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What is your favorite website? (take 2)
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: citson-ga List Price: $5.00 |
02 Apr 2003 19:13 PST
Expires: 02 May 2003 20:13 PDT Question ID: 185217 |
I recently asked a question (ID 181379) which generated an answer and 9 comments with which I was delighted. However, I'm greedy--I want more. Accordingly, this is a repost of that question, with a few modifications (inspired by granny) aiming to generate more comments. Namely, I ask the following: 1) that the question be left open until there are at least 30 comments; 2) that no one post more than one comment; 3) that, if the researcher who eventually answers this question has commented on it, at least 6 hours separate the posting times of the comment and the answer. (That way, the 5 bucks (and stars) won't necessarily go to the researcher who posts the 30th comment). That's it. Comments are welcome from researchers and non-researchers alike, whether or not they commented on the original question. |
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Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Apr 2003 09:09 PDT Rated: ![]() |
If I understand the rules correctly, the question may now be answered, since 30 comments have accumulated. Here, in no particular order, are ten of my favorite sites. Your mileage may vary. 1. James Lileks' online home is one of the most amusing, elegant places around. Don't miss "The Institute of Artificial Cheer" and "The Gallery of Regrettable Food." James Lileks http://www.lileks.com/ 2. The Grandiloquent Dictionary is a small collection of unusual English words. Here I learned that girouettism means "altering one's opinions to match public trends." At least I think that's what I learned. I'll have to check the polls first. Grandiloquent Dictionary http://www.islandnet.com/~egbird/dict/dict.htm 3. Multibabel is an entertaining, if useless, oddity which takes a phrase entered by the user and translates it serially from one language to another. The result is often strangely charming and unintelligible. Warning: sometimes this site does not work, sometimes it does. I am including it because, when it works, it is wonderfully entertaining. When it does not work, I suspect that the universe is trying to tell me something about being patient and such. Multibabel http://www.tashian.com/multibabel/ 4. There are times when everyone wants to see photos of cute little kittens, right? When one of those times arrives, have I got the site for you! Cute Little Kittens http://www.blogjam.com/cute_little_kittens/ 5. Hedweb Site of the Day is just what it sounds like. A single website is featured each day. Browse through the archives and discover some real gems. Hedweb Site of the Day http://www.hedweb.com/siteoday/2003.htm 6. Here is a bizarre, yet addictive gizmo. As you move your mouse around the screen, the face of either George W. Bush or Tony Blair is dragged by the nose into strange shapes. When you're tired of playing with Bush, click "Blair" (at the bottom of the frame) to toggle the image, and vice versa. I don't know why I find this so fascinating. Must be my childhood fondness for "Pinocchio." Warp George W Bush / Warp Tony Blair http://www.foulds2000.freeserve.co.uk/bushv6.htm 7. Sarah Scotland's Fractal Gallery is a nicely-chosen collection of breathtaking fractal images. If you'd like to try your hand at creating images like these, try the shareware program Ultrafractal. The latest version has just been released: http://www.ultrafractal.com/ A Fractal Gallery http://sasqui.freeservers.com/index.htm 8. Kartoo is one of the coolest search engines on the Web. It's not for every search, but there are times when Kartoo's 3D visual interface is a big help. Even when it doesn't find what you want, it is interesting to use. Kartoo http://www.kartoo.com/ 9. Catscape Fonts offers some of the nicest shareware fonts around, without the crop of annoying pop-up ads that often mar font-sharing sites. Catscape Fonts http://www.catscape.com/fonts.asp 10. Tarzan's Tripes Forever is a compedium of more than 1000 shaggy dog jokes and "Feghoots." For those of us who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing we like. Tarzan's Tripes Forever http://www.awpi.com/Combs/Shaggy/index.html Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share! Reading through the comments by my colleagues has been an ongoing source of interest, and I hope the comments will continue. Like many Internet addicts, I'm always looking for new corners of the Web to prowl. Best wishes, pinkfreud |
rated this answer:![]() Wonderful! Many thanks. |
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Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: robertskelton-ga on 02 Apr 2003 19:26 PST |
Kind of a religious version of The Onion, I enjoy visiting Landover Baptist: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: pinkfreud-ga on 02 Apr 2003 19:50 PST |
I always get a laugh by browsing through this site: http://www.b3ta.com/ The posts on b3ta.com's messageboard are often vulgar, usually funny, and always worth browsing though. The board specializes in bizarre digital graphic collages submitted by users. Although I dabble in graphics, I haven't yet summoned the nerve to post anything, so I'm just an amused lurker. |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: aceresearcher-ga on 02 Apr 2003 20:04 PST |
Humorist Dave Barry is one of my favorites as a font of laugh-so-hard-you-cry humor: http://davebarry.blogspot.com Regards, ace |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: digsalot-ga on 02 Apr 2003 20:10 PST |
Naturally it would have something to do with ancient Egypt in my case. http://www.salariya.com/web_books/mummy/ - "You really wouldn't want to be an Egyptian mummy" If you do - then go get stuffed, just don't get wrapped up in your work. |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: easterangel-ga on 02 Apr 2003 20:58 PST |
I always learn something when I visit this site. http://www.howstuffworks.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: atease-ga on 02 Apr 2003 21:31 PST |
when i'm doing university coursework this site is essential: http://www.bored.com |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: techtor-ga on 02 Apr 2003 21:38 PST |
For Japanese hero information, I go to these: The Kamen Rider Forever Website http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/poitier/32/e_kamen.htm Tokusatsus Pages http://cdecas.free.fr/robots/tokusatsus/whatisit.htm |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: haversian-ga on 02 Apr 2003 23:01 PST |
http://www.theregister.co.uk Brit humo(u)r + tech news + BOFH. Need I say more? |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: j_philipp-ga on 02 Apr 2003 23:16 PST |
Illustrated Stories: Fray.com http://fray.com |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: answerfinder-ga on 02 Apr 2003 23:35 PST |
http://www.artknows.com/index.htm A spoof news site on the world of Art and Art Dealers. answerfinder-ga |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: cobrien-ga on 03 Apr 2003 01:28 PST |
www.popbitch.com because I'm nosey. Cobrien |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: journalist-ga on 03 Apr 2003 07:52 PST |
http://answers.google.com It's certainly the site on which I spend the most time! :) |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: badabing-ga on 03 Apr 2003 07:57 PST |
granny loves to inspire adventurous questioners so it's fun to see this one. it's hard for me to choose my favorite so that might take a day or so. can I give you my most disturbing one for now?http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/2680 this site makes granny quite cautious in opening her door fearing they've come for her cured meats and candles. she will, however, surrender her vegetables without so much as a peep. granny is a rebel. |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: mister-ga on 03 Apr 2003 09:03 PST |
www.sharpeworld.com |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: bowler-ga on 03 Apr 2003 10:58 PST |
www.worstoftheweb.com |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: g3nius-ga on 03 Apr 2003 20:42 PST |
http://www.lordoftherings.net/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: gleffler-ga on 05 Apr 2003 14:14 PST |
I like Slashdot (http://slashdot.org) for tech news, and I like to read my comics page (http://gleffler.us/comics.htm) for comics every day. :) |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: badabing-ga on 06 Apr 2003 09:01 PDT |
here's a pretty neat feature to have on your desktop: http://www.reporter.org/desktop |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: racecar-ga on 07 Apr 2003 10:08 PDT |
For all things math (though I have Stephen Wolfram's new book and it is crap): http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: intotravel-ga on 07 Apr 2003 16:04 PDT |
Google Answers is the only site I visit regularly at the moment. I also like to surf around google and google news; and occasionally visit travel websites such as: faresearch engines, travelselect.com, itasoftware.com, orbitz.com; airline websites; www.biddingfortravel.com (about priceline); and for travel news may check out frommers.com and travelzoo.com. Favorites from the past are: www.wordplayer.com Everything you could possibly want to know about screenwriting from two very generous guys. www.aldaily.com All the "best" journalism from around the world, selected and presented in a very easy-to-use format. www.ips.org For news from all around the world written by local correspondents. |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: vorfeed-ga on 16 Apr 2003 14:43 PDT |
For sheer usefulness, it has to be Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server. I use this dictionary daily, and often wish there was some way to carry it everywhere with me, since it's much better than my paper dictionaries. http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/tty/dict Here are some runners-up: Homestar Runner is the funniest Flash animation site I have found. The characters are endearing and fun, and the humor is generally suitable for young and old alike. I especially like "Where's the Cheat" and "Luau", as well as "Strong Bad Email". It usually has new content once a week, on Mondays. http://www.homestarrunner.com/ I also spend a great deal of time at Plastic.com, a news and culture discussion site. It has been a remarkably pleasant place to debate, and is mostly free of flames. The discussions are usually eclectic: today we're talking about philosophy (or lack thereof) in The Matrix Reloaded, possible negotiations between the US and North Korea, and bugs that can turn poison into food, among other things. http://www.plastic.com/ If you cook, you might want to visit Recipe Source. I've had a lot of luck with some of the recipes here. http://www.recipesource.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: voila-ga on 26 Apr 2003 13:07 PDT |
some strangeness here: http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/pc/realitycarnival.html |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: pafalafa-ga on 26 Apr 2003 14:06 PDT |
This isn't really my *favorite*, but it's just so danged well-organized and useful that I have to list it: http://www.searchsystems.net/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: omnivorous-ga on 26 Apr 2003 14:42 PDT |
Protection from the naive and gullible, all of whom seem to have my e-mail address: http://www.snopes.com Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: sublime1-ga on 26 Apr 2003 15:42 PDT |
My favorite artful entertainment site is Broken Saints: http://www.brokensaints.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: steph53-ga on 26 Apr 2003 16:13 PDT |
I find this site very inspiring and informative: http://www.waitallday.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: denco-ga on 26 Apr 2003 23:52 PDT |
NewScientist.com http://www.newscientist.com/ Where else are there (detailed) artiles such as: Million-user online game previewed Automated programs - and players themselves - will generate the vast virtual world of Rekonstruction on the same page as: Venerable bird notches five million air miles The recapture of a ringed sea bird reveals its 52 years on the wing - it could be oldest wild bird ever recorded The site always has interesting (and educational!) articles. Looking Forward, denco-ga |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: jem-ga on 29 Apr 2003 04:29 PDT |
For supreme timewasting I'd suggest the FHM Top 100 Greatest Online Games at: http://www.fhm.com/ At the very bottom centre of the homepage, you'll see the link "100 Greatest Games" (provided you're not too distracted by the strategically placed scantily clad women!). Click on the link and you'll be taken directly to the launch page where you can click on and play any one of the 100 games listed online. Most of the games require Java or Flash to be installed but the quality of graphics alone is worth it. I particularly like Quidditch and Alchemy and, of course, PacMan! :) jem-ga |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: politicalguru-ga on 29 Apr 2003 04:48 PDT |
Everything 2: http://www.everything2.com/ |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: pafalafa-ga on 29 Apr 2003 06:53 PDT |
Recommended URL for the 30th comment is: http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=185217#a |
Re: What is your favorite website? (take 2)
From: fj-ga on 04 Mar 2005 05:36 PST |
http://www.meatsicle.com/hatsofmeat/index.html "Remembering the past, cherishing the present, and celebrating the future of meat hats" and: http://www.unstbusshelter.shetland.co.uk/ (be sure not to miss 'Summer Bus Shelter Attractions') enjoy... fj |
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