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Researcher Ratings for pinkfreud-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 2354
Number of Refunds: 13

Showing Researcher Ratings 1801-1850 of 2354 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 50 Ratings >>
Subject: Can I use celebrity images
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: iamdakota-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Using collection agencies to retrieve overdue public library materials
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: griffinjay-ga
5 stars
Very thorough response. Thank you.
Subject: quillam syndrome
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: barryh-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Song- GROOVY GRUB WORM by group called "The Groovy Grubworms".
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: johnfrommelbourne-ga
5 stars
No Pinkfreud you wont have to go any further as it was definately an
instrumental that I remember and you have highlighted the fact that
it(the tune you refer to) is an instrumental so no doubt that would be
the song. I will venture into the sites you offer but also now that I
know that it exists and because I forget completely what it sounded
like I will ask my 15 year old computer whiz-bang daughter to see if
she can locate it at a point where she can download it legally and
hear it all over again.  I was doubtful that it existed initially as
no-one that I know had ever heard of it when I raised it in
conversation and I suspect it was not much of a hit here at all in
Whata shame the group that sung it was not called "The Groovy
grubworms" as I am sure you will agree this a wonderful name for a
band. You answered the question correctly and thoroughly so cant
logically be anything but five stars.
Subject: music cassette tape tranfer
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: smack-ga
5 stars
Excellent service
Subject: fox repellant
Category: Family and Home
Rating and comments by: da1-ga
5 stars
Many thanks for the answer
Subject: Boil-Water Advisory
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: beauregard-ga
5 stars
Miss Pink,
As usual your answer was thorough and precise and I thank you. I'm
going to use the dishes from the dish washer, and I will rinse out the
cat's dish as you advised. Don't know whether he is fond of bleach or
not, but we'll see. Again I thank you. I'll close this item, but we
can continue to communicate on this issue. If I come down with any of
the symptoms mentioned, you'll be the first to know. Well, second,
actually because I'll tell the 911 lady first.

Subject: Phonograph Record
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: mish3456-ga
3 stars
Came up with some interesting information; however, the record I was
looking for was definitely for  "16 Old Ladies Locked (not stuck)
in a Lav'ratry" and the time frame on the record was Monday through
Subject: The cost of Clinton - Lewinsky scandal
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics
Rating and comments by: timespacette-ga
5 stars
thanks, I'll do that.
Subject: Retirement benefits of United States Senators
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Rating and comments by: iampersnickety-ga
4 stars
Good answer and quick.
Subject: Music
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: mthinker-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: E H Cookridge (aka Edward Spiro)
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: probonopublico-ga
5 stars
There are many challengers but you're still the tops.
Subject: Capital Punishment in the U.S.
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Rating and comments by: leokola-ga
5 stars
This is just the kind of info I wanted that I can quote in my chapter.  Thanks!
Subject: Liposuction & weight re-distribution
Category: Health > Women's Health
Rating and comments by: marinmom-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Lesser known side effects of Botox?
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: 4u2do-ga
5 stars
Stellar! Exactly what I wanted and more. I did talk to my doc
yesterday, but somewhat understandably he recited only that known
possible side effect of ptosis and said anything else I was
seeing/feeling was probably just coincidental. I do think in his
experience it's possible he hasn't seen my condition or that most
people don't bother to call. I also know cosmetic docs can't help but
bristle a bit right out of the gate, as typically things are just
never "QUITE good enough." BUT! I just knew more was out there,
especially for one with eyes as sensitive as mine. Thanks for putting
my mind at ease that I am not imagining things or a hypochondriac. I
certainly was not anticipating that any of this could happen -- had
never heard any such thing. Anyway, it's a bit better today, and while
I haven't followed all the links yet I see through your blurbs that
there is hope that at least some aspects of my condition may not last
the whole 3 to 6 months. Thanks Pink!
Subject: Origin of Phrase
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: troubadour2003-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: General information of what it takes to win a Pulitzer Prize in physics?
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: pendleton-ga
5 stars
Dear Pinkfreud-ga  you in no way let me down!!! Your excellent and
thorough answer (though different from what I expected) helped me a

You really did go the second mile with my own "Pullet Surprise"!!!

Keep up the good and fast answers!  I want answers and you gave it!

John P.
Subject: Manufacture phone number oe e-mail or internet address
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: wilhelmy-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: To be Forgiven
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships
Rating and comments by: steph53-ga
5 stars
Thank you Pink....
Whatever the future holds is in my hands now and if I am truly never
forgiven then I must accept that...
Subject: Finding a webb site
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: safarizim-ga
4 stars
The questions was answered properly.
Subject: Roman slave branding/tatoo "KUG"
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: alex10294-ga
5 stars
I gave him/her the wrong information and got the right answer anyway- and fast.
Subject: Bookmark From One Page To Another In The Same Web
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: thebookguy-ga
5 stars
Answered & replied quickly. Provided exactly what I needed. Thanks!
Subject: Item on the "Friends" sitcom
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: hoochie-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: lightedbdisplay martini glasses
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: ogre1234-ga
1 stars
Maybe I was not clear enough...I need martini glasses for outdoor
display not for drinking purposes
Subject: searches in search engines
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: astrokoala1-ga
4 stars
Subject: Techno song from American Pie
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: jashnimal-ga
5 stars
This is weird because he got me the answer so fast its like he is
reading my mind :). He gave lots of info on the thing i wanted and
explaned it really well.
Subject: What Color is Penguin Poop?
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: dbishop-ga
5 stars
Well presented and very funny too. Scatological analysis has never been so much fun!
Subject: author earnings
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: jrudland-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Who wrote the greatest number of words in their personal journals?
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: nimbel9-ga
5 stars
Thank you for this great answer. This question has been digging at the
back of my brain for many many years, since starting my own journal. I
had read that one of those two famous authors had written volumes and
volumes of personal material, but to know that some individual has
written more than 38 million words. Wow.
Subject: Green Celebrities
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Celebrities
Rating and comments by: rook2-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Current Water Heating Cost for Shower
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: jbell-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Phantom of the Opera Silent Film
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: princesspinky80-ga
5 stars
Thank you so much pinkfreud, (aka "pinky").  You were so patient and
your answer was entertaining and informative!  I'll see you in the
Subject: Connecting DVD to TV/VCR combo
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: arpy-ga
5 stars
Excellent help and info.  Not just the basics, but intelligent gueses,
which always lead to the real deal. Thanks so much.  RC
Subject: Gaining weight pill
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: sromanski-ga
5 stars
Thank you so much.
Subject: size of shareware software industry
Category: Business and Money > Economics
Rating and comments by: englishpaulm-ga
5 stars
Quick response, links to detailed websites. Thanks!
Subject: Suicides in 3rld world countries
Category: Relationships and Society > Cultures
Rating and comments by: anthe-ga
5 stars
Subject: Papal document
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: wes999-ga
5 stars
I especially like the fact that the answer contained both the Latin
and English versions.  When I posted my question, I was hoping to be
able to read the original Latin text.
Subject: safe alternate source for drinking water
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: 29palms-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: History of the song "into the air Junior birdman"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: trebor60-ga
5 stars
so much more that I expected, well done!
Subject: An Etheopian spice called Barbere
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: rabbit12345-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Song- "If it don't fit don't force it"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: annebeth-ga
5 stars
Thanks! Thats song got stuck in my head, and I wanted to hear it
again. Can you split a tip with Mark?
Subject: For Pinkfreud ONLY
Category: Family and Home > Pets
Rating and comments by: probonopublico-ga
5 stars
I'm convinced.

Keep up the good work!

Subject: Drugs used by Liberian soldiers
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: watrom-ga
5 stars
Far out.  First time I've done this.  Love the Google search tips too.
 I'll probably use them to avoid Google answer fees in the future but
at least I know where to turn to when I'm stumped.  Thanks.
Subject: where to find cd's by Austrailian Didgerydoo group "Outback"
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: marthaskids-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: For Pinkfreud ONLY
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: probonopublico-ga
5 stars
Hi, Goddess

You have done it again!

Many thanks.

Your Devotee & #1 Fan

Subject: Old children's song
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: hippo-ga
5 stars
Thank thank you thank you....
Subject: crossword
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: birdma-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: "Manufacturing of Baseballs"
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: baseballman-ga
5 stars
Great job!  Too bad there is no way that we can use you as "our
researcher" becasue we think you did a great job and we have a lot
more research to do.
Subject: rubber frying pan
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: oliver-ga
5 stars
Cheers Pink,
Excelent service from google answers as ever.
Subject: 911 poem - a girl who has lost her dad
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: snoopy2001-ga
5 stars
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