Your answer is great but someone,, beat you to it
(he gave me the answer on 10/01). I immediately took his advice and I
am currently using the TVator. I got it below the manufactur price at and it is working very well. So, I can only give you a
four out of five stars - sorry. Still very good advice though.
One more thing for anyone else reading this or someone who has the
same problem, you should also pick up a cable called a "stereo
right-angle plug to two phono plugs" (available at most Radio Shacks)
otherwise you will see the video images from your computer on your
television but will not hear the sound. I specifically needed to
transfer a mpg music video to VHS tape. The TVator does that just
fine but it does not transfer the sound. So you have plug one end of
the afore mentioned cable (plug) into your computer's speaker line-out
jack and the other end into the "left & right" audio-in plugs of your
VCR so that the audio will record along with the video. Anyway,
thanks to all for all your help and support and I should have my video
completed and in the mail by next week - and I won't have to pay an
overpriced video production house to transfer it to tape.
Woooohooooo! :)