Can you get me an employee phone list circa 1996 for the Accident Fund
Company, 232 S. Capitol, Lansing, MI, 48933. |
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Nov 2002 07:26 PST
Would a list of the leadership of the company from December 1996,
without phone numbers, be sufficient? The list contains the names of
(and one or two sentences of biographical information for) the CEO,
CFO, Chief Legal Counsel, and six vice presidents.
Clarification of Question by
14 Nov 2002 10:55 PST
Although I will accept the information you have, thank you, I must
also ask for names of all employees at the Accident Fund Company circa
1996 for the information to be relevant to my research. Phone numbers
are not so necessary. Thanks much ... corporatetakeovers
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Nov 2002 12:17 PST
Since I don't have the names of all employees, I will refrain from
answering and leave the question open, in case another Researcher
finds the list you want.
Clarification of Question by
14 Nov 2002 17:29 PST
re: phone list ... O.K. yes I will accept the list of top people at
the Accident Fund Company, circa 1996. Thanks very much; I realize how
helpful the list will be after all. Hopefully, someone may find a
comprehensive employee list, ah, any Michigan UAW people out there
that can get at least a list of union member employees at the AFC
circa 1996. thanks to justaskscott-ga.