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contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
Category: Business and Money > Consulting Asked by: christopher958-ga List Price: $200.00 |
16 Nov 2002 05:45 PST
Expires: 16 Dec 2002 05:45 PST Question ID: 108804 |
As approved vendors for bidding on IT solution projects for Reynolds & Reynolds, we need contact names for managers that will outsource their IT projects and as much information as possible about this process. |
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Re: contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
Answered By: pelican-ga on 18 Nov 2002 09:33 PST |
Greetings! QUESTION Who are the key managers to be contacted in order to identify IT outsourcing opportunities by Reynolds & Reynolds? ANSWER 1. One key manager is Melanie Luckenbach, Director of Human Resources and Information Technology, Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Dayton, OH. She defines IT outsourcing needs. 2. Another key manager is Dale L. Medford, Exec. Vice President Finance and CFO. He is responsible for supply management, and all outsourcing requests must be approved by him or members of his organizationm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background information on Melanie Luckenbach, Director of HR and IT Melanie Luckenbach is director of human resources, information management and technology, at Reynolds & Reynolds Co., a Dayton, Ohio-based information management firm. Luckenbach agrees that the IT work force is changing. Employees are putting family and personal needs first, and they desire to be part of decisions and to continue to be challenged. As IT workers strive to be continuous learners, it's important for companies to provide avenues for employees to have access to new information, Luckenbach suggests. Work environment is an essential element in establishing communication channels. Managers at Reynolds spent nearly six months meeting with more than 200 IT employees to find out their needs and expectations. To promote teamwork and collaboration, Reynolds now has "huddle rooms" in which IT workers can get together and brainstorm. Reynolds also changed the way work was allocated, partly in response to its employees' desire for teaming and working outside the tight design of their jobs. "There has to be a balance to keep employees happy," says Luckenbach. "A lot of the work IT people do now involves interfacing with other people in the organization." Source: http://www.user.eliyon.com/public/PersonDetaillimited.asp?PersonID=19394849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Background information on Dale L. Medford -- CFO, responsible for supply management Dale L. Medford was named executive vice president and chief financial officer, The Reynolds and Reynolds Company in January 2001. Previously, he had served as vice president of corporate finance and chief financial officer since February 1986. Medford is responsible for the plans, policies and practices of the controller, treasury, internal audit, payroll, tax, investor relations, financial services and supply management. He started his career with Reynolds in 1974 as manager, taxes and internal audit. He was promoted to vice president and treasurer in 1981 and vice president of corporate finance and treasurer in 1985. In 1981, he was named treasurer of Reyna Financial Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Reynolds and Reynolds Company, and served as president and chief operating officer of Reyna from 1983 to 1986. Medford, a certified public accountant, was employed by Deloitte Haskins & Sells before joining Reynolds. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business from Miami University. Medford currently serves as a member of the Reynolds' board of directors where he is chair of the investment committee and serves on several other committees including non-employee director options, 401k plan, nominating and governance and ReyShare. He is chair for the Victoria Theatre Association; chair, Executive Support Committee of the Victoria Theatre Association; honorary trustee of the Dayton Opera Association; member, Dayton Racquet Club Board of Governors; chair of the Audit and Investment Committee of Lutheran Social Services of the Miami Valley; member, Financial Executives Institute, Dayton Chapter; and member of the Miami University Business Advisory Council. Source: http://www.shareholder.com/rey/bios.cfm?bio=Medford SOURCES Reynolds and Reynolds Timeline -- http://www.reyrey.com/about/historyall.asp SEARCH STRATEGY 1. Searched www.reyrey.com to identify managers involved in IT outsourcing -- none found. 2. Search advanced google seeking the same information, with the same result. 3. Searched hoovers.com seeking the same information, with the same result. 4. Searched www.user.eliyon.com -- found IT manager and CFO/supply manager. 5. These are the key managers who negotiate IT outsourcing -- requirements versus funding. RESEARCH SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATION The research identified 2 key managers in the outsourcing decision process: 1. Melanie Luckenbach, Director of Human Resources and Information Technology -- she defines the IT support required that should be outsourced. 2. Dale L. Medford, Exec. Vice President Finance and CFO/Supply Management -- he determines what IT outsourcing projects can actually be budgeted. 3. This is probably an iterative process between IT and Finance, with IT trying to outsource anything that would be cost-effective to outsource, and Finance trying to reduce the combined costs of both inhouse IT and outsourced IT. In a comment posted 17 Nov 2002 14:41 PST , aceresearcher-ga suggests another plausible scenario that may require escalation to executive management. He mentions writing a formal complaint to the CEO and the CIO. Ms. Luckenbach is the CIO. If (and only if) there is objective evidence that this scenario is actually happening, I would send the letter to her and the CFO, with copy to the CEO. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or need further clarification. Best regards, pelican-ga |
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Re: contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
From: tar_heel_v-ga on 16 Nov 2002 13:20 PST |
As an approved vendor, you should have a contact within the procurment department that can give you IT contacts. -THV |
Re: contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
From: christopher958-ga on 17 Nov 2002 06:17 PST |
I know. The procurement contact won't give us any names though. We thought we would have been given a list of names or be informed when there are projects to be bidded on but that is not the case. |
Re: contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
From: bcguide-ga on 17 Nov 2002 14:19 PST |
Hi christopher958-ga, It's odd that they are so secretive about providing contact information. It may be that they have a "don't call us, we'll call you" stategy in place. I can't locate a listing of contact information, the compant website (http://www.reyrey.com/) only has the execs, but the Internet is a bit more forthcoming with contact names. I'm not posting this as an answer, because the information is not complete, but it should help you to get some additional contacts. http://www.vitria.com/library/case_studies/vitria_casestudy_reynolds_and_reynolds.pdf "'Speed and flexibility of integration were primary concerns when selecting an enterprise application integration (EAI) tool,' commented Gary Hess, Project Manager at Reynolds." "'The volume of orders coming in through Web-facing applications is steadily increasing and projected to at least double in the next year,' noted Girish Balsavar, Business Systems Analyst at Reynolds." "Orders entering the Reynolds system via these two applications are published directly to a BusinessWare - Steve Hangen, Vice President Software Engineering Application Services, Reynolds and Reynolds" The article discusses the implementation of third party software from Vitrea and may offer some assistance on the needs of Reynolds. There are more sites that list companies who are working with Renolds or that involve people who have worked at or with Reynolds. Some of these may be good resources for the kind of insiders information that you need. The Vitrea site offers this information: "Reynolds currently utilizes BusinessWare in four product/application solutions, and has many other projects planned for development over the next two years. Leveraging BusinessWare, the company has automated the order fulfillment and shipping processes used within its automotive and information solutions divisions. Two additional projects, Reynolds Advantage, which focuses on existing customers, and ReySource, which focuses on new customers, have also been completed." http://www.vitria.com/customers/case_studies.html The Digital Motorworks site lists a crew that seem to have met while working at Reynolds & Reynolds: Steve Murray, Managing Director, Europe and Asia Pacific. ... he held the e-commerce chair at Reynolds & Reynolds... While at Reynolds & Reynolds, he also served as Director of International. Paul Barlow, Director of Information Technology, Europe and Asia Pacific. While at Reynolds and Reynolds, Paul became familiar with DMi's information management technology... Nick Acquarola, General Manager, Asia Pacific Prior to joining DMi in January 2000, Nick was the National Service Centre Manager at Reynolds & Reynolds. It does not look like this company would be a competitor they don't list Reynolds as a client and I'm sure that they left with enough contacts to make that happen if they were interested. They may be willing to offer some insider tips on how the Reynolds system handles outsourcing IT contracts. Networking is still the best means to close deals in the business world. http://www.dmotorworks.com.au/company/mgmtteam.shtml Another ex Reynolds man is Roger Hilterbrandt President of SterlingWare The companys contact info is: 2171 Quail Run Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 P. 225.819.0000 F. 225.819.0009 email: info@sterlingware.com http://www.sterlingware.com/employees.htm http://www.networkcar.com/networkcar/pub/managementteam Donald Brady, Vice President Sales with Networkcar is involved with Reynolds & Reynolds sales division. In 2001, Reynolds acquired a 10 percent equity in NetworkCar and exclusive rights to distribute CAReader to North American automotive retailers. http://www.a2.com/freelancers.html Freelancer Central is a network of freelancers in the IT field John T., Internet Technology John is responsible for technology direction, solution planning and project management John has worked with organizations such as and Reynolds & Reynolds. http://www.projectsatwork.com/april2002/may_news.htm Lists four project managers also who won IT Project Leadership Awards at the PLC: "Patrick Reeman, at automotive retailing information consultant Reynolds and Reynolds, rounded out the Top 5 for his work on a next-generation, in-house, open solution for the automotive market." http://www.reynolds.com.au/news/Dealer-Conn_Aut-Win-2002.pdf Is a newsletter for dealers put out by Reynolds & Reynolds Pty Ltd Although it doesn't include contact information, it does discuss some of the new software that they are providing and gives some insight into the company's focus. http://www.sii-nh.com/sii/projects.html Software Innovations in New Hampsire also did some work for Reynolds. This may be a more direct competition and they may not be willing to share information. But you'll never know until you ask... Software Innovations, Inc. 55 Bridge Street Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 669-9890 Fax: (603) 669-4315 email to drd@sii-nh.com for more information... Another company who lists Reynolds as a client: About Server Enterprise Ltd Founded in 1992 Server Enterprise is a leading supplier of enterprise modelling and meta data management tools and has a customer base of over 250 major corporations. Customers include Deutsche Post, Lucent, Philip Morris, Johnson & Johnson, Reynolds & Reynolds, ARAMCO, Natwest Bank and RAC. For further information contact: Kristina Miller (kmiller@serverenterprise.com) Server Enterprise Ltd, Technology Transfer Centre Silwood Park, Ascot Berkshire SL5 7PW UK. Telephone: +44 (0)1344 876553 Fax: +44 (0)1344 876554 http://www.serverenterprise.co.uk/newsite/company/press-releases/dec2001.htm And a few more http://www.avtech-inc.com/avtech/why_av1.htm http://www.embarcadero.com/company/reynolds.asp http://www.apptonet.com/pdfs/IQArticle.pdf Biz Connection takes a look at the situations that would demand out sourcing. This resource adds to your understanding of the project managers perspective. Understanding what the needs of the client are is the best way to provide a solution that will meet them. Nucleus Research ROI Case Studies An in-depth and independent look at the actual return a customer received from a technology deployment. They have an analysis of SmartForce - Reynolds & Reynolds. The cost is high and I'm not sure it would provide any relevant information, but you might want to take a look at it. http://www.nucleusresearch.com/casestudies.htm search terms: Reynolds & Reynolds management team It's a beginning... bcguide-ga |
Re: contact names at Reynolds & Reynolds
From: aceresearcher-ga on 17 Nov 2002 14:41 PST |
christopher958, Another possibility to consider is that the person in charge of bids and procurement has cut his own deals with other sources and you are just being frozen out. If you believe this to be the case, you might consider sending a certified letter addressed to the head of the company and/or the division expressing your frustration at not being able to get this information, asking why you aren't being given this information upon request, and asking what you need to do to get the information. A certified letter requires a human signature upon delivery, looks more important and official, and so tends to command more attention. Chances are good that if you send this letter to both the CEO and the CIO, at least one of them will not be pleased that something is apparently not quite right. Maybe you will get some action that way. Good Luck! aceresearcher |
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