Hi, g8z-ga:
Thanks for the clarification. I think that, with your condition:
"As far as the nonnegativity of the solution variables, I think that
an arbitrary linear program should not assume that we necessarily have
that constraint."
one can definitively show that there is no "dual" program that can be
invoked on such general linear programs.
Of course to make this precise would itself involve a careful
definition of what constitutes a "dual" program. I suspect you are
not interested in paying even your listed price for a "negative"
result of this type, which would nonetheless require substantial
effort on my part to explain.
Let me give one nugget for your own contemplation, however. An aspect
of a linear program in "standard" maximization form is that the origin
is always a feasible point. The "dual" minimization problem is
therefore never unbounded, as may be seen from the positive
coefficients in the dual objective function taken together with the
nonnegativity constraints on dual variables. One should therefore
suspect that these nonnegativity constraints play a vital role in even
so simple a connection between original and dual problems as:
unbounded original problem <==> infeasible dual problem
regards, mathtalk-ga |