I received an open email containing a picture with text beside the
picture and several other smaller pictures. I scrolled up to read some
other emails I received then I scrolled back to the picture email to
find that the pictures were no longer in the email. The text was
still in the proper place but every place that there had been a
picture, was now replaced by a box with a red x in the corner. There
was nothing I could do to get the pictures to come back.
I decided to disable my Norton AntiVirus, 2002 and all of a sudden,
the pictures came back. When I enabled Norton AntiVirus, the pictures
did not fold into "x" until I left the email and came back to it and
then the pictures did turn into the boxes with the red x in the
corners. This does not happen with every email I receive that
contains pictures but it happens to a number of them.
The picture email I have been talking about did not contain a virus
because I did not receive any type of warning. Norton just seems to
fold the pictures int boxes containing a red x, in some emails and I
can determine no specific reason. Can you help me
find out how to solve this and either check or uncheck something in
Norton so that it will not fold up the pictures? I need to receive
and forward this picture email quite often. |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Nov 2002 13:19 PST
Which email client are you using? and are you using Norton Personal
Firewall or Norton Internet Security along with Norton Antivirus?
Clarification of Question by
06 Nov 2002 14:04 PST
Hi Wizard,
I think you helped me with my other Norton AntiVirus problem and I got
that one solved. Thanx. Don't know much about firewalls so I will
just tell you what I have. I am not on any sort of a network. My
server is Earthlink, DSL and I use Outlook XP on Windows 2000. I have
a Dell Insperion laptop about 16 months old. I just went to the store
and bought NortonAntivirus 2002 by Symentac. Based on your last
advice on my previous problem with Norton (that you answered on my
last question to Google answers), I went to the Outlook site and
downloaded the 2nd security patch because I had already installed the
first one. If I need to find out more about firewalls or Internet
Security, you will need to tell me where to look for it. Please ask
me more questions if I am not on the right track.
Clarification of Question by
06 Nov 2002 14:58 PST
Wizard -
Here is the link to the first Norton AntiVirus problem you helped me with.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Nov 2002 15:52 PST
Thanks for the clarification schmooz. Let me look into this for a bit
and see what the best course of action will be to correct it. I may
have some more questions for you in the process. Thanks!
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Nov 2002 16:29 PST
I'm going to ask that you try a couple of different things before we
decide on an official answer. Please turn off the following features
of Norton Antivirus 2002 one at a time and see any of them
individually or combined corrects the problem:
1. Double-Click the Norton Antivirus icon in your taskbar (by your
clock) to bring up the norton manager program.
2. Click on OPTIONS, then Norton Antivirus (if you have more than one
3. In the options screen, under E-MAIL, first deactivate WORM BLOCKING
(if you have it -- I'm going by Norton 2003 screens which may be a bit
4. Next, under E-MAIL, uncheck SCAN INCOMING EMAIL.
5. Lastly, under SCRIPT BLOCKING (or might be under AUTO-PROTECT)
un-check enable script blocking.
Remember, save and close the application between steps 3 and 5 to test
your email and see which one (if any) makes the problem go away. You
will need to close and re-open Outlook each time you make a change as
it won't take affect until you re-open Outlook (after saving the
changes to Norton).
This will help me determine which part of Norton is causing your issue
or if it's Norton specifically. Outlook XP also has a built-in feature
that blocks certains types of attachments when turned on -- many
people have believed Norton to be blocking their files when in reality
it was Outlook the whole time. But, since you stated in your question
that by temporarily disabling Norton, your images re-appear, this
makes me believe Norton is truly the problem.
Please get back with me the answer to these questions and we'll go
from there. Remember, I'm using Norton 2003 so your options screen may
look at bit different, but as I recall, it should have all the same
options, they just might be in a slightly different spot.
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2002 06:03 PST
schmooz-ga , If your problem has still not been solved, I think I
might be able to help.
I believe that your problem is caused by a conflict between the Norton
products and Internet Explorer. Since HTML emails are rendered using
Internet Explorer, this would affect your emails also.
Here are the Knowledge Base articles from MicroSoft that document this
problem, and also offer a solution :
- MSKB Article 316545 : Web Pages Display a Red "X" Instead of a
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;316545 )
SYMPTOMS : When you browse Web sites, you may find that some Web
pages display a box that shows a red "X" instead of the graphic that
you expect.
CAUSE : This behavior can occur if the following conditions are
Norton AntiVirus or Norton Internet Security from Symantec Corporation
is installed on the computer. -AND-
The Nisdrv.vxd file is damaged. (This file is a component
of the Symantec programs.)
RESOLUTION : To work around this problem, use either of the
methods that are described in this section.
Method 1: Disable the Nisdrv.vxd Component
(See detailed instructions in the article)
Method 2: Remove and Reinstall the Symantec Program
- Q309287 : Cannot View Some Images on Web Pages After Upgrade to IE
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;q309287 )
SYMPTOMS : After you upgrade to Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 6 and then browse to a Web page, some of the images on the
page may be displayed as expected, but other images may be displayed
as only a placeholder icon.
CAUSE : This behavior can occur if the Norton Personal Firewall
program is installed on your computer.
RESOLUTION : To resolve this issue, uninstall and then reinstall
the Norton Personal Firewall program. When you reinstall Norton
Personal Firewall, the program is reconfigured for Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6 and should now allow the normal display of images.
From the above articles, it appears that your problem will dissappear
once you
- Uninstall Norton Antivirus
- Reboot
- Reinstall Norton Antivirus
Please tell me whether this solved your problem or not.
Clarification of Question by
21 Nov 2002 08:18 PST
PWizard - I am so sorry that I did not quickly rate and close out this
question. It was a personal firewall issue as you first suspected. I
took care of this and the problem went away. Then, I went away.
Please claim this question again and consider it answered so that I
can give you a five star rating. Thank you and I am so sorry.