Hi grahamr
As you stated in your clarification that you can't view streaming
Realplayer files, I'm posting this merely as a comment. The BBC have a
(fairly low-quality) clip from this sketch on their website at:
I believe that the copyright to the Morecambe & Wise shows is still
owned by the Beeb and their lawyers can be fairly vigorous in
enforcing the (mis)use of their content online (for example, the
Teletubbies situation of a few years back:
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~mcstev/explan.htm). For this reason
at least I believe it's going to be difficult to find a still or movie
clip in the format you require.
Perhaps your best bet might be to buy one of the videos or DVDs with
this sketch on and do your own screen-grab from there. I appreciate
this isn't the best, easiest, or cheapest solution, but it's one which
should guarantee you that immortal picture of Eric and Ernie with the
grapefruit in front of their mouths! One video/DVD which definitely
has this sketch on is from BBC Publications, "The Very Best of
Morecambe & Wise":
I hope this helps, and thanks for bringing me sunshine while I
researched this for you!
iaint-ga |