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Researcher Ratings for eiffel-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 199

Showing Researcher Ratings 101-150 of 199 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 49 Ratings >>
Subject: Fair Royalty Agreements
Category: Business and Money > Small Businesses
Rating and comments by: junos-ga
5 stars
eiffel - Thanks very much - that's very useful
Subject: Classic Rock Album
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: nickvitt-ga
5 stars
Subject: Polarization of an electromagnetic wave
Category: Science > Physics
Rating and comments by: jsczepek-ga
5 stars
Very clear and readable answer that´s strictly oriented to what has
been asked. - That´s the way I like it !
Subject: desktop PC power consumption
Category: Computers > Hardware
Rating and comments by: micromatt-ga
5 stars
amazing...i'm very impressed by the thorough, detailed, and well-cited answer
Subject: Octopus reproduction
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: nanoalchemist-ga
5 stars
Super answer! It was one of those things that was just driving me
crazy not being able to track down. I had mentioned this to a friend
in the lab, and they -understandably- didn't believe it.

Subject: Pop music
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: tomster-ga
5 stars
Subject: Sex
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: 4sure-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: brainstorming
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Rating and comments by: inon-ga
5 stars
Subject: What kind of moth?
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: apteryx-ga
5 stars
Excellent, eiffel!  A positive ID, without a doubt.  Thank you very much.

Subject: William Cason's typeface foundry
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Visual Arts
Rating and comments by: annaliz-ga
5 stars
The answer I received was given to me in a timely manner, and I found
it very useful in my research of William Caslon.
Subject: Strange UK phone numbers
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: pjdday-ga
5 stars
Subject: Meaning of life
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: adamandu-ga
5 stars
This was definately worth the tip I gave.  Unfortunately I'm not a
cash rich person, so couldn't tip much.  However in a karmic sense,
this researcher is clearly already rich beyond most peoples dreams!
Subject: Buying an ice-maker in the UK
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: ach-ga
5 stars
Many thanks, just what I wanted; you're a credit to Google Answers.

For the record, we decided on the plumbed Contessa machine for £265.


Subject: "Sight" -- Can you see Cuba from the United States?
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: latino123-ga
5 stars
Thank you very much, this is what I was expecting. Excellent answer.
Subject: kaya infrared filter
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: alfa88-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: calculating lengths of right trangles from angles.
Category: Science > Math
Rating and comments by: sfgirl-ga
5 stars
perfect, thanks.
Subject: Services that search for specific news items
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: gordonc-ga
5 stars
Subject: Any ideas for naming a technique that I use?
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: probonopublico-ga
5 stars
No need to apologise, Eiffel, you deserve a reward for your magnificent efforts.

Please tell the Editors that your Answer is great

Warmest Regards

Subject: Find Six Words
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: roderick-ga
5 stars
Thanks a lot. I am delighted to have found this amazing Google service.
Subject: Toggle & Aggregate with CSS and JavaScript
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: nosneb-ga
4 stars
This was excellent and answered my question. This was really the best
reasonable response time.
Subject: Do row-scanning LED matrices sacrifice brightness for low pin count?
Category: Science > Technology
Rating and comments by: megacz-ga
4 stars
Thanks!!!  Quite helpful.  I guess there is no perfect answer since
this depends on the LEDs I use, but knowing that I'm probably not
losing anything close to 7/8ths of the percieved brightness (and might
even be gaining some) is good enough.  Thanks!
Subject: mortar washing brick surface
Category: Family and Home > Home
Rating and comments by: pedro2x-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Realistic Solution to Premature Ejaculation
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: mnklmd-ga
5 stars
Thank you.
The answer provided was presented very professional, I got just the
information that I have requested, and more. eiffel-ga is great :)
Subject: history of topographic map drawing from 1984 to 2004
Category: Reference, Education and News > Homework Help
Rating and comments by: mamamary-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Microsoft Word temporary files (path and file extension)
Category: Computers > Software
Rating and comments by: pootz-ga
5 stars
I asked a simple question and received an extensive answer...way to go :)
Subject: Machintosh pedigree
Category: Computers > Hardware
Rating and comments by: macnewbie-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Title of odd film
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: sixpence-ga
5 stars
Thanks for all your effort in answering my question.  Although the
title of my film looks like being very difficult to pin down, we have
at least discovered the theme and lots of pointers as to what it
possibly was.  I am impressed with the research conducted and will be
sure to use this service again.
Subject: medical
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: kate2004-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: DVD ROM Drive
Category: Computers > Hardware
Rating and comments by: biggles69-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Seeking a book of common database schemas
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: joelpt-ga
5 stars
Bingo! Thanks so much for the help.
Subject: DVD RAM Video Camera
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: aaz-ga
5 stars
Solid advice, supported with facts. Very responsive. Thanks eiffel-ga.
Subject: HTML Visualiser / Charter ?
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: southof40-ga
4 stars
That's great - thanks very much. Although I use a Mozilla based
browser I was unaware of its own capabilities in this area which are
even better than the web based options. Thanks again.
Subject: FORTRAN program conversion and syntax inquiry
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: oogle-ga
5 stars
Hi eiffel-ga,

Thanks for your reply, it has helped me bringing my code up and
running.  I just turned the "Read *" statement into a readline()
method in Java using the BufferReader object, so taking in user
inputs, as you will see from the source code below.  Thanks again

import java.lang.*;
import java.text.*;

public class explpa
   public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
      double U[] = new double [500];
      double V[] = new double [500];
      double dT, dx, THALF;
      int NP1, I, stdio;
      double T = 0.0;

      final double Tf = 20.0;
      final double Len = 10.0;
      final int N = 10;
      final double K = 0.53;
      final double C = 0.226;
      final double Rho = 2.70;
      final double Ratio = 0.25;
      NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance ();
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (;
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);

      stdio = Integer.parseInt (br.readLine());
      NP1 = N +1;
      dx = Len / N;
      dT = ( Ratio * C * Rho * dx * dx ) / K;
      for (I = 1; I <= NP1; I++)
              U[I] = stdio;
      Output1(T,Len,dx,T,U, NP1);
        THALF = T + dT / 2.0;
        U[1] = Left();
        U[N + 1] = Right();
        for (I = 2; I <= N; I++)
           V[I] = Ratio * (U[I + 1] + U[I - 1]) + (1.0 - 2 * Ratio) *
        T = T + dT;
        V[1] = Left();
        V[NP1] = Right();
        Output2(T, V, NP1);

        if (T > Tf) break;	//not a very good programming technique,
but will do for now

        THALF = T + dT / 2.0;
        V[1] = Left();
        V[N + 1] = Right();
        for (I = 2; I <= N; I++)
           U[I] = Ratio * (V[I + 1] + V[I - 1]) + (1.0 - 2 * Ratio) *

        T = T + dT;
        U[1] = Left();
        U[NP1] = Right();
        Output2(T, U, NP1);

        if (T > Tf) break;	//not a very good programming technique,
but will do for now

      while (true);	//not a very good programming technique, but will
do for now


   static void Output1 (double x_from, double x_to, double delta_x,
double at_T, double U[], int NP1)
      NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();


      StringBuffer OutputMessage = new StringBuffer();
         OutputMessage.append("Potential values in one dimension by
explicit method\n");
         OutputMessage.append ("   For X =   ");
         OutputMessage.append ( x_from );
         OutputMessage.append (" to X =   ");
         OutputMessage.append ( x_to );
         OutputMessage.append (" with delta X of   ");
         OutputMessage.append ( delta_x );
         OutputMessage.append ("\n\n");
         OutputMessage.append ("At T =  ");
         OutputMessage.append ( dfmt.format(at_T) );


      int k=0;

      for (int i = 1; i <= NP1; i++)
         System.out.print("  " + dfmt.format(U[i]));


         if (k==6) System.out.println();



   static void Output2 (double T, double V[], int NP1)
      NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
      System.out.print("Values at T = " + dfmt.format(T) + "\n");

      int k=0;

      for (int i = 1; i <= NP1; i++)
         System.out.print("  " + dfmt.format(V[i]) );


         if (k==6) System.out.println();



   static double Left ()
      return 0.0;

   static double Right ()
      return 100.0;

Subject: Measuring Unix gettimeofday system call resolution
Category: Computers > Operating Systems
Rating and comments by: sivasruj-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Financial Institutions and Markets
Category: Business and Money > Finance
Rating and comments by: chooseme-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Financial Institutions and Markets
Category: Business and Money > Finance
Rating and comments by: chooseme-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: How to compile a gnome program
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: ga1000-ga
5 stars
Subject: conversion of EXCESS THREE BINARY CODE to 6311 code
Category: Computers
Rating and comments by: bhargav76-ga
4 stars
Subject: gcc in RedHat 8.0
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: ga1000-ga
5 stars
Subject: XLS to PDF Conversion using PHP/Ghostscript
Category: Computers > Programming
Rating and comments by: g8z-ga
5 stars
Subject: Preventing the War in Iraq
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics
Rating and comments by: justaskscott-ga
5 stars
Thanks!  I like the first set of anti-war slogans especially.  Also,
it is interesting for me, as an American, to read about the British
protests -- especially since they are having some effect on the
government (though not enough, yet).  Your note of optimism was a nice
way to conclude.
Subject: Venus Inside the Crescent Moon
Category: Science
Rating and comments by: aceresearcher-ga
5 stars
Great explanation and support links -- Thanks!!!
Subject: Reserch classifying all known diseases known to man into 39 subcategories
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: aseelah-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Finance loan terms
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: tpf-ga
5 stars
Subject: comedy
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: dimeslcchgo-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Dollar ranking of coffee as a commodity as compared with other agricultural prod
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: baw-ga
5 stars
Subject: design a protocol2
Category: Computers > Security
Rating and comments by: eksolutions-ga
5 stars
Subject: design a protocol
Category: Computers > Security
Rating and comments by: eksolutions-ga
5 stars
Subject: Searching internet for Mathematical formulae
Category: Science > Math
Rating and comments by: ponderer-ga
5 stars
Thanks for your help, good thoughts and ideas - what I was looking. 
Interesting about how the search engine transforming the text before
indexing it.  Quite thorough.
Subject: Where can I find a really, really, really tiny speaker? (exact parameters below)
Category: Computers > Hardware
Rating and comments by: megacz-ga
5 stars
Great job!  Thanks!
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