This is actually a very large question. But, having an interest in
it, I decided to check it out.
Almost, everywhere I looked used the term Laws of Quantum Mechanics.
However, I was unable to find them clearly stated anywhere.
Quantum mechanics developed to describe the behavior of atomic and
subatomic particles that was not explainable by classical Newtonian
physics. Unlike Newton's deterministic laws, the laws of Quantum
Mechanics describe a probabilistic universe.
Here are the basic tenets:
1. A particle has only certain values for its energy and certain
values for its speed. These are eigenvalues. Newtonian physics
stated that they could have any energy and any speed.
2. Location of particles can only be determined probabilistically.
This means that sometimes their location is actually undefined.
3. Central to quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle. It states that the location AND velocity of a particle
are unknowable. The more that is known about one of these, the less
certain is the other.
4. Quantum Mechanics permits superpositions of states. This means
that a particle can actually exist in two different states at the same
time. It can even exist in two different locations at the same time.
The laws of Quantum Mechanics are based on
1. The matrix theory of Max Born and Werner Heisenberg,
2. The wave mechanics of Louis V. de Broglie and Erwin Schrdinger,
3. The transformation theory of P.A.M. Dirac and Pascual Jordan.
The following sources can give you more information.
Encyclopędia Britannica
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Probability waves and Quantum Mechanics
What is Quantum Mechanics?
Keywords Used:
laws of Quantum mechanics
laws of quantum mechanics
I hope this helps.
pba |