Dear ej1216-ga:
The images you are seeing are the result of cached images imbedded
in one or more of your temp folders. They are placed there
automatically in order to help speed up browsing in the event that you
should return to one of the pages you have previously visited. Rather
than load them from the Internet, which may have a slower connection,
the images are pulled directly from your own computer and displayed to
you, giving you the feeling that you are seeing them on the Internet,
when actually you are looking at copies of them stored on your own
computer. This technology allows the majority of your connection speed
to focus on loading anything new from the page that might not have
been cached on your previous visit.
You can follow the directions here in order to clean these images up:
An alternative solution (and a much simpler one) is to down load the
small program called Window Washer. It will delete the images from
your cache as often as you want it to and will free up disk space,
delete history, erase tracks and much more. You can set the program to
wash each time you boot the computer up, turn the computer off, or
every so often according to your needs. Additionally, you can wash
manually whenever you think it is necessary. In my opinion, it works
As with any program of course, you use it at your own risk, but I have
used the program for several years and I have been very pleased with
the amount of space it routinely recovers and with the number of other
jobs it does automatically. This program is also customizable so you
can set it to clear out the contents of any other folder, history or
drop down field you so desire.
I hope this provides a solution to your problem.
Best regards;
WUGNET - Window Washer
How to clean out unwanted files that are hidden on your hard drive
Engine used:
Search terms used:
Download, free, window washer
Deleting, images, cache |