hi steve,
The "Money Cat" is an Oriental symbol for prosperity . The lucky money
cat is believed to be a powerful feng shui cure for wealth. These
beckoning statuettes are common in Chinese homes, but are Japanese in
origin. The legend behind them is that a temple cat, Tama, helped his
owner, a poverty-stricken priest, and saved a wealthy man from death
by beckoning him away from a tree into the temple just before it was
struck by lightning. Money cats are associated with an increase in
good fortune, especially in prosperity. These cats take on a special
added influence with the color purple. Purple is one of the strong
colors of wealth and will place emphases on the wealth aspect even
more. All sites I came across state that the money cat is meant to be
placed in your "wealth area", on your desk, or facing the front door
to activate the abundance in your space.The front door , bedroom and
Kitchen are the three most important areas in your home. The Front
door is the most important area in your home because this is how you
welcome “chi” (the life force) into your home. If this isn’t done
correctly you nmay find many opportunities could pass you by. The
Kitchen is the money area of your home. If money is difficult for you
to attain then the kitchen is the room to focus on. I didnt find any
specific actions or blessings that were directly associated with the
money cat and its placement.
I found a reference on the practice of "space clearing" which you may
find of benefit:
"It is a series of ceremonies or procedures performed in order to
"clear out" negative energies that may have been created in a space,
and which have had a negative lingering effect on the occupants. As an
example, if the previous occupants of your new home were known to be
very sick people, emotionally or physically, then it would be
appropriate and timely to follow some space clearing procedures.
Sometimes just changing surfaces (like re-carpeting and new paint) can
help. Often a thorough sanitizing of the house and opening of all
windows will give a great feeling to a space.
Of course there are more elaborate and sophisticated practices, the
more common of which involve burning sage, candles, aromatherapy,
strategic placements of bowls of water and salt, using sound (like
mantra tapes and gongs), and prayerful concentration to reclaim the
space and infuse it with positively. All of this is a nice complement
to Feng Shui, although space clearing all by itself is technically not
Feng Shui. Space clearing can address the personal human energy (or
ghostly presence) that effects a space, but Feng Shui deals with the
earthly and heavenly energies contained in the house, which were
established at the time of construction. Feng Shui also corrects the
problems associated with poor interior design (ch'i flow) and the
effects of the immediate exterior surroundings.
Space clearing techniques come from a number of cultures and may be
helpful to some individuals to do on a regular basis, especially
people who have no escape from frequent personal or professional
'Clarifying Feng Shui'
by Kartar Diamond
( http://www.traditionalfengshui.com/articles/fsdefined.htm )
I came across these two answers to some FAQ's on the "Stop Feng
Shui.com" web site:
"Can Feng Shui guarantee a successful business?
Not in and of itself, to the exclusion of all other factors. It is
important to remember that Feng Shui originated in an agricultural
society and is founded on concerns for environmental health and
well-being. It can only enhance your chances of success if your site
is in harmony with the seen and unseen forces, tangible and
Do prayers play any role in Feng Shui?
The power of belief or prayer has been proven out by modern science.
Your intention to any Feng Shui cure is very important. The deeper
meaning you can attach to your enhancement will improve the speed of
the results that you are looking for."
Vera Marie - Feng Shui consultant
How to make a fortune in a year
Power Objects
Stop Feng Shui
Traditional Feng Shui
"feng shui" "money cat"
"wealth area" "money cat"
"money cat" prayer
oriental "money cat"
prayers "money cat"
prayers "feng shui" money
I hope this helps you attract more prosperity in your life! |