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Position Location Inside a Building
Category: Science > Instruments and Methods Asked by: lawrencericci2-ga List Price: $5.00 |
06 Nov 2002 14:36 PST
Expires: 06 Dec 2002 14:36 PST Question ID: 100686 |
I would like to locate people in a building to +/- a meter or so. I suppose differential GPS will not work because of multi-path errors. Inertial systems might- but could be costly. Is there some technology or product that uses differential/Doppler techniques with 'wall penetrating' VHF or UHF signals? |
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Re: Position Location Inside a Building
Answered By: koz-ga on 14 Nov 2002 09:54 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello! Since you are looking for an application that works inside a building, any outside signal source like GPS is probably going to be a problem. A solution with a internal signal source is probably the answer. While no off-the-shelf solution exists just yet, a few applications are on the right path: "Wi-Fi Software Tracks You Down" http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1105-962587.html Ekahau Corporation http://www.ekahau.com "The Ekahau Positioning Engine (EPE) 2.0 can locate 802.11-connected wireless PDAs, laptops and other terminals--including voice over IP telephones--to, the company claims, within about a meter." You can see a recorded demo of the system at http://www.ekahau.com/products/positioningengine/demo.html. From the website it seems that average accuracy is about 0.9 meters (about 35.5 inches). If your location is fixed, you can adjust the error correction vectors to make the measurements more accurate. Anyway, it looks like it meets your requirements. The Wi-Fi (also known as 802.11b) wireless technology has become very commonplace and low-cost over the last few years, and if previous technology trends are any indication it will be virtually "free" to install in hardware before the decade is out. I could see the Ekahau system used in conjunction with a setup where all your users carry PocketPCs or some other transmitter that uses 802.11b. I've also read articles about a company named Vocera that is developing a "Star-Trek like" communicator that uses 802.11b. It seems a little more convenient to carry than a PDA. Use this with the Ekahau engine and you're only a server away from "Bridge to Picard"! Vocera Communcations Badge: http://www.vocera.com/products/products.shtm Good luck with your project, it sounds really cool! Search terms: http://www.slashdot.org -> "802.11 location" google: "star trek communicator 802.11b" |
rated this answer:![]() Fine. I got the answer- may not like it, but that is the breaks!! Pay Koz-ga. |
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Re: Position Location Inside a Building
From: larryjay7-ga on 06 Nov 2002 17:51 PST |
Virtual Reality techniques often require tracking of human locations. Here is a link to a survey of human movement tracking technology http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~amulder/personal/vmi/HMTT.pub.html |
Re: Position Location Inside a Building
From: mcmahad-ga on 14 Nov 2002 09:39 PST |
GPS to that level of precision is not practical at this moment, maybe never. You are correct about the differential and multipath errors. You also get massive signal attenuation in the core of most solid buildings. Questions: 1) What type of building is it? 2) How many floors, walls, etc? 3) How much are you willing to spend? 4) Can the person be connected to a wire or is this wireless only? 5) How obtrusive can the mobile part be? 6) How many people do you want to track at once? |
Re: Position Location Inside a Building
From: mcmahad-ga on 15 Nov 2002 08:40 PST |
Have you thought about RF Id tags? Each tracked item would get one. They are small. The building can be wired with zone sensors that track each tag as it passes. If you need more resolution in an area (bathroom vs waterfountain) then you install more zone sensors with smaller zones. If the building is large and you need lots of resolution, this can be expensive. The good part is the tags are cheap. Once installed, cheap tags and a high tag recycling rate make it easy to run. The upfront costs are not small. -dave |
Re: Position Location Inside a Building
From: koz-ga on 04 Dec 2002 11:26 PST |
Would that give you a position within a meter of accuracy? |
Re: Position Location Inside a Building
From: mcmahad-ga on 04 Dec 2002 16:56 PST |
RFid tags operate differently than GPS. You can set up zones that will give you precision to 1 meter (or whatever you want) but you have to have a receiver in the middle of each such zone. This means you need to space receivers about 2 meters apart, which can get expensive. I need to know more about the application to give you a really good answer. I know I am not supposed to post private info like e-mail addresses here to avoid free contact outside this web site, but I don't know how to give you a better answer for your specific need if I don't find out more. Without more info, here is my best guess at what will work for you. I assume you want to track people moving inside a limited area such as a building or a campus of buildings. Usually, people move through defined travel points such as entrances, elevators, escalators, etc. These are ideal for locating sensors. With a bit of cleverness, you can actually determine which direction the person is moving in by how the sensors report. Establish these choke points around the building and you will have your people located. You can space recievers around choke points on a floor of the building to determine how traffic flows. You can move receivers into less populated areas as needed to get more resolution and accuracy. The part that people carry is cheap and may not even need a battery. If it does, the battery operated ones are very small and use a lithium or hearing aid battery to power it. I have never actually used these systems, but I get asked to research and report on them every few years as an alternative. I have also heard there are some clever barcode scanners that are good for several meters. That might get to be a bit wierd, though, since it requires everyone to wear a visible barcode. Very Big Brother. It all boils down to what you need. Without knowing more about the specific circumstances, I can only guess. -dave |
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