The design of a website depends to a large extent on on the
functionality it aims to provide and must be evaluated in that
context. For example, adding a click the monkey's tail game to
Google's main page would surely make it more interactive, but would it
help the user with the task he or she wanted to use Google for?
Google aims to provide a normal internet user with an easy to use
search tool to extract relevant information from the massive data
overload of the Internet.
The minimalist user interface draws attention to the most important
part of the page which is the search box. The various search services
offered by Google are neatly tucked away, but easily accessible by a
single mouse click. The page contains no extraneous elements or
advertisements that increase the page download time or distract the
user.The meteoric rise of Google as the default search engine for the
web means that it must be doing something right!
I was able to find the following articles/essays commenting on the
Google website's user interface :
- MBA Website Analysis Second group
Google Cache :(
This page contains a number of essays evaluating the design of
various websites. Two of these, by Jason Lifson & Glen Schrader,
evaluate and rate Google.This is a Google cache copy, so just scroll
down until you see the term "Google" highlighted in Yellow.The essays
rate Google on a variety of factors including Context, Content,
Community, Customization, Communication, Connection and Commerce
besides other factors.
- Google, Disintermediation, and the Palm Beach Ballot by Richard
( )
Analizes what Google did right to capture its huge base of loyal
Google Search Terms : "google website" site design interface
Comparing Yahoo to Google is not really fair, since their
functionality is different.
Yahoo is a portal, that is its main aim is to provide itself as a
launching ground to a users web activities.But over the years, and in
an effort to meet its financial needs, its focus has shifted
somewhat.Yahoo now provides a host of paid and unpaid services to its
users in order to keep them within its pages,instead of directing them
to others(as was the original intent).
Yahoo's main interface to the web is through its (human maintained)
web directory. As of June 1999, all web searches on Yahoo are powered
by Google.
It is in trying to be everything to everybody, that Yahoo falters.
The large number of links on its main page frequently confuse novice
net users. A recent redesign of the main page has resulted in reduced
clutter, but is nowhere near to matching the clear, tight focus of
Google's interface.
This slightly dated article (dated Nov. 1998)
Why Yahoo is Good (But May Get Worse) by Jakob Nielsen
discusses what Yahoo is doing right at the same time expressing
concern that it might not be able to keep up with the web's explosive
growth.As the article says "Statements from Yahoo executives indicate
that Yahoo refuses to think of itself as being primarily a
search-and-navigation aide to help users go elsewhere as fast as
possible. Moving beyond your roots is always difficult, but
downplaying the exact reason users come to your site seems outright
reckless.".The authors fears seem to have come true.
I hope the above answer was of help.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
- - Marissa Mayer(Product Manager Google)
( )
According to this article,Marissa has "internationalized Google's
interface...lead much of the UI design and development effort"
- The Wonderful Wizards of Google
( )
Google Search Terms : site: google user
interface |