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Nelson Algren short stories & poems
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: twobob-ga List Price: $20.00 |
04 Mar 2003 17:08 PST
Expires: 03 Apr 2003 17:08 PST Question ID: 170717 |
Nelson Algren titled a short story "Moon of the Arfy Darfy" and, in a prose-poem about horse racing wrote the line "among bookies gone broke or with money to burn, gone on the arfy-darfy, never to return". What is arfy darfy? | |
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Re: Nelson Algren short stories & poems
Answered By: tutuzdad-ga on 13 Mar 2003 07:15 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear twobob-ga; Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to answer your interesting question. As promised, I contacted Warren Leming, Chairman of THE NELSON ALGREN COMMITTEE, who in turn put your question directly to his friend, noted Algren biographer, Bettina Drew. Drew, as examples, referred to these published quotes containing the phrase Arfy-Darfy taken directly from Algrens work, writings, and/or interviews: 1964 Sat. Eve. Post (Sept. 26) 44: A moon on the arfy-darfy. That will never return. 1965 Algren Boots (Intro.) 5: Fired, dead, absconded or gone on the arfy-darfy. 1968. Algren Chicago 134: Then each man knows where his life has gone...Gone on the arfy-darfy / Never to return. Drew explains that the phrase, as Algren intended it, is clearly defined in Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang: n. [fanciful rhyme; ult. orig. unkn.] In phrase: on the arfy-darfy on the roam; tramping, hoboing. I hope you find that that my research exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions about my research please post a clarification request prior to rating the answer. I welcome your rating and your final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us. Best regards; Tutuzdad-ga INFORMATION SOURCES THE NELSON ALGREN COMMITTEE http://www.nelsonalgren.org/ AMAZON.COM Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0394544277/104-5470891-7805538?vi=glance SEARCH STRATEGY SEARCH ENGINE USED: Google ://www.google.com SEARCH TERMS USED: ARFY-DARFY ARFY DARFY ARFYDARFY ARFY DARFY | |
rated this answer:![]() Thank you very much for your extra effort in finding the answer. |
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Re: Nelson Algren short stories & poems
From: sldreamer-ga on 06 Mar 2003 18:57 PST |
Hi twobob, You have asked a very challenging question! I have searched all over the Internet, and the only times the phrase "arfy darfy" comes up is as part of the short story's name. I cannot find anything that offers a definition for this phrase. Even checking several slang dictionaries turned up nothing. However, when I searched for "arfie darfie," I did find something. It appears in the slang section of the Macquarie Dictionary of Australian English. According to http://www.macquariedictionary.com.au/p/dictionary/slang-a.html, the phrase "arfie-darfie" is a noun, and is defined as: "a secret language used by schoolchildren in which normal words are modified by adding into each syllable the sound `arp'; thus hug becomes harpug; You are a pig becomes Yarpu arpar arpa parpig." Arfie-darfie is also known as arpie-darpie, arple-darple, arp language, and kerosene language. I do not know if the phrase "arfy-darfy" is the same as "arfie-darfie." I found two decent biographies on Nelson Algren (listed below), and none of them have any mention of him ever visiting Australia (although he did travel abroad to places such as Europe, Latin America, and the Mediterranean). Perhaps the definition of "arfie-darfie" that I provided above is somehow connected or relevant to the content in the short story and/or poem? I hope this helps you in finding out what the phrase "arfy-darfy" means. Nelson Algren biography links: http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/nalgren.htm http://caca.essortment.com/nelsonalgrenbi_rdpg.htm Search strategy: "arfy darfy" "arfie darfie" "nelson algren" Regards, sldreamer |
Re: Nelson Algren short stories & poems
From: markj-ga on 07 Mar 2003 08:12 PST |
twobob -- I too was fascinated by your question and frustrated by the lack of helpful online information. As a result of my online searching, I did find an expert on Algren who has written an award-winning dissertation entitled "The Secret Faces of Inscrutable Poets in Nelson Algren's "Chicago: City on the Make." An abstract of that dissertation can be found here, along with a link to its text: University of Chicago: Jeff McMahon http://home.uchicago.edu/~jmcmahon/Education5.html I have had an e-mail exchange with the author of that dissertation. Because his tentative conclusion on your question is that "a definitive answer may never be found" to the meaning of "arfy-darfy," I am not posting this as an answer. However, his thoughts on the matter are very interesting, and, with his permission, I am posting his e-mail here (with personal information removed): [START OF MESSAGE] "I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you, and a definitive answer may never be found. Nelson Algren lived among the working-class immigrant Chicagoans that he wrote about hung out in their bars, gambled in their basements, visited them in the Cook County Jail and sometimes in the morgue. His work contains a lot of slang that doesn't appear in the dictionaries, as well as features of dialect that have never been documented by linguists. It's likely that Algren knew the specialized slang of these people better than any linguist or dictionary writer, so I believe we can most safely assume that "arfy darfy" is a legitimate piece of gambling slang that may have been well known in only a small, specialized community. Algren often used such slang to give his dialogue and narration the ring of the streets, and often without too much regard for a term's familiarity to the reader. "When we do find some of Algren's slang in a slang dictionary, we often discover we've gone on a circular journey. Usually the dictionary writer also found the slang in one of Algren's books and derived its meaning from the context. "Both of your examples of "arfy darfy" come from the gambling world and suggest, to me, someone who's gone over the edge in a risky business, someone who's "blown out." Algren frequently wrote nostalgically about characters who've lost their bearings in society, as in this passage from "Chicago: City on the Make": 'As evening comes taxiing in and the jungle hiders come softly forth: geeks and gargoyles, old blown winoes, sour stewbums and grinning ginsoaks, young dingbats who went ashore on D Plus One or D Plus Two and have been trying to find some arc-lit shore ever since. Strolling with ancient boxcar perverts who fought all their wars on the Santa Fe. Deserters' faces, wearing the very latest G.I. issue: the plastic masks of an icy-cold despair. Where the sick of heart and the lost in spirit stray. From the forgotten battlegrounds on the other side of the billboards, on the other side of the TV commercials, the other side of the headlines. Fresh from the gathering of snipes behind the nearest KEEP OFF warnings come the forward patrols of tomorrow. Every day is D-day under the El.' "Going on the arfy darfy is likely something just like this. Someone who's lost, never to return, but not necessarily dead, is gone on the arfy darfy. "That having been said, I'll continue to snoop around for a more precise definition, query some colleagues, and ask some of the people who still live the kind of life Algren wrote about. Some remnants of Algren's community still linger in Chicago's shadows. "You do have my permission to post this if you wish." [END OF MESSAGE] If you consider this information to be a completely satisfactory response to your question, I would be happy to compose an answer based on it and describe my research. markj-ga |
Re: Nelson Algren short stories & poems
From: nellie_bly-ga on 09 Mar 2003 11:27 PST |
Nice work, markj. I too spent some time on this and had some interesting conversations about Chicago slang but got no "answer." Nellie Bly Google Answers Researcher |
Re: Nelson Algren short stories & poems
From: markj-ga on 13 Mar 2003 09:47 PST |
twobob -- My source at the University of Chicago has now informed me that he has been unable to come up with a definitive answer as to what Algren meant by the term "arfy-darfy." Tutuzdad-ga is correct that the term does appear in the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, along with the three cited examples of Algren's use of the phrase "on the arfy-darfy." The term also appears in the Cassell Dictionary of Slang, by Jonathon Green (1998), as meaning "wandering the roads as a hobo." That entry specifically suggests that the term may be a "nonce-coinage by Nelson Algren... ." From the context of the Algren passages, and from the lack of other citable examples, it seems reasonable to conclude that the meaning of the term is that cited in the slang dictionaries. It was interesting to discover, however, that Algren very possibly invented the term, leaving the reader (and slang dictionary editors) to define it. markj-ga |
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