Sorry to hear about your illness. It so happens that I am working on a
project dealing with federal healthcare programs as we speak, so I
have a lot of the info handy.
There are government programs to help uninsured people pay for medical
costs. However, the money does not go to the patient; the money goes
from the government to the hospital or physician.
In California, the programs to help low-income people pay for medical
costs are Medi-Cal and Medical Services for Indigents. These programs
are administered through county social and health services offices.
The first people you should talk to are at the Orange County Health
Consumer Action Center (a federally subsidized legal-services agency)
at (800) 834-5001 (1). They can tell you which programs you may be
eligible for.
The Orange County department that handles Medi-Cal (the California
Medicaid program) is the Social Services Agency. Their Laguna Hills
Medi-Cal office is at 25292 McIntyre Road, Suites K&S, (949) 587-8543.
Or call the central office at (714) 541-7700. (2)
The Orange County Health Care Agency handles the MSI program. The
agency has health centers in San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Beach. The
San Juan Capistrano center is at 33081 Calle Perfecto, Suite A, (949)
240-2272. The Laguna Beach center is at the Laguna Beach Community
Clinic, 362 Third St., (949) 494-0761. You can also call the MSI
Eligibility Information Line at (714) 480-6333. (3)
I hope this answer meets your needs. If not, please request
(1) OC HCAC, "Working People Can Get Help with Health Care"
(2) OC SSA, "Office Locations"
(3) OC HCA, "Locations"
Search strategy:
California Medicaid
Medi-Cal Orange County
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=Medi%2DCal+Orange+County |