Hello Jess,
Here is a collection of resources, which I hope will help. I've tried
to stick to introductory texts, but cover a wide field. I hope this is
the right level for your needs.
Postmodernism. An introductory essay by Dr. Mary Klages, Associate
Professor, English Department, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Postmodernism and its critics by Shannon Weiss and Karla Wesley.
Comprehensive introduction created by, and intended for, undergraduate
students. http://www.as.ua.edu/ant/Faculty/murphy/436/pomo.htm
Postmodernism, pedagogy and the philosophy of education. Speech by
Clive Beck, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/EPS/PES-Yearbook/93_docs/BECK.HTM In
discussing postmodernism I will, as a non-expert, focus especially on
secondary sources, the literature which for me is the most accessible
and with which I have been able to become most familiar (There are
links to two responses to this speech at the bottom of the page)
Defining Postmodernism by James Morley
Postmodernism: What One Needs to Know by William Grassie
This essay is an introduction to postmodernism and deconstruction as
they relate to the special challenges of scholarship and teaching in
the science and religion multidiscipline.
Postmodernism for Dummies: A basic introduction to the term and its
consequences for life, art and culture.
Introduction to Postmodernism. Lecture notes.
http://www.vcsun.org/~battias/class/633/20020915.lecture.pdf (PDF
An Overview of Postmodernism and Fiction
The Questions of Postmodernism by David Lehman
Whats wrong with postmodernism by
http://www.carleton.ca/~claughli/tutpost.htm Part of a tutorial for
anthropology students
What is Postmodernism? By P Hartman
http://www.naciente.com/essay15.htm A rather jaundiced view of
The Catastrophe of Postmodernism by John Zerzan
http://www.primitivism.com/postmodernism.htm Fairly dense text.
Postmodernism and you
http://www.xenos.org/ministries/crossroads/pmandyou.htm A critique
from an evangelical Christian perspective
Implications of Postmodernism for the Humanities by Gregory Salyer
If you need more, there is a huge number of links at:
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
(Finally, and strictly for laughs) if you are starting to get weary,
you might like to try and generate your very own piece of
postmodernist deathless prose with the The Postmodernist Generator
http://www.elsewhere.org/cgi-bin/postmodern/ :) )
Search strategies: 1 postmodernism, introduction 2 postmodernism,
critics 3 postmodernism (just that term on its own and a quick look
through several pages of hits on Google)
I hope this helps. If you need me to clarify this answer, please note
that Im away until Sunday evening. |