bif54321-ga, the sRGB color profile is distributed with the Windows
operating system. On Win 9x/Me, you can find it in your
\Windows\System\Color\ directory. The file is called 'sRGB Color Space
Or, just search your hard disks for file starting with 'sRGB'.
You can tell your Photosmart printer to use this profile as the
default by following the given steps :
- Click Start Menu > Settings > Printers
- A window appears, which shows your Photosmart printer.
- Right click your printer and select 'Properties'
- On the window that appears, select the color management tab.
- This tab shows the default color profiles associated with your
printer, in a text box at the bottom.If this textbox is empty, it
means that no color profiles are associated with the printer.
- To associate a profile, click on the 'Add...' button at the bottom.
- From the list of color profiles that appear, select 'sRGB Color
Space Profile' and click Add.
- The window will now show the selected profile as the default color
- Click 'OK' to apply the settings.
- Your color profile is installed !
Hope this helped.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
:) |