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Dating Services For Big Bucks
Category: Family and Home > Relationships Asked by: nronronronro-ga List Price: $25.00 |
03 Jun 2003 14:18 PDT
Expires: 03 Jul 2003 14:18 PDT Question ID: 212620 |
Hi ! A recent article in the new York Times discussed "upscale" dating services around the country, ranging from $5,000 to $250,000 per year. While I am not a Blue Blood myself, I have a technocrat friend who is tired of Internet dating. A 5-star answer would list 25-30 of these expensive services around the country. Slight preference for California, but any U.S. state would be OK. (This is not an in-depth research project. A simple list of links...er...um...web links would be just fine.) All comments greatly appreciated. Thanks ! ron |
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Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 03 Jun 2003 19:22 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi, Ron! This looked like a fun project, and I had thought it would be an easy one. Unfortunately, the Web is so full of sleazoid dating sites that it has proven very challenging to collect links to 25 sites that seem respectable and classy. If only your friend wanted to meet a cute temptress from Czechoslovakia or a college student who's looking for "generous men," this would have been so much easier. ;-) Below you'll find a selection of the most promising services I've been able to locate online. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATING & MATCHMAKING SERVICES IN CALIFORNIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Elite Matchmaker" operates coast-to-coast, with echelons of service ranging in price from $350 to $7,500 (and higher, by arrangement): Elite Matchmaker http://www.elitematchmaker.com/plan.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Right One" has offices in Encino, Irvine, Los Angeles,and San Diego: The Right One http://www.therightone.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Great Expectations" has offices in Encino, Irvine, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, San Rafael, Santa Clara, Upland, and Walnut Creek: Great Expectations http://www.great-expectations.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Introductions by Sage" has offices in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Orange County, the South Bay Area, and San Gabriel Valley: Introductions by Sage http://www.sagedating.com/main.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Elite Connections" operates in Beverly Hills, Redondo Beach and Westlake: Elite Connections http://www.eliteconnections.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Together Dating" has offices in Encino, Irvine, Los Angeles,and San Diego: Together Dating http://www.togetherdating.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Lisa Bentsen's SingleSearch" has offices in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, and San Diego: SingleSearch http://www.singlesearch.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Single and Professional" targets Sausalito, Tiburon, Mill Valley, Corte Madera, San Rafael, and Novato: Single and Professional http://www.singleandprofessional.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Meet a Mate" is a personal introduction service operated by a mother/daughter team, serving Los Angeles and Orange County: http://www.meetamate.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's Just Lunch" serves Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, and Walnut Creek: It's Just Lunch http://www.itsjustlunch.com/home.asp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Gianna" is a professional matchmaker based in Los Angeles: LA Matchmaker http://www.lamatchmaker.com/info.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Professional matchmaker Marsha Winer offers two introduction services in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area: The Jewish Connection http://www.thejewishconnection.com/ Intros by Marsha http://www.introsbymarsha.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOT IN CALIFORNIA, BUT WORTH A LOOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ann Wood the Matchmaker http://annwoodthematchmaker.com/ LifeWorks Dating http://www.lifeworksdating.com/www/frayda.htm Matchmakers for Singles http://www.matchmakersforsingles.com/plans.html Meaningful Connections http://meaningfulconnections.com/default.htm Premiere Connections http://www.premiereconnections.net/ Melissa Darnay, Oldest Matchmaker in the USA http://www.funed.com/darnaym.htm Shamrock Matchmaking http://www.shamrockmatch.com/index.html Bonnie the Matchmaker http://www.bonniethematchmaker.com/index.htm Jewish Matchmaking http://www.jewishmatchmaking.com/company.html Better Beginnings http://www.betterbeginnings.com/page2.htm Janis Spindel, Matchmaker http://www.janisspindelmatchmaker.com/index.html Leora Hoffman Associates http://www.leorahoffman.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search terms used: "dating service(s)" "matchmaking service(s)" "introduction service(s)" "professional matchmaker" "upscale" "exclusive" "elite" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope this list will give your friend a wide field of options to consider. If anything requires clarification, please ask, and I'll be glad to refocus my search as needed. Best wishes, pinkfreud |
rated this answer:![]() Hey, my friend never mentioned the "generous men" angle! heh heh heh Thanks, pinkfreud, as always. Terrific answer. ron |
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Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: pinkfreud-ga on 03 Jun 2003 21:27 PDT |
Ron, Thank you very much for the five-star rating! I just realized that nowhere in your question did you specify your friend's gender. I guess "technocrat" just sounded to me like a guy. It's odd how deeply ingrained some of these assumptions can be! ~Pink |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 03 Jun 2003 22:12 PDT |
He is indeed a manly technocrat. A manly and wealthy technocrat. Probably why he's still single... heh heh heh Thanks again. ron |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: voila-ga on 04 Jun 2003 09:46 PDT |
You might also take a look at this previous question: http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=118961 |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 04 Jun 2003 10:09 PDT |
Thanks, voila ! Very kind of you to post your comment. I appreciate it ! ron |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: voila-ga on 04 Jun 2003 12:15 PDT |
My pleasure Mr. Tripleron. I am the Chuck Woolery of the Google Answers set. |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 04 Jun 2003 13:21 PDT |
heh heh heh :-) |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: benhad-ga on 21 Jul 2003 17:52 PDT |
Please! Don't go near: "Together Dating" has offices in Encino, Irvine, Los Angeles,and San Diego:Together Dating http://www.togetherdating.com/ .... A real con. You fill out a questionnaire; they contact you; you make an appointment when they go over your likes and dislikes...after they have verified your credit card. Your counselor says he/she will call....NOT. Instead the matchmaker calls (mine a sadistic _ _ _ _ _ named Arlene) who says it's in my best interest to agree to meet with a married, but going to be divorced match. NOT. The once-a-month mail with a new match (name, phone) never comes. Meanwhile your credit card was charged immediately. I'm trying for my money back, but meanwhile I intend to post this wherever I can find chat site. |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 22 Jul 2003 09:53 PDT |
Thanks, benhad, for your comment. Sorry to hear about your experience. Good luck to you ! ron |
From: sew17sew-ga on 26 Jul 2003 21:20 PDT |
One of these services mentioned above - Together Dating - is horrible. When you go meet them, they ask you why you haven't been successful, try to mak you believe they are your only hope, then try to charge you $3800 - $7700. The whole thing was ridiculous. I walked out. They are like used car salesman - very high pressure sales tactic. Ruthless. I feel bad for everyone who paid. Speaking as a guy who wants to meet younger (<30) women, do you REALLY think a typical twentysomthing woman can afford to pay $4000 for a dating service? I'll bet that a GREAT MAJORITY of women are 35+. |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 26 Jul 2003 23:27 PDT |
Thanks, sew17sew. I really appreciate your comment. ron |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: classylady-ga on 07 Dec 2003 23:33 PST |
Ron did your friend every find a decent service? I'm single and looking for a good service in Southern California! ;) |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 08 Dec 2003 12:53 PST |
Hi Classylady, I cannot comment on Southern California as I live in the Bay Area. My business partner (36-year-old male) had good results here with a dating service run by a woman named Kelleher. He paid $6000. First few dates were disasters. He then had a come-to-Jesus discussion with the owner. The very next date led to a long-term relationship that came very close to marriage. Overall, he thought the money was well-spent. I had a female client (38-years-old) who used a ~$3000 dating service in the East Bay (either Walnut Creek or Berkeley---not sure). That was a disaster, and she asked for her money back. She went on 6 dates. Only 1 had potential, and that guy wasn't interested in her. That's all the firsthand advice I can give. Good luck in finding your sweetheart ! ron |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: argentinetango-ga on 04 May 2004 11:07 PDT |
Dating Services and Singles Parties I've always found singles parties fun and enjoyable and a good alternative to dating services and the "bar scene." You can often meet 100's of singles in one evening and check them out face-to-face. Even if you don't meet someone special, the party is still a lot of fun. You can mingle, network, flirt and enjoy the music, dancing, party snacks and beverages (of various kinds). To find an organization in your area, search for "Singles Parties, <name of your city> or region. For example, to find such a club in the Bay Area, you might use Google and search for: Singles Parties, San Francisco Bay Area In Sacramento, your search might be: Singles Parites, Sacramento The club I like these days in Northern California the Professionals Guild, which also offers business networking along with its singles parties. The cover charge is moderate and often includes some really good party snacks: lunc h meat, cheese, bread, vegetables, fruits. You can often skip dinner! Another idea for meeting people, is to become more active in some activity you enjoy -- an activity which also attracts people you are trying to meet. I enjoy Argentine tango. So I enjoy attending "milongas" (which are special tango dance parties.) Try using Google and searching for the activity you enjoy, followed by your city. For example, I like to search for "Argentine Tango, Roseville" |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: nronronronro-ga on 04 May 2004 11:29 PDT |
Thanks, argentinetango ! Terrific advice. I really appreciate it ! ron |
Re: Dating Services For Big Bucks
From: copine-ga on 13 Feb 2005 08:40 PST |
What does anyone know about Valenti International?? |
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