Hi, Ace!
Sorry to hear about your cat's eye problem. My elderly Siamese
pussycat Leela (now gone across the Rainbow Bridge) suffered from
recurrent bouts of conjunctivitis. There are few things sadder than a
blue-eyed cat with pinkeye.
As a person who is owned by numerous cats, I have been through the
mortar-and-pestle ordeal many times, with varying degrees of success
(sometimes pills with tough coatings tend to elude the pestle and jump
out of the mortar as if fleeing for their lives.) I can well
understand your desire to have a pre-pulverized source of your kitty's
Fortunately, 500mg L-lysine capsules are plentiful on the Web. Here
are two sources for you to consider. In order to verify the security
status of each of these stores, I placed a mock order (up to the point
of entering credit card data,) then canceled the order. Each of these
merchants offers 128-byte SSL security. To verify this, note that as
you roll your mouse over the small icon of a lock that appears when
the order enters secure mode, text is displayed saying "SSL Secured
(128 Bit)." I did not obtain shipping costs, since I do not know what
quantity of merchandise you will be ordering.
Twinlab L-Lysine, 500mg, 100 capsules, $5.51 (minimum order $15)
Nutrition Boulevard
L-Lysine (brand name not listed), 500mg, 90 capsules, $4.95
There are other sources of L-Lysine capsules online, but I have
personally ordered from the two merchants linked above, and believe
them to be trustworthy. I would be a bit leery of some of the places
on the 'Net that sell vitamins and supplements. The "Howie's Offshore
Discount Prescriptions" sites may have super-good prices mainly
because they have no intention of actually filling your order.
Another option is to buy the powder in bulk, and portion it out.
One-eighth teaspoon of this powder will provide 500 milligrams of
L-Lysine. You get 900 portions here, at a very low price:
L-Lysine Powder, 1 Pound, $10.25
Absolute Sports Nutrition
I cannot vouch for the trustworthiness of Absolute Sports Nutrition.
They do not appear to be operated by Howie from his Cayman Islands
garage, but I have no personal experience with this merchant.
My recommendation would be to go for the Twinlab product, as sold by
Nutrition Boulevard. A nationally recognized brand such as Twinlab is
likely to be more reliable in containing the precise amount of the
ingredient advertised. Since the FDA does not have strict control over
substances like L-Lysine, it is possible that, as has happened with
other supplements, some manufacturers may play fast and loose with the
contents of their products, resulting in labeling inaccuracies (there
have even been some well-publicized cases in which the supplement
contained little or none of the active ingredient named on the label.)
Twinlab, a highly respected name in this industry, has a lot to lose
if they are caught in an error, so I would tend to trust them to
maintain more accurate standards than no-name distributors of
My Google search strategy:
"lysine capsules" 500mg
"lysine powder"
I hope this meets your needs. If, for any reason, the information I've
found is not suitable, please request clarification, and I'll gladly
resume the search.
Best wishes,
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