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Researcher Ratings for pinkfreud-ga

Average Answer Rating: 4.00 stars
Questions Answered: 2354
Number of Refunds: 13

Showing Researcher Ratings 2251-2300 of 2354 <<  Prev 50 Ratings      Next 50 Ratings >>
Subject: cigarette lighters
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: pervyelffancier-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Edison bio commissioned by Ford
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: apteryx-ga
5 stars
I think you have found the very book.  Thank you.  I'm ordering.

I also appreciated your additional background information, which will
help me place the book in its proper context when I read it.

One wonders why such things go out of print.  No doubt I'll find that
the language is pitched a little high for today's easily embarrassed
readers and that the text does not use a controlled vocabulary
approved by some body of reading experts who've forgotten that
stretching to something above their level is what makes better readers
and that mastery of a challenge, and not being spared exposure to one,
is how people gain in self-esteem.
Subject: Poetic French terms
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Rating and comments by: rowdy-ga
5 stars
Subject: business acronym
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: mxforster-ga
3 stars
Subject: Bob Marley
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: g_austin-ga
5 stars
thanks man, cool stuff. And for the commentor, that's badass I will
certainly check it out. Thanks!
Subject: Advancing in thw workplace.
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Rating and comments by: artcher-ga
5 stars
This was my first experience with Google Answers and frankly I just
asked my question aout of desperation because I could not find the
answers myself and I was very frustrated. The answer was right on the
money. It offered a variety of stories about my subject, gave me good
references for continuing the search myself and arrived n about 12
hours! I could not have asked for better. Thanks Google - and
Subject: Perscription Drugs and Xenadrine-RFA
Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: psalm27-ga
5 stars
Great answer!  Thank you so much.  This information was very helpful
and complete.

Just out of curiosity did you happen to see any allergy/decongestant
medicines that don't have Psuedoephedrine in it?  Also, if memory
serves me right, "psuedo" is taken from Greek and I think it means
fake, or false.  So it doesn't seem to make sense why one couldn't
take ephedrine if they're already taking fake ephedrine, if you follow
my logic???  Granted, I'm not a doctor, it was just a random thought. 
I'm curious for your opinion, you seem to be a great researcher.
Subject: journalists' non-favourite topics
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events
Rating and comments by: zig-ga
5 stars
Subject: Lighting Fixtures
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: zoomclc-ga
5 stars
Subject: ENGLISH to FRENCH+MIDDLE ENGLISH translations
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: jhh-ga
5 stars
Plus at least 5 more stars. Absolutely splendid answer/revelations and
a challenge to make queries equal to it. Many thanks.
Subject: Weejie, the dog of President and Mrs. Hoover
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: nanauq-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Standard Sizes Of Paper - Why?
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: contenj-ga
5 stars
I have you know that I posed this exact same question to the author of
the Imponderables series of books (such as Do penquins have knees? and
When do fish sleep?) - his name is David Feldman and he was stumped!
Great detective work! Thank you!
Subject: What film is this from?
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: meltondan-ga
4 stars
Very close to the exact thing I needed...can easily take it from here!
Subject: Cholesterol Reduction
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: golfnut-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Where can I get an mp3 of this song
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: ottonorse-ga
5 stars
Subject: Prohibitory Signs
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: milehiguy-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: wuzzle
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: tcrosslin-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Dog Allergy
Category: Health
Rating and comments by: jaz-ga
5 stars
I love this service :)
Subject: Military
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: dhughl-ga
5 stars
I tried different combinations of words also. Maybe, if I would have
stuck to it longer. Thanks.
Subject: "Lab Puppies"
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: jessicandirk-ga
5 stars
The question was answered very well and gave additional web sites to
inform me more about the subject.  Thanks
Subject: Photograph, Clipart, or Graphic
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: snugglewampus-ga
5 stars
I searched clipart sites for an hour and 1/2 and found nothing close.  Thanks!
Subject: Origin of words
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: muffin1234-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: calling dr. pinkfreud
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: badabing-ga
5 stars
thought I forgot about ya?....nevah!  granny's no longer fully
engulfed so she can now pay you just desserts on this superbly written
and gustified essay.  you wax poetically on sitcoms like a west coast
promo-woman!  I'm afraid granny is clueless on some of these folks
you've mentioned and those in the gratitudinous comment section. 
granny better refrain from making sweeping wiskbroom statements when
she's obviously not done the 360-dial sitcom circuit.  as you might
guess from my moniker, I'm a *huge* Tony Soprano fan because the
series is so well stocked with malapromistic metaphors. it always
knocks me outta my rocker.  thanks again for offering some of your
fa-bu insight on comedy.  maybe there should be a "Pink Freud Show." 
I'd watch.  you're quite the cut-up, kiddo.  absolutely bang up job. 
viva Mrs. Pynchon and Corvairs!
Subject: Buying Quadrille (graph) paper 2 squares per inch
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: bluknj-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Boombox audio tape recorders
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: schmooz-ga
5 stars
PinkFreud on question ID #65546.  This researcher is fabulous and I
feel he went out of his way to give very helpful information and then,
he even left the question open so that another researcher could pick
it up if he or she had more to add.  I know that your researchers are
probably paid for answered questions so I felt that this was very nice
of him.  I finally posted that I was more than satisfied and asked him
to mark my question “answered. He was great!
Subject: sports trivia
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: yankee-ga
5 stars
Subject: Music for Gap Ad denim
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: donphiltrodt-ga
5 stars
Perfect answer.  Note: This question WOULD have been priced at $4, but
Google is now using radio buttons to force questions into silly price
Subject: Clean generator power for computers
Category: Computers > Hardware
Rating and comments by: john316-ga
5 stars
Gets the details if pushed for it.
Subject: Origin of the Borg
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Television
Rating and comments by: portobello-ga
5 stars
Dear Pinkfreud, 

Good answer!  I hope also hope that your brandy is Saurian, your blood
wine is chilled to perfection, and that you have unlimited dililthium
crytals for all of your journeys!

Subject: Yellow squash receipe
Category: Family and Home > Food and Cooking
Rating and comments by: ardmore-ga
5 stars
Subject: Cannot right click on web JPEG images using IE6
Category: Computers > Internet
Rating and comments by: shinyscreen-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: traceyann-ga
5 stars
This was exactly what Iwas looking for.
Subject: Appliance cost research
Category: Family and Home > Home
Rating and comments by: mweaverct-ga
5 stars
Excellent work!  I also noticed what you found also during previous
brief search attempts.  You've saved me alot of work, and have given
me precisely the level of detail and information I was looking for. 
Thank you!
Subject: Doo-doot, Doo-doot... doo-doo-doo-doot... "Money money money Mooooneeey!"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: donphiltrodt-ga
5 stars
Poifect answser.
Subject: Top 10 Highest Paid Fields of Medicine
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: zombyw00f-ga
4 stars
Nice job, thanks!
Subject: Looking to Buy Circular Bed...or Other Bed
Category: Family and Home > Home
Rating and comments by: thanks-ga
5 stars
Zowie!  PinkFreud, you have done it again!
Thank you very much.
Subject: What are the components of the "Reality Triangle" as used in business?
Category: Business and Money
Rating and comments by: heak-ga
5 stars
Fantastic!  Thanks for the help.
Subject: Lyrics to R. Dean Taylor's "There's a ghost in my house"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: savemore-ga
5 stars
Excellent answer and you've given me a great tip (search newsgroups)
if I need to find the lyrics to another song!  :-)  Thank you so much.
Subject: John Wayne Movie, "Island in the Sky".
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Rating and comments by: tick-ga
5 stars
Subject: fairy tale
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: pinkjd-ga
This answer has not been rated.
Subject: Affordable Electrical Energy Measurement Device
Category: Science > Instruments and Methods
Rating and comments by: lizardnation-ga
5 stars
Thank you for a very satisfying answer. :-)

Category: Health > Medicine
Rating and comments by: hankg-ga
5 stars
The answer provided what may be "vital" information that I had failed to find.
Subject: San people from Kalahari desert, food storage in body
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: nutty2-ga
5 stars
Subject: Biblical Silver Chord
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: redjack-ga
5 stars
Wonderful how a researched answer can put an end to useless debate!  Thanks.
Subject: Funny % Strange .WAV files
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: lizardnation-ga
5 stars
Well done! :-)

Subject: Music to put my lyrics to.
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music
Rating and comments by: horseygal-ga
5 stars
Very helpful! Obviously some time spent on my answer! Thanks!
Subject: Rock Band NYRB
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Rating and comments by: alterneteg0-ga
5 stars
I realized a few hours after I posted my question that the group I was
vaguely remembering was in fact NRBQ; however, being a lover of arcane
and eclectic knowledge, I think your ability to dig up information
about NYRB is amazing.  Thanks.
Subject: Cadillac DTS Safety & Consumer Experience (2000 - 2001)
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Rating and comments by: lizardnation-ga
5 stars
Complete answer. :-)
Subject: fruit
Category: Miscellaneous
Rating and comments by: leadfoot-ga
4 stars
Subject: What is the theme of the book--what genre is it?
Category: Reference, Education and News
Rating and comments by: msreading-ga
5 stars
Thank you very much.  Outstanding information!  I searced the web and
couldn't come up with too many results.  I will find the links to be
most helpful.  Keep up the good work.
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