To 8ball-ga and other who have commented on my question my regrets at
having left unspecified the nature of the particles of interest. The
particles I was alluding to were subatomic particles, especially
ionized particles that have been hypothesized as having the capacity
to damage protoplasmic cells. So then the human body, say, may serve
as the frame of reference for the speed of these particles. Such
particles traveling at the speed of light would have a very short
residence time within whatever or whomever it might impinge upon. Call
the impingee me. My idea was that if such particles happened to be
moving with somewhere near the same speed and direction that I was
traveling (with respect to some very distant point of reference) the
particles' residence time within me would be lengthened according to
the degree of match. The longer the residence time, the better chance
of causing mischief, I would assume. Does such a thought have
heuristic value?
I thank 8ball-ga for his quick and thorough anwers.