First I will quote part of an answer written by a google researcher
(theta-ga) that gives some helpful advice (especially regarding
"The algorithm that Google uses to rank webpages is in a constant
of flux. Google keeps on modifying this algorithm regularly in order
to obtain a more relevant ranking for pages and also to detect and
prevent "cheats" used by webmasters to improve their page rankings in
Google. So what might have been considered allright at first, might be
flagged by newer versions of the Google algo.
I have visited your site and I believe there are some methods that you
could employ to improve your page ranking :
- Try to minimize/eliminate frames. Most search engine robots have
problem navigating and indexing sites with frames. In your initial
page, you use the<noframes> tag which just displays an error message
to the use, but does not provide any alternative way of navigating
your site. Infact Google's guidelines for webmasters explictly states
that "if instead of providing alternative content, you use wording
such as "This site requires the use of frames" or "Upgrade your
browser", then you are excluding both search engines and people who
use browsers with frames turned off"
Google's Information for Webmasters
( :// )
I believe that this is the major reason for your poor Google
Rank.You should try to implement your site without using all those
frames. It would (in my opinion) provide your users with a better
experience.Frames are also the cause of your Google Cache problem, see
the second part of my answer below.
In case you are still interested in using frames, I suggest that
you follow Google's advice and provide an alternative version of your
site using the <noframe> HTML tag.
- Improve page formatting and content. One of the major factors that
go into determining your page rank in Google, is the amount of
relevant content on your page.Make sure that your site's main page
contains a resonable amount of introductory information.The lower the
amount of contenton a page, the less important Google considers it.
You could add basic information about the intent of your site with
an introductory text on various services offerred along with a link to
the relevant page.
Make sure that you provide an ALT text for all the images you place
on a page.This text will help Google get a better idea about the image
and page content.
Page titles are important! Make sure that every page on your site
has a title that accurately reflects its content.
As mentioned, I would recommend against frames if you are aiming to be
at the top of the search engine rankings. Second, to rank high in
google, I would recommend submitting your site to as many reputable
data bases and submission websites as you can; this will increase your
"page rank" which will give you better ranking results.
Also, I would insert a meta tag with selected keywords related to your
After you make all the necessary changes, you can submit them to the
major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, DMOZ, etc (this may take
3-4 weeks to process completely).
These information and more can be found on the following links:
- Google Information for Webmasters, "Webmaster Do's and Don'ts"
Google Guidelines on what to do and not to do for a better ranking.
A must read.
- WebMasters World
( )
A place where webmasters hang out to get latest tips on improving
their search engine rankings.
- Internet Marketing Centre
Resources and articles on search engine tips and marketing tips.
There's alot of promotional talk stuffed in every article but don't
feel compelled to purchase any of them.
If you need any clarifications or further information, please let me
Tox-ga |