Dear whychild-ga,
The LABORSTA site ( of the International
Labour Office
database on labour statistics (operated by the International Labour
Organization) containts a group of statistics that may be useful to
From that URL you will get to the LABORSTA selection screen
( There you can select
Mexico as the country and the table "5A Wages, by economic activity"
to do the search. Then, You will get the statistics list in Mexican
currency, from 1991-2000 and grouped by the International Standard
Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities:
category A: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry
category B: Fishing
category C: Mining and Quarrying
category D: Manufacturing
category E: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
category F: Construction
category G: Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles,
Motorcycles and Personal and Household Goods
category H: Hotels and Restaurants
category I: Transport, Storage and Communications
category J: Financial Intermediation
category K: Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities
category L: Public Administration and Defence
category M: Education
category O: Other Community,Social and Personal Service Activities
category P: Private Households with Employed Persons
category Q: Extra-Territorial Organizations and Bodies
category X: Not classifiable by economic activity
Another document that may be helpful to you is "The Mexican Economy
1999", by Banco de Mexico
In chapter 1.1.2. "Employment and Earnings", page 20, you will find an
overview of the Mexican labour market, including employment indicators
by economic sector and a comparison between U.S. and Mexican
productivity(page 28).
For Mexican resume posting sites visit: : select Mexico in the welcome screen, and the
"Buscar Trabajo" link to search for positions. : Click on "Job Search", then Select Latin
America and Mexico on the region and country search fields. : Click on "Buscar Empleo" to see a
list of positions available, some of them include salary offered.
Search Strategy
Google Search
Salarios en Mexico
National Urban Employment Survey, Register of Households (Encuesta
Nacional de Empleo Urbano, Registro de Hogares - ENEU).
I hope this goes some way towards helping you find the information you
are looking for.
Thanks for using Google Answers.
Jmmjumarti-ga |