Clarification of Answer by
14 Nov 2002 17:53 PST
Hi, madukar:
Let me try to give brief answers to the two points you ask about.
1) Why did I use the negative sign to "define" the function f?
Actually, f is defined (by your conditions) as the pointwise limit of
the sequence {f_n}.
What I did define was a new sequence of functions, say:
g_n = f_1 - f_n
These functions are also in L+, because since f_n <= f_1 at each
point, the difference g_n is nonnegative (and because the
measurability of g_n follows from that of f_1 and f_n).
Why work with the sequence g_n ? It is because these functions
satisfy the hypotheses of the Monotone Convergence Theorem. Where the
sequence f_n is decreasing, the sequence g_n is increasing. This is a
direct consequence of using the "negative sign" or difference f_1 -
f_n to define g_n. Notice that the difference involves a fixed
function f_1 minus the sequence of functions f_n. Therefore as the
functions f_n decrease (toward their limit f), the functions g_n
increase (toward the limit g = f_1 - f).
2) I understand very clearly that the desired conclusion is to show:
integral f = limit integral f_n [Note: emulating your notation now.]
Note that f = f_1 - (f_1 - f) = f_1 - g, so it is certainly true that
(to restate my final step in your notation):
integral f = integral (f_1 - g) = (integral f_1) - (integral g)
= (integral f_1) - limit (integral g_n) [Note: This is where we use
= limit (integral f_1 - g_n) [This is just linearity of limits &
= limit integral f_n
The crucial step is being able to apply MCT to the sequence {g_n} as
it converges "upward" pointwise to g:
integral g = limit integral g_n
Again, we cannot directly apply MCT to the sequence {f_n} because that
sequence is converging "downward" pointwise to f. By introducing the
new sequence {g_n} we can apply the Monotone Convergence Theorem to
Let's recall the hypotheses of the Monotone Convergence Theorem as
they would apply to {g_n}:
- The functions g_n are measurable and nonnegative, as explained above
in (1).
- The functions g_n converge pointwise upward to g, as also explained
The Monotone Convergence Theorem thus applies; g is a measurable
function and:
integral g = limit integral g_n
Now in general it might be true, with the hypotheses of MCT, that this
limiting integral is (positively) infinite (and the equation is then
+oo = +oo). But in the more restrictive circumstances of your
problem, we are told that f_1 has a finite integral, ie.
integral f_1 < infinity
As a consequence of this, since 0 <= f <= f_1, the integral of f will
also be finite, as will the integral of g = f_1 - f.
Do these comments help to dispel your doubts? If not, I encourage you
to go step by step through my original answer, which is arranged as a
linearly ordered proof, and identify any particular steps which seem
doubtful or inexplicable. The purpose is to prove integral f = limit
integral f_n, and each step in the proof builds toward this goal.
regards, mathtalk-ga