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Researcher Ratings for kevinmd-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 69

Showing Researcher Ratings 1-50 of 69      Next 19 Ratings >>
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: yesmam-ga
5 stars
Dear Dr. Kevin-Thanks for your considerate answer. My disease is
multiple sclerosis and I understand that some medical schools still
teach that MS doesn't cause pain. About 1/2 of MS patients will
experience occasional sensory problems, and I've only come across
perhaps 5 or 6 people with constant grueling and intractable
neuropathy. I am one of the unlucky ones. Most neurologists try
anti-convulsant medication, but some have no luck with them.
As you know, narcotics are very controversial, but my take is when
they come up with a medication to treat "central" pain, the doctor
will wean me off of methadone, but in the meantime, I am considering
part-time work or volunteering for the first time in 14 years. It has
"saved" my life and wish that more conservative members of the medical
community refer patients to pain specialists because we have had our
lives turned around. It's been a miracle.
Thanks again,
Subject: Pain in groin area
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: petasa-ga
5 stars
Thank you for the response
Subject: Weight loss meds
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: weightloss-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Medicine
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: 211563-ga
5 stars
The Best.  His answer has given me a piece of mind I've needed for years.
Subject: Medical Skin Conditions
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: irwinito-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Pediactrics, Children and Babies
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: rspires-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: lower abdominal distension and gynecological disorders
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: dani2000-ga
3 stars
Subject: Excessive gas 5 months after lap.cholecystectomy (kevinmd-ga)
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: d_pen-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: blood anemia
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: jobo007-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: sleeping problems
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: littledaytona-ga
4 stars
gave me some very helpful info.thanks.
Subject: neck troubles
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: dani2000-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: elevated liver enzymes
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: startac-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: neurological disorders from celiacs disease
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: darcia-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: suresh_subramanian-ga
4 stars
Subject: discolored uvula
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: concernedcbk-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Nicotine and epileptic mood or attention deficits
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: josephus-ga
5 stars
Researcher did a thorough and well-considered literature review to answer my query.
Subject: Remacaid and other drugs that could result in toxic encephalopathy
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: amber96-ga
5 stars
There are times when words cannot express the gratitude one feels. 
This is one of those times. You have been so very kind. I wish only
the most wonderful of life's blessings to you.
Subject: health and types of diseases
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: chanel37-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Levodopa/Carbidopy
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: doctordoris-ga
5 stars
Superbly helpful answer.  Much appreciated!
Subject: Kevin MD
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: 080700-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Hiatal Hernia, IBS
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: dee1209-ga
5 stars
Your information was very helpful.
Subject: Prozac verus generic fluoxetine
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: bella_aria-ga
5 stars
Excellent response.  Thank you very much.
Subject: Possible Neurological problem
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: chewy2000-ga
5 stars
Subject: GI question for Kevin MD
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: pm01-ga
3 stars
Subject: treatment for colon cancer for kevinmd....
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: seekingsheep-ga
5 stars
I want to thank you for the excellent and very comprehensive answer
that you provided. The only thing more I could ask is if you could
tell us what to do, but that is a subjective question to a
life-depending situation. Thank you very much and I hope that sometime
in the near future you guys can find a cure for this most frustrating
disease, colon cancer.  It has interrupted a beautiful life of two
people who love each other more than anyone could possibly know and
for three children who love their father relentlessly. We will not
give up hope and I am dedicated to seeking a cure for my husband.  He
is one of those people who should be 'cloned' because he is unselfish,
caring, and has been the greatest husband and father imagineable. God
bless us and God bless you for helping us!
Subject: growth hormone
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: anonymous777-ga
5 stars
Subject: enlarged prostate
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: jeijei-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Severe head injury questions
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: catoms-ga
4 stars
My first question was answered to my satisfaction.  My second
question, however, requires clarification.  I apologize if my question
was not clear enough.
Subject: High Total Cholesterol vs. low LDL/HDL Ratio???
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: schmooz-ga
5 stars
The best $15 dollars I have ever spent for an answer well researched
and well answered.  In fact, it is the best ever for double the price.
. . which. . . I think I will!
Subject: estrogen
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: anonymous777-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: online recovery groups for addictive spending
Category: Family and Home
Rating and comments by: gb319-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Ankle surgery. kevinmd or voila (viola?) or someone with real medical backgroun
Category: Health > Seniors
Rating and comments by: hobbledehoy-ga
5 stars
Thankyou, kevinmd, for a really helpful answer.  You have given me
real ways to come to a decision based on knowledge.
Subject: kevinmd(alternate methods for hair loss
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: anonymous777-ga
5 stars
Subject: post concussion cure
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: neznaika-ga
5 stars
Thanks, good job. More specific question I should ask to physician as patiant
Subject: Bladder problem
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: timoffee-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Anti-Depressants and Sleeping Pills
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: titan6400-ga
4 stars
Subject: Health
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: nafisa-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: selsun blue moisturizing treatment
Category: Health > Beauty
Rating and comments by: anonymous777-ga
5 stars
Subject: Sulphur Dioxide
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: diltan-ga
4 stars
Very good thank you
Subject: theories of long and short term memories.
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Rating and comments by: angle90-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Medical question about acne.
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: jacques77-ga
5 stars
Thanks!  Very happy with the answer.
Subject: MRI scan
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: sandy5-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: lexapro
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: anonymous777-ga
4 stars
Subject: Pain in scrotum
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: netman520-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Respiratory System Assessment (basic nursing, not medical diagnosis viewpoint)
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: lisamcm-ga
5 stars
Spot on for my original question .... and I even got more really
useful info than I was expecting. Thanks
Subject: effects of medication on the body
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: lenman-ga
4 stars
Very concise. The answer completely covered all aspects of my
question. This was my first time using Google Answers and,
judging by response time and specificity of my question/answer, I will
not hesitate to use this service again.
Thank you very much.
Subject: Medicine
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: tendai-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: boy of 20 with tremors
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: mimimk-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Resources for women with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (in the USA)
Category: Health > Women's Health
Rating and comments by: raggedyrush-ga
5 stars
Thank you very much.  This is exactly the type of information I am looking for.
Subject: medical research
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: arnulfo-ga
This answer has not been rated.
     Next 19 Ratings >>

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