<There are several web sites with material that can answer your
question. I have also listed the most relevant research papers.
Assessing intellectual and affective development before age three: a
perspective on changing practises. Samuel J. Meisels and Sally
Atkins-Burnett. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/food/V201e/ch04.htm#b3-Myths%20concerning%20intelligence%20testing%20in%20early%20childhood
This paper discusses:
1. Nancy Bayleys Scales of Infant Development.
2 The myths identified by Neisworth and Bagnato concerning
intelligence testing in early childhood.
3. Principles of assessment.
4. Other approaches to assessing intellectual and affective
The Predictive Value of IQ.
This article reviews conventional and current approaches to the
measurement of intelligence, with particular emphasis on prediction
of success in later life.
What can you predict from an IQ Test Score.
A summary of a review of the research findings in the fields of
intelligence and intelligence testing compiled by the American
Psychological Association
Further reading:
Sternberg RJ. Death, taxes, and bad intelligence tests. Intelligence
Bagnato SJ, Neisworth JT. A national study of the social treatment
invalidity of intelligence testing for early intervention. School
Psychol Q 1994;9:81-102.
Bayley N. The Bayley scales of infant development - II. San Antonio,
Tex, USA: Psychological Corporation, 1993.
Fagan JF, McGrath SK. Infant recognition memory and later
intelligence. Intelligence 1981;5:121-30.
Fagan JF, Singer LT, Montie JE, Shepherd PA. Selective screening
device for the early detection of normal or delayed cognitive
development in infants at risk for later mental retardation.
Pediatrics 1986;78:1021-26.>
<Additional links:>
<The use of standardized tests with young gifted children>
<Early identification and use of Intelligence tests to identify
reading disorders in children.>
<Research methods and statistics.>
<Abstract - The Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence: A critical review.
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 13(2), 153-171.>
<Search strategy:>
<psychology "intelligence tests" infants bayley Fagan>
<"bayley" "intelligence testing" research>
<"infant recognition memory and later intelligence">
<"The case against intelligence testing in early intervention topics">
<Hope this helps.> |