Hi, Ginger
You need to find out either:
a) Who (if anybody) took over the Singer company and if they (or their
successors) are around today. Or
b) Who is now 'administering' their old Pension Scheme.
When you have one or the other, write quoting your National Insurance
No, period of employment, Date of Birth, etc. Also, the name you were
using at that time - if different.
If you don't have a trace on either a) or b), some of your
ex-colleagues may be able to help.
And, if you are not currently in touch with any ex-colleagues, you
might find someone who can help you through www.friendsreunited.co.uk
Simply enter your workplace (it is listed) and half a dozen names will
pop up. There's a small annual charge (£5, I think) if you wish to
make contact through the site.
Best of luck!
Bryan |