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Researcher Ratings for pinkfreud-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 2354
Number of Refunds: 13

Showing Researcher Ratings 1351-1400 of 2354 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 50 Ratings >>
Subject: Religion
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: monicamonica-ga
5 stars
Exceptional address on the subject.  I now know far more than I even
asked for.  Thanks very much to pinkfreud.  Next month I will ask her
about my diabetic CAT!!
Subject: Lyrics of 1960s song
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: meinadelaide-ga
5 stars
The answer was exactly correct and I really appreciated the additional
information provided on where to get recordings etc.
Subject: For Pinkfreud: Please buy another Cat
Category: Family and Home > Pets
Rating and comments by: probonopublico-ga
5 stars
Well ...

Not the answer I was hoping for and SORRY but I'm not completely satisfied.

OK, I can accept that you would never buy a cat. Who would?

But, supposing a great, big, hunky Tom drops by and decides to stay,
you could easily get round the nomenclature problem with your hub, by
renaming hub Yorick and, this way, he'll be thrilled when he finds out
that you've written a song about him.

Yes, I do adore the song and I am sure that your Yorick will like it, too.

Which reminds me, I went to a Cole Porter musical 'Out of This World'
a couple of weeks ago and it was AWFUL!

I've always associated Cole Porter with clever lyrics and catchy tunes
but nary a one.

So the opportunity is there for you to move into Broadway with a smash hit ...

Please confirm that as you have so kindly 'presented me' with the
lyrics, this counts as a gift inter vivos, and I can now start
collecting the Royalties for evermore.

I knew Yorick, knew Yorick--a wonderful clown
And now I jump in a hole in the ground

Oh, I do wish that Vera-Ellen was still around to do her stuff.

All the Best


Here's to the next 1,000!
Subject: For Pinkfreud: Step over the threshold
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: serenata-ga
5 stars
This is where I get to "Please add a comment to help maintain our
research standards" ... and so far as I am concerned, Miss Pink SETS
research standards.

I've been outpunned again, but it's all Greek to me!

Subject: A few significant facts about the number 1,000? - pinkfreud please
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: denco-ga
5 stars
Ahhh, if it was only possible to rate this Answer with 1,000 stars!

"Let one thousand flowers bloom!" - Mao Zedong

AML!  denco-ga
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Performing Arts
Rating and comments by: mcisencraft-ga
5 stars
Great Job Pink!  Did the Psalm 119 factor ever come up during your
research?  I am very happy with you answer. Thanks, McIsencraft.
Subject: Baby and Child Product Regulations
Category: Family and Home
Rating and comments by: flowergal6220-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Words of a poem.
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: quitega-ga
5 stars
Anyone who awards any service - anywhere - with five stars, and
immediately suggests how to make improvements would be a ripe nut. BUT
if Google programmers can find a way of insinuating dedicated
detection for "Literature, Poetry, and Quotations" [in Advanced Search
fields] it really would be great!
I guess it would "simply" mean tagging all such online material and
using a less bamboozling searchlight. A laser, perhaps?  :-) Many
thanks. <br> Andrew Marvell indeed! It is a good feeling to read
something once again after a lapse of half a century - like meeting a
very long lost friend. Many thanks to you, pinkfreud-ga! Love the
name! You don't need no ejjercation - but you certainly ain't just a
bwick in de war! Oh dear. Damn those chariots! (I *thought* the word
was hurrying and seem to remember my English master rambling on about
it lending a touch of onomatopoeia to help one hear the chariots. In
retrospect,  I must have felt my teacher - the serendipitously named
Mr. Maybe, who always smelled faintly of Dettol - an Englishman
teaching in Australia in the early 50s. - a strange man with an even
stranger wife - immediately became more interested in the concept of
onomatopoeia than in the Mr. Marvell's Mistress. Pinkfreud! Hah! Love
it. BTW it seems I am registered here (don't remember doing it) with
another '-ga' suffixed username. I saw it just now. At first glance, I
really couldn't make head nor tail of it.  Quitega-ga. It threw me
with its somewhat Aztec features and only after twigging your own
did I recall . . . after a mere 50 years . . . that I am indeed quite ga-ga! :-)
Subject: unscrambling words
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: hipc-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Info on neophilin, drug used in Japanese hospitals
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: jhitchin-ga
5 stars
Subject: Contemporary African Culture
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: bernie7667-ga
5 stars
Subject: Pup Chases Tail
Category: Family and Home > Pets
Rating and comments by: kalinova-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Sex OTB
Category: Sports and Recreation > Team Sports
Rating and comments by: badabing-ga
5 stars
I hear ya.  there's nothin' worse than the Attack of the Genital Sand
Crabs.  that Greek SOB with the, uh ... Southern (dis)Comfort
recipe frightens granny, but I'm with ya on the cooksrecipes.  I like
that raspberry stuff so set me up with one of those umbrellas drinks
of Chambord.  Kansas can keep their blue-haired cheerleaders.  thanks
for the info, gal!  helpful as always.
Subject: Mount Everest
Category: Science > Earth Sciences
Rating and comments by: delta232-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: websites in china
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: jclotet-ga
4 stars
Subject: detemination of soil protease activities
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: donmax-ga
5 stars
Thanks alot, Your answers are great.
Subject: Pharmaceuticals development attrition at different stages
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: poet-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: For PINKFREUD: Help with stiff back
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: kriswrite-ga
5 stars
Perfect! Thank you :)
Subject: Triangle on book UPC codes
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: mmussel3-ga
5 stars
The response was extraordinarily quick, and included sources and
future search strategies. I couldn't have asked for more. Too awesome.
Thanks so much!
Subject: Probability for mathtalk
Category: Science > Math
Rating and comments by: racecar-ga
5 stars
Subject: Female tendency to be cold
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: darrenlu-ga
4 stars
Awsome! Thanks for the quick and comprehensive response!
Subject: pre-modern ideas about the sensation of pain.
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: sasquatch77-ga
5 stars
fast & fantastic
Subject: quote from poem
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: lostinspace-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Why are pigeon's feet seldom normal?
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: ansgarjohn-ga
4 stars
Very good answer. I also learnt about the OR option for searches.
That's helpful. I think my brother had Staphylococcus on his hands
when he was younger.
Subject: Survivor Prize Breakdown
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: kingdave-ga
5 stars
Great, thanks! I mostly wanted to know how much Rupert won, but I will
still vote for him to win a million...thanks again.
Subject: Maizells Kent
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: stepco1947-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Explorer - address bar disappeared
Category: Computers > Software
Rating and comments by: bbb-ga
5 stars
Thanks for the courteous help, and for looking into the reliability of
the sites recommended.
Subject: Quantity of blood and water Jesus lost when side pierced by lance ($10)
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: rialp-ga
5 stars
Outstanding!  Fast turnaround, comprehensive answer, links to many
resources, search strategies included.  Tip well deserved!  Thanks!
Subject: latin expression
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: lhenderson-ga
5 stars
very fast, with references to boot.  very pleased indeed!   see that
expression everywhere but never totally understood its meaning.

thanks, pinkfreud
Subject: water fountain display
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: rwp1-ga
5 stars
Subject: circular & notice
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Rating and comments by: donmax-ga
3 stars
Thanks for been there.
Subject: Agatha Christie
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: blake1971-ga
4 stars
It seems I am asking the impossible question, for the generalized
statements are not helpful to me for my specific need.  I will try and
use some of your advice, but again, I require long term historical
data.  Seems impossible, but thanks for your work on this matter.  I
guess I cannot afford a higher bid.
Subject: Info on the Loop System for the hearing impaired (in America)
Category: Health > Seniors
Rating and comments by: freakfarm-ga
5 stars
Subject: Russian legend
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Rating and comments by: delaplla-ga
5 stars
Subject: english drinking song
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: delaplla-ga
5 stars
Excelent Job!
Subject: crossed bottons
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Rating and comments by: delaplla-ga
4 stars
Subject: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
Category: Computers
Rating and comments by: steph53-ga
5 stars
WOW!!!!!!!!! The question was answered in mere minutes after I posted
it. Does anyone at GA keep track of extremely fast answered questions?
If they do..this one sure must be near the top of the list ;)
Thanks a bunch Pink...a pleasure to see you again as always...

Subject: Need to know the song that goes with these lyrics!
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: floridasc-ga
5 stars
Subject: Information
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: annie3219-ga
4 stars
Very fast turnaround.  Complete answer.
Thank you.
Subject: can hedge funds advertise?
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: cashindahat-ga
5 stars
Subject: Divorce Statistics
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships
Rating and comments by: josch-ga
5 stars
Excellent, thorough and quick.  Thank you!
Subject: Censorship of plaque placed on Pioneer Spacecraft
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion
Rating and comments by: tom_cortese-ga
5 stars
Subject: Archaeo;ogy or Anthropology
Category: Science > Technology
Rating and comments by: warren5-ga
5 stars
exactly what I was looking for.
Subject: Hotel cardkeys
Category: Sports and Recreation > Travel
Rating and comments by: apteryx-ga
5 stars
Nice going, Pink.  Thank you.  l'll feel that much more secure in a
hotel from now on.

So you were at the Orlando AG.  Amazing!  So was I.  It was a big
occasion for my husband.

Subject: Top Beach resort show on Discover channel
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: freakfarm-ga
5 stars
Subject: Translation: English to Scots Gaelic
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: rglater-ga
5 stars
Fast and friendly. And a bonus track.  I waited a year for an answer
at a Scots Gaelic forum, nada.  Now I can seize the day in 4
Subject: for PINKFREUD
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: stapalhead-ga
5 stars
Subject: For Pinkfreud: Who Was Witness Lee?
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion
Rating and comments by: isaiah4319-ga
5 stars
Everything I need to start delving into this topic.  Thanks!
Subject: godparent etiquette:who gets named godparent?
Category: Family and Home > Families
Rating and comments by: loqui-ga
5 stars
Thanks for all the details. (More than I really need, but I guess
that's what you guys do.)
Subject: Guinness Custom Irish Pubs
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: uzzz-ga
5 stars
Thank you for the speedy response.7
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