Clarification of Answer by
11 Nov 2002 22:54 PST
Hi, sondej-ga:
Unfortunately the scheduling is very dependent on the exact number of
couples/participants. Let me describe a "couple" of other numbers
briefly, and then give the first 13 months of a schedule I have laid
out for the case of 48 couples.
If you had 12 couples, then you might hope that by sending them out in
three groups each month of 4 couples each, that every couple might
meet every other couple in (say) 4 months. After all, any particular
couple could meet as many as three new couples at one dinner, so it
looks (from the perspective of just a single couple) as if four months
(and as many dinners) would suffice. But one cannot arrange any
schedule after the first month in which repeated pairings of couples
are entirely avoided, at least six months would be needed for all
pairs to eat together, and with the restriction that no pair of
couples dines together more than twice the problem becomes impossible
On the other hand if there were exactly 28 couples, the schedule can
be worked out "perfectly". The couples dine together in groups of 4
each month for nine months, and each pair of couples dines together
exactly once!
So the case of 48 couples falls somewhere in the middle of these two
extremes. It is not as frustrating as 12 couples, but not as neat as
28 couples either.
Here is a tentative schedule (I need to verify the correctness and see
how to extend it best to completion) for the first thirteen months.
There are no repetitions (of pairings between couples) for the first
11 months. Each dinner group in month 12 has one pair of couples who
have eaten together before, and each group in month 13 has two such
pairs. But I think this is a good start because this delays the
"duplications" until fairly late in the schedule.
regards, mathtalk-ga
Month 1
[ 1, 2, 3, 4] [ 5, 6, 7, 8] [ 9,10,11,12] [13,14,15,16]
[17,18,19,20] [21,22,23,24] [25,26,27,28] [29,30,31,32]
[33,34,35,36] [37,38,39,40] [41,42,43,44] [45,46,47,48]
Month 2
[ 1,13,25,37] [ 2,14,26,38] [ 3,15,27,39] [ 4,16,28,40]
[ 5,17,29,41] [ 6,18,30,42] [ 7,19,31,43] [ 8,20,32,44]
[ 9,21,33,45] [10,22,34,46] [11,23,35,47] [12,24,36,48]
Month 3
[ 1,14,27,40] [ 2,15,28,41] [ 3,16,29,42] [ 4,17,30,43]
[ 5,18,31,44] [ 6,19,32,45] [ 7,20,33,46] [ 8,21,34,47]
[ 9,22,35,48] [10,23,36,37] [11,24,25,38] [12,13,26,39]
Month 4
[ 1,15,26,44] [ 2,16,27,45] [ 3,17,28,46] [ 4,18,29,47]
[ 5,19,30,48] [ 6,20,31,37] [ 7,21,32,38] [ 8,22,33,39]
[ 9,23,34,40] [10,24,35,41] [11,13,36,42] [12,14,25,43]
Month 5
[ 1,16,36,43] [ 2,17,25,44] [ 3,18,26,45] [ 4,19,27,46]
[ 5,20,28,47] [ 6,21,29,48] [ 7,22,30,37] [ 8,23,31,38]
[ 9,24,32,39] [10,13,33,40] [11,14,34,41] [12,15,35,42]
Month 6
[ 1,17,33,48] [ 2,18,34,37] [ 3,19,35,38] [ 4,20,36,39]
[ 5,21,25,40] [ 6,22,26,41] [ 7,23,27,42] [ 8,24,28,43]
[ 9,13,29,44] [10,14,30,45] [11,15,31,46] [12,16,32,47]
Month 7
[ 1,18,35,46] [ 2,19,36,47] [ 3,20,25,48] [ 4,21,26,37]
[ 5,22,27,38] [ 6,23,28,39] [ 7,24,29,40] [ 8,13,30,41]
[ 9,14,31,42] [10,15,32,43] [11,16,33,44] [12,17,34,45]
Month 8
[ 1,19,34,39] [ 2,20,35,40] [ 3,21,36,41] [ 4,22,25,42]
[ 5,23,26,43] [ 6,24,27,44] [ 7,13,28,45] [ 8,14,29,46]
[ 9,15,30,47] [10,16,31,48] [11,17,32,37] [12,18,33,38]
Month 9
[ 1,20,30,38] [ 2,21,31,39] [ 3,22,32,40] [ 4,23,33,41]
[ 5,24,34,42] [ 6,13,35,43] [ 7,14,36,44] [ 8,15,25,45]
[ 9,16,26,46] [10,17,27,47] [11,18,28,48] [12,19,29,37]
Month 10
[ 1,21,28,42] [ 2,22,29,43] [ 3,23,30,44] [ 4,24,31,45]
[ 5,13,32,46] [ 6,14,33,47] [ 7,15,34,48] [ 8,16,35,37]
[ 9,17,36,38] [10,18,25,39] [11,19,26,40] [12,20,27,41]
Month 11
[ 1,23,29,45] [ 2,24,30,46] [ 3,13,31,47] [ 4,14,32,48]
[ 5,15,33,37] [ 6,16,34,38] [ 7,17,35,39] [ 8,18,36,40]
[ 9,19,25,41] [10,20,26,42] [11,21,27,43] [12,22,28,44]
Month 12
[ 1,22,31,41] [ 2,23,32,42] [ 3,24,33,43] [ 4,13,34,44]
[ 5,14,35,45] [ 6,15,36,46] [ 7,16,25,47] [ 8,17,26,48]
[ 9,18,27,37] [10,19,28,38] [11,20,29,39] [12.21,30,40]
Month 13
[ 1,24,32,47] [ 2,13,33,48] [ 3,14,34,37] [ 4,15,35,38]
[ 5,16,36,39] [ 6,17,25,40] [ 7,18,26,41] [ 8,19,27,42]
[ 9,20,28,43] [10,21,29,44] [11,22,30,45] [12,23,31,46]