will darken. Then hit Next
4) Step 2 of the Chart Wizard. There are two tabs at the top, one
says Data Range, the other says Series. Click Series.
5) Click the button that says Add. If you have the name of the first
series in your spreadsheet, you can click on it or simply type in the
name of the series in the blank field next to Name.
6) Now, click in the blank area next to Value. It may have this in
it: ={1} If so, delete it so the field is empty. Now, take your mouse
and click over the data for series 1 (in the above example, a1) and
holding the click, drag down until the the blinking, broken line has
encircled all of the data. The Value field should now be populated
and an example graph will show in the Wizard.
7) Click Add again
8) Reapeat Step 5 and 6 again, except this time, use the data from
series a2.
9) Click Next.
10) Step 3 in the Wizard is where you can label your chart and your
11) Click Finish and your graph should be complete.
Thanks again for your question and I hope I have been able to help.
If you need any additional clarification, please let me know.
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None. Tested answer in MS Excel |
Request for Answer Clarification by
01 Jan 2003 22:00 PST
Hi, thanks for the quick answer. Actually, you did answer the question
now that I think of it that way, however I am looking for a slightly
better way of doing this. This requires that I sort the data by
{Value} and set up a series manually for each line I want a1, a2.
However in my actual data set there will be many lines (lets say 30
for example), this would get quite tedious. Now the next problem is
that my data set will also be changing frequently, making this pretty
much imposible if I had to do that much manual work every time I
entered a new set of data.
If you have any ideas on this let me know. I'd be happy doing any kind
of VBA needed, or whatever it takes to automate the process, or
modeling the data differently when I import it into excel (that's all
done automatically).