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Researcher Ratings for pinkfreud-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 2354
Number of Refunds: 13

Showing Researcher Ratings 1951-2000 of 2354 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 50 Ratings >>
Subject: Reference/Publication for a Carl Jung Quote
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: rondala-ga
5 stars
Thorough, precise - complete!  -- AND FAST

I'm ever grateful!
Subject: Any subject you choose - for Pinkfreud only
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: justaskscott-ga
5 stars
Always good to have some thoughts for Memorial Day that concern the
reason for the day, as opposed to barbecues, swimming, etc.
Subject: 3 or more quick links on contact lens scandal
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Rating and comments by: banchan-ga
5 stars
wow!  thanks so much!
Subject: Popular Music of the 70's-80's
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: headdoc-ga
5 stars
This is very helpful. Thanks. I've been putting together the
"definitive music mix" for a 30th High School Class Reunion and I
wanted representation from all years, not just our High School years,
so I needed lots of ideas, and I got them! VH1 just announced the 100
top songs of the last 25 years; they match uop with us in some places
and deviate wildly in others! Thanks.
Subject: spraying equipment made in italy
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: bowser-ga
5 stars
Subject: music
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: tsukimitim-ga
5 stars
Exactly what I wanted and couldn't find myself (mostly because I was
searching for "pronunciation" instead of "prodounced.")
Subject: Create a brand name for a professional service - for PINKFREUD-ga
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: manchester-ga
5 stars
Good as always!
Subject: Beard growth
Category: Health > Men's Health
Rating and comments by: descartes21-ga
4 stars
Thank you for a good and clearifying answer!
Subject: Rare Blood Cancers
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: wananchi-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Slogan for wireless messaging and content provider.
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Rating and comments by: lizardnation-ga
5 stars
Great slogan. :-)

Subject: How can I send a telegram to USA and not use Western Union?
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Rating and comments by: pendleton-ga
5 stars
Pinkfreeud-ga did it again! Exactly what I asked for, 2 options from Internet.
Great job!! Keep up the great work and hope to "read" you soon!

God bless you to know and do His will!
John Pendleton
Subject: physical well being
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: qpet-ga
4 stars
Thank you, pinkfreud, this will do just fine!
Subject: Underground Railroad
Category: Relationships and Society
Rating and comments by: yeekie-ga
5 stars
Thank you, pinkfreud-ga for such prompt and thorough research!  I
appreciate having all the sites you listed and the prices of the
prints and posters, too!
You made my first experience with Google Answers a positive one!
Subject: Inspiration - for Pinkfreud
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: umiat-ga
5 stars
Thank you for some words to keep in my heart. Your answer is very much
a mirror of who you are. I will remember the words and the melodies
you have sent my way.
Subject: Architecture of the Scroll and Keys Building at Yale University
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: maureen44-ga
5 stars
Research was great help!
Subject: History of Mental Illness
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: mary_sue-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: friend of Tina
Category: Relationships and Society > Cultures
Rating and comments by: badabing-ga
5 stars
you've outdone yourself, Pinkie!  very interesting reading and I'm
ahead of the game now knowing what eena and gina are.  I was hoping
for more sources like the whitehousedrug policy but maybe they don't
care how the label originated but only the various names and
combinations of meth.  your extrapolation from the gay drug culture
seems entirely reasonable.  I must've had a mind meld on a wizard of
oz connection when I addressed the question to the munchkins.  thanks
for all your hard work and for everyone's juicy comments.  denco,
granny loved reading your alternate view of TINA.
Subject: what is the old wives tale about Planting lavender
Category: Family and Home
Rating and comments by: colorwizard-ga
4 stars
My question was a bit fuzzy and Pinkfreud did a good job at giving me
Lots of info on the subject
good sense of humor
Subject: Architecture and Design
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Rating and comments by: cees-ga
5 stars
even with the incorrect spelling of names the answer is outstanding.
Subject: Wallace's rule of nines is for estimating body area in burn victims
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: ellefinn-ga
5 stars
This answer was much more than I expected. And it was indeed a lucky
coincidence!!! I found none of this information in my own search. I
will use this service again. Thank you so much.
Subject: Joey Harrington
Category: Sports and Recreation > Team Sports
Rating and comments by: madmad-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Dangers in water from plastic bottles?
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: kimt-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Category: Science > Biology
Rating and comments by: yesmam-ga
5 stars
Isn't thinking fun?
I'm glad that you enjoyed this question too.

Subject: Proper name of the geometrical shape of a hot dog?
Category: Science > Math
Rating and comments by: latexbuster-ga
5 stars
Thanks, a great answer.
Subject: What should be my daily fat/carbohydrates intake be per day and can I eat rice?
Category: Family and Home > Food and Cooking
Rating and comments by: johnfrommelbourne-ga
5 stars
Thanks very much Pinkfreud, You have left me with a mass of info that
I have just got to on Sunday having been away last couple of days.
Only been through one link to date, the calorie count chart link which
 showed me a few things about some foods that I would never have known
otherwise. Studying intently also your daily intake per day suggestion
to maintain weight at 78 and 71 kilos
I should of course go right through everything provided before rating
your answer but what I have seen in your personal text alone would
indicate that the info in links provided is of a similar quality so
has to be five stars. In any case you have a highly credentialed
reputation to maintain so would not expect much less that 5 out of
five type info from you on most occasions. Thanks againand good louck
in mainatining your weight also.

 P.S When are you Americans going to join the rest of the world and
work out your distances, weights etc based on tens such as
kilometeres, kilograms etc. It is much easier and there is now only
one country in the world using the imperial measuring system,the USA.
Subject: US Importer of coffee from Loas?
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce
Rating and comments by: jkopp-ga
5 stars
quick, great, and much more info than i found on the web on my own. 
this expert-researcher thing is fantastic.
Subject: Copyright...
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: tstyle-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Regis and Kelly Live KB Home Contest
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: cseeking-ga
5 stars
Very fast and helpful.
Subject: Lynne Withey
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: worldallstar-ga
5 stars
The book cited is to be discussed an a local book  club tomorrow,
Ibelieve it  will be a great addition to that meeting. The Bio
succinctly tut  the icing on the cake. Thanks for such a quick reply
Subject: Family relationships-cousins etc.
Category: Family and Home > Relationships
Rating and comments by: kathy53-ga
5 stars
Dear Pinkfreud,
  Your answer was extremely helpful!!!  Thank your for including the
two sites.  I must admit, it is still confusing, but I am saving the
sites for further reference.  They are very enlightening!!!!!!
Subject: For Researcher Pinkfreud-ga: Cats
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: aceresearcher-ga
5 stars
Thanks for the big bright spot in a cold, dreary day!
Subject: marr cell tumors-cats
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: jenjohn-ga
5 stars
Thanks so much for your very informative answer.
It's very much appreciated - learned lots!
Subject: Treating Aids.
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: rights-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: For Researcher pinkfreud-ga: Entertainment at Lake Tahoe
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Restaurants and City Guides
Rating and comments by: aceresearcher-ga
5 stars
Thank you SO MUCH for the help!
Subject: For Researcher Pinkfreud-ga: Dial-up Internet Access on a per-session basis
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: aceresearcher-ga
5 stars
EXACTLY what I was seeking!
Subject: For Researcher pinkfreud-ga: Sculpture / Statue Faces
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Visual Arts
Rating and comments by: aceresearcher-ga
5 stars
Perfect! Exactly what I wanted!
Subject: "Katherine L. Kemble" street address in Berkeley or Oakland, Ca.
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: doubledog-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Hara
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: badabing-ga
5 stars
thanks for the speedy reply.  a gal's gotta be quick on the draw
around here.   I'll send a note to that Pisa place.
Subject: Lawrence Olivier 1978 Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: lancem-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: video: bad girls of the bible
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Rating and comments by: susanf-ga
5 stars
Pinkfreud did a FANTASTIC job on this for me.
Subject: Paul Laffoley
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Visual Arts
Rating and comments by: badabing-ga
5 stars
absolutely, positively great!  I may have to order both of them.  you
can't help but have a fondness for someone whose first word was
"Constantinople."  I was hoping this would be an interesting project
for you.  EXCELLENT, as always!
Subject: PINKFREUD ONLY -- Prevention and Rescue
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: czh-ga
5 stars
Thanks very much.
Subject: title of book or movie
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: graig-ga
5 stars
I believe you are correct.  I read this about that time and it all
came back to me.  Thank you
Subject: FOR PINK-FREUD ONLY: History of Marriage on TV
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: cryptica-ga
5 stars
If I were allowed to give a ********** (10 Star) Rating, that's what
Pink and her generous colleagues deserve--particularly those who
jumped in to help: Journalist-ga & Voila-ga.  Pink, please tell me if
there's a phone # contact for GA front office to find out the
procedures and legal wording to put you guys in the credits of my
show.  If you aren't allowed to tell me, I'll send them e-mail, but
would prefer to talk to someone live.  I can't thank you enough and am
glad you're feeling better. Thanks to all researchers & commenters!
Subject: For Pink Freud: Can you profile ebay for me?
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce
Rating and comments by: megagaga-ga
5 stars
Hi, Pinky

That's absolutely perfect.

Many thanks!
Subject: For Pinkfreud re: Leonardo da Vinci
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: megagaga-ga
5 stars
Hi, Pink

Truly brilliant!

Exactly what I wanted ... When I posted the first question, I hoped
that someone would nominate Leo, and you kindly obliged.

Your answer gives me loads of material that I will check out later.

Incidentally, I used to be a member of MENSA but, after meeting some
fellow members, I realised that it weren't for me. (Pretentious lot,
aren't they?)

Very Best Wishes

Subject: Quality of Information: For PinkFreud
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Rating and comments by: apteryx-ga
5 stars
Beautifully done, as always, Pink.  Your own opinions by themselves
were quite enough and all I asked for.  I particularly liked your list
of ten criteria and was charmed by #9, which I take to mean that
there's a factor of sheer intuition or gut instinct at work (as I
would expect of someone with your exquisite sensitivity to the
language).  The additional resources are excellent, too, and help me
think more about what I *didn't* ask you, which is how ordinary folks
with far less discernment than you can learn to evaluate the quality
of online resources.

I'd tip you with Au if I could, but you'll have to settle for Ag. 
Find me in MN and I'll buy you lunch.
Subject: "I Love Lucy" in Hollywood Episode(s)
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: cryptica-ga
5 stars
Terrific and fast -- my favorite combo.  Stay tuned for the
sequel: "I Love Freudy."
Subject: latex allergy as it relates to limitation in employment
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Rating and comments by: awrpete-ga
3 stars
good start but limited risk of exposure to use of latex gloves and in
the mnf. process of latex itself. Clarification requested.
Subject: links between films after and before 1965
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: anniebabe-ga
This answer has not been rated.
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