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Researcher Ratings for pinkfreud-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 2354
Number of Refunds: 13

Showing Researcher Ratings 651-700 of 2354 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 50 Ratings >>
Subject: Scene in neo-nazi documentary
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: skomand-ga
5 stars
That's the one! Talk about a real horror movie... 
Subject: Finding a waste basket for paralized
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: hairymp-ga
5 stars
Good, fast answer! I've been looking for 6 months, you helped me in 5
hours total. Thank You!
Subject: Search for a musician
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: georgeiii-ga
5 stars
This is the first time that I use this specific Googleservice, and I
am delighted about the speed and the completeness of the reply.
Subject: Outdoor Beanbag fronm New Zealand
Category: Family and Home > Home
Rating and comments by: carpetbagger-ga
5 stars
That's it!
Many thanks
Subject: Requiem Emp. Franz Josef
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: h2olily-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Darwin on shame in dogs
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: gojohns-ga
5 stars
Good for you; thank you. I have used that Amazon search feature, but
it never occurred to me that one might do research with it. I will
keep that in mind. thanks again.
Subject: Actors union in the Netherlands
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: smartmonkey-ga
3 stars
Subject: Compnaies that supposrt the military
Category: Relationships and Society > Government
Rating and comments by: highvoltageblond-ga
5 stars
Subject: Spot/stain remover
Category: Family and Home > Home
Rating and comments by: fatherlarre-ga
5 stars
Subject: a children's tool for recording temporary thoughts, images, drawings, etc
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: gotisbrown3000-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: In which science fiction short story did the word liebury occur?
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: jotter-ga
5 stars
This was a completely satisfactory answer to a long standing question
of mine.  It was particularly pleasing to find references to
discussions and reviews of the story, and to be directed toward
various anthologies it had appeared in.  First rate!
Subject: Cabbage Juice for Ulcers
Category: Health > Alternative
Rating and comments by: mades32388-ga
5 stars
Thanks, that was very informative & everything I was looking for!!!
Subject: urination problems in children
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: dpeterson-ga
4 stars
Subject: bumps on tongue aka lye bumps??????
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: groove101-ga
5 stars
well i was hoping for a cure but if there is not one than magic
mouthwash it is thanks alot guys for all your helpand for responding
so quickly good job keep up the good work!!!
Subject: Simple Ephedra Weight Loss Question
Category: Health > Fitness and Nutrition
Rating and comments by: byoung-ga
5 stars
The researcher provided me exactly what I needed, I just need to
improve my web searching techniques.  Thank you for the expedient
Subject: Movies about sports
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: joevegas-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Late Show with David Letterman
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: mba_bound-ga
5 stars
Subject: Movie or TV line quote
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: science_guy-ga
5 stars
Great research! Couldn't find this information when I Googled the phrase. Thanks!
Subject: Is there evidence that Jesus had a sense of humor?
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion
Rating and comments by: justanotherblogger-ga
5 stars
Thanks PF! Sorry about the earlier confusion. You deserve the cash.
You were flying! (Get it? PF Flyers? I kill me!) And one of us owes
CZH a soda pop or better! I'll add $2.00 tip to this and you two can
work it out. If you got to a Wal Mart -- and if the machines AREN'T
broken (big "IF") -- that's eight Sam's sodas.

I would think that Jesus had to have a sense of humor too. Even the
most dour human I've met had a sense of humor, at one time or another.
Your research shows interpretable instances but still it is
interpretation. Alas and alack, the lack of empirical evidence though
pretty much indicates to me the editors of the scriptures were pretty
heavy-handed with the blue pencil. IMO, if humor is edited out to
create an illusion of someone who is serious all the time, then that
pretty much proves the image contained within the Bible was molded
into the image and likeness the editor wished and is not a true
representation of Jesus -- and we are all the worse for being
prevented from seeing this facet of him.
Subject: Acidic sweat and health effects
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: rxavierchambers-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Name this movie
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: zousand-ga
5 stars
ding! thanks man, you rock
Subject: name of national park with underground waterway
Category: Science > Earth Sciences
Rating and comments by: jjensen-ga
5 stars
Fabulous answer!  Much more than I expected.  I tried Google, but put
"cave" or "cavern" in my searches, and thus didn't get it.  Well worth
the few dollars to search.  This was the trivia question in a catalog
for a small outdoor equipment outlet company, and getting it right
saves me $10 in shipping.  So it is worth the Google answers price and
a tip, as I am still coming out a few dollars ahead, and I learned
where this was -- it was bugging me!  Your answer makes me want to
travel to see the park!


Thank you!
Subject: Song title from the movie 50 First Dates
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: forge-ga
5 stars
Quick response! :)
Subject: Efficacy of Embrel
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: purrsian-ga
5 stars
Fabulous, Pink.  Thank you.  My husband suffers from a pretty base
case of psoriasis and, although I might just be second-guessing how
deep the emotional scars are, is really unhappy and insecure about
that.  When his doctor prescribed Embrel, I could see a veil lift. 
So, I'm just crossing my fingers and toes.  My husband will not be on
methotrexate because the doctor feels that having had prior treatments
with it, he didn't want to expose my husband's liver to anymore.  So,
thanks, again.  You're quite a terrific researcher. :-))
Subject: Why is Pinkfreud's name in answer and comment headings violet instead of blue?
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: myoarin-ga
5 stars
Dear Pink,
I was about to answer when I was called away to dinner.  I don't think
our electic stove gets hot enough for a wok to stir-fry properly, but
it still was good.
The five stars are for the entertainment quality, and the tip, because
everyone is watching  (can't let people hear that you're just letting
coins drop in the offering plate. Are there any two dollar bills
around any more?  Jefferson, Monte Cello, lovely).
Is there really an International Talk Like a Pirate Day"?  There can't
be  - not international, at least -, but I can't imagine you rhymed
your ditty just for me, but expect that you could have whipped it off
that quickly  -  "... GAR, GAR, GAR."
Grand Army of the Republic:  "Gather round the flag boys, gather once
again, and sing the Battle Cry of Freedom."
You can tell that I greatly enjoy your responses, though it is
disappointing when you get the first word in, it is usually the last
serious one.
Keep on elucidating and entertaining!

Thanks and best,
Subject: Quotation at the end of Malcolm Lowry's "Under the Volcano"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: gusbastien-ga
5 stars
Just what I needed.
Subject: Classic Cars
Category: Sports and Recreation > Automotive
Rating and comments by: thefraz-ga
5 stars
Great Job. Exactly the info I needed.
Subject: restaurant menu covers
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: scottyman19-ga
5 stars
straight to the answer thank you very much, first time used this
service ,highly recommend it to anyone
Subject: Searching for the source of a passage by St. Augustine
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: mevlana-ga
5 stars
Subject: 80's Science fiction series
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: arcticfox-ga
5 stars
Perfect! This guy knows what he is talking about!
Subject: Gorillia revenge.
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: nickhance-ga
5 stars
Thanks for the quick response, thats exactly the answer I was looking for.
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: gingin-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Sean Penn
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: patrice29-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Camp Aristamayah
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: beegej-ga
5 stars
Excellent work! pinkfreud-ga did a great job and was quick to provide
a response with the answer I was looking for. Thank you very much!!
Subject: Perceptions of beauty and jury trial outcomes
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: h34th3r-ga
4 stars
All the data looks creditable and is not fully all the information I
was looking for but has given me a great lead on it.  Thanks
Subject: Central American Women Singers - 1980s
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: hanna13-ga
5 stars
Fabulous.  I am astounded by the speed and depth of reply I received. 
Thank you!  I have been searching for this answer for about 5 years.
Subject: Business Woman from Brooklyn
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: wonderfull-ga
5 stars
Subject: Hemangiosarcoma in dogs
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: uschi-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: treatment of lupus nephritis
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: golfpropig-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: recipe for macaroni and cheese casserole
Category: Family and Home
Rating and comments by: phranqueanswers-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Differences between babies born naturally vs. via c-section
Category: Health > Children
Rating and comments by: mharoks-ga
5 stars
Thanks for the fantastic answer, Pinkfreud! I can see why you have
such a great reputation on Google Answers.
Subject: ameecheo coku
Category: Science
Rating and comments by: mrkyle1-ga
5 stars
Thanks so much. Now I hope he has a online radio show. For he is a
brilliant Scientist. Thanks again,its great to know you fellers are
there to help.
Subject: Ciglitazone
Category: Science
Rating and comments by: aprillee76-ga
5 stars
Subject: Wackiki Wabbitt cartoon
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: gardnervillian-ga
5 stars
thank you!
Subject: ancient quote
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: minerswife-ga
4 stars
Subject: Woman Singers
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: zppychppy3-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: what is the joke to this punch line?
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: timespacette-ga
5 stars
great links!
Subject: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: gmosca-ga
5 stars
Thanks for the prompt and thorough answer!!  I was slightly concerned
I had dreamt this book up during my troubled youth.
Subject: puberty and academic performance (thorough answer please)
Category: Family and Home > Families
Rating and comments by: bugbear-ga
5 stars
Great work.  I was hoping you'd take this question.
Subject: very confidential from andrea messie.
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships
Rating and comments by: globalprestationcote-ga
This answer has not been rated.
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