Hi there!
There are several businesses which offer "one off" printing services.
To use them, you need to upload your file through the service's web
interface - entering a URL is not available.
Easiest to use is OfficeMax's "CopyMax" service. The web interface is
fast, detailed and clean, and allows you to set specifics for the job:
--number of pages
--size of pages
--paper or transparencies
--black and white or color
--single or double sided
--collated or not
--bond weight
--paper color
--binding type
--binding color
--cover materials
You can even have a transparency set of your document printed
simultaneously for future presentations.
CopyMax does require that orders be proofed and approved prior to
completion, but there is also a "do not contact me prior to running
this order" option available. To approve your proof, simply select
"send me a .PDF proof", and respond affirmatively to the (e-mailed)
approval request.
Based on the criteria you select, CopyMax will present you with a
quote. I tested the interface myself, using a 300 page document size,
and the interface returned the following:
"Estimated Price Quote: $ 33.99
This is an estimated price for your CopyMax FTP order, and it does not
include tax or shipping. Pre-payment must be made on all orders over
$250. A CopyMax Associate will contact you with details.
Price Includes:
Document: 1 sets of your 150 page double sided document
Black and White Copies
8.5 X 11 (Letter)
24lb paper - Stardust
Black Wire Binding
Vinyl Front Cover - Navy
Vinyl Back Cover - Navy"
(CopyMax personnel will not contact you for orders under $250. I have
confirmed this by telephone with my local OfficeMax location.)
CopyMax Printing
Kinko's also offers a "one off" printing service, as noted by
Researcher krobert-ga.
The interface isn't as user friendly as CopyMax's - I was not able to
obtain any sort of quote without actually uploading a document first,
unlike CopyMax, where I was able to give it a hypothetical document
size and find out exactly what my options would be. The Kinko's
interface also seems to be functional only in Internet Explorer.
Print to Kinko's - Start Job
Even so, according to their FAQ, Kinko's may offer even more print
options through their custom printing service, and offer a "File Prep"
tool as well:
Print to Kinko's FAQ
Be aware that Kinko's may contact you about copyright. Kinko's was
successfully sued in the late 1980's for copyright infringement, and
is now meticulously careful about copyright issues. They reserve the
right to ask after copyright ownership, as well as the right to refuse
to print your order if you do not comply with their request.
(In fact, all such services reserve the right to ask and to refuse,
and may even do so if you are in their store to copy a book personally
- it's a matter of federal copyright law. Some shops are much more
sensitive to the issue than others.)
You may find the following FAQs about copyright and how it applies to
copied materials interesting:
Questions and Answers Concerning Copying Print and Digital Works
Ten Big Myths About Copyright Explained
Just extra information to keep in mind when copying entire books that
you have not written yourself.
Good luck!
--Missy |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Nov 2002 17:12 PST
Hello, Wondering!
I was rather surprised to see notification that you required
additional assistance - I was under the impression that I had met your
Even so, I investigated a bit more for you, with the criteria you
added in your ratings commentary, and this is what I found out:
--"One off" hardcover binding is typically done for theses or older
books whose covers are deteriorating. This would necessarily require
that you already have the book in printed form, which you say you do
--Such binding is typically not available in the manner you would like
- that is, you cannot send your digital file in for printing and
binding of a single copy, with the expectation that you would neither
have contact with an associate nor be asked to verify that you own the
copyright on the works, yet still be shipped a finished copy. Book
binderies do not find it profitable to print and bind only a single
copy, and thus rarely do it. Those that do usually ask that you sign
a form verifying that you are the copyright holder, and all are fairly
pricey. This might be different in European shops, but since you
didn't specify where in Europe you are, I cannot narrow things down
any further.
The closest I've been able to come to your specific requirements is
Zipped Books, in the UK. Files can be submitted for printing and
binding electronically, and the finished product can be mailed to you,
but you must obtain a quote via e-mail first and, while the spine is
sturdy like a hardcover, the cover itself is clear PVC.
Zipped Books
Since your additional criteria are a bit outside the scope of your
original question, I invite you to post a new question for another
Researcher to investigate for you. Be certain to include:
--your exact binding specifications
--your exact service criteria
--your city and country
Perhaps a Researcher more familiar with your area of the world will be
able to provide an answer within the bounds of your additional
Best regards,