How many Giraffes live in Canada? I would like an actual head (neck?)
count rather than an extrapolation or guesstimate. Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Nov 2002 22:48 PST
There aren't any giraffes, in the wild, in Canada...
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Nov 2002 07:45 PST
Hi jmichael,
There are 24 CAZA accredited zoos in Canada. Short of calling each one
of them (prohibitive due to long-distance phone charges), I can find
no way to determine how many giraffes each one owns. (Though, of
course aquariums can be ruled out.)
Also, zoos, circuses, and travelling animal shows not required to be
accredited by CAZA so I can’t see a way to account for any giraffes
that might be part of such a exhibition.
Is there some other way we can help you? Maybe by providing you with
the contact information for the accredited zoos?
Let me know. We’d like to help.
Clarification of Question by
11 Nov 2002 11:21 PST
To: tox-ga. Although we cannot know for certain that wild giraffes do
not exist in Canada, until there is a "spotting", I am willing to go
with that assumption. Perhaps I should rephrase my question. "Except
for wild giraffes living undetected in the hinterland, how many
giraffes live in Canada?"
To: knowledge_seeker-ga. Sorry, but a link to a list of zoos will not
suffice. But you bring up a good point and I concede that it is a tall
order to research travelling giraffes. Perhaps I should rephrase my
question. "Except for wild giraffes living undetected in the
hinterland, and unregistered homeless giraffes, how many giraffes live
in Canada?"
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Nov 2002 11:55 PST
Hi again jmichael,
Thank you for your clarification. I've made a couple of phone calls
and have found the person who can answer this question accurately.
Unfortunately she is not in her office today because of the holiday
weekend here in Canada.
I'll give her a call tomorrow and post the answer when I get it.
Thanks for your patience.
Clarification of Question by
11 Nov 2002 12:51 PST
To:knowledge_seeker. Hello, again. I had a gut feeling that somewhere
in this vast land a Custodian of Giraffe Statistics existed. I
congratulate you for finding her and await your report with both
eagerness and patience. jmichael.