Hi boomer222-ga,
There is no absolute guarantee that you can obtain an address
associated with a particular phone number. This is especially true if
the number is unlisted. However, for listed numbers, at least in the
United States, you will likely be able to find an address.
The easiest method is to search for the number on Google. For
example, you might search on Google for: 202-456-1111. At the top of
the results page, you will see "White House, Presidential Inquiries
Comments Office, (202) 456-1111, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20500", as well as a listing for "George W. Bush, President, (202)
456-1111, The White House, Washington, DC 20500". (In addition, a
telephone number can come up in the results themselves, sometimes
associated with an address; you can click on the links and check
whether the information seems to be current.)
"Searched the web for 202-456-1111"
If that search does not work for you, you can try the resources at the
Reverse Phone Directory ( http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/ ).
For additional information, see:
"Q: typing in phone numbers to get addresses"
Google Answers
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search strategy:
Searched on Google Answers for:
reverse directory
Searched on Google for:
"white house" "phone number"
202-456-1111 |