aviation statistics
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: jennings-ga List Price: $10.00 |
18 Apr 2002 17:41 PDT
Expires: 25 Apr 2002 17:41 PDT Question ID: 1103 |
Where can I find the best compendium of US (and worldwide) aviation safety and delay statistics? I am interested in historical accounts of: Closely Spaced Parallel Approach accidents and incidents Runway Incursion accidents and incidents |
Re: aviation statistics
Answered By: dscotton-ga on 18 Apr 2002 18:51 PDT |
Most of the statistics you are interested in (for the United States) are available from various US government web pages. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the Department of Transportation have statistics about airline delays for the major airlines in the United states. Their web pages include both a searchable database (which will show statistics on specific airports and airlines in a given time period) and reports, which give a broader summary of statistics for a given time period. (The searchable database does not appear to work completely reliably). Here is the page at the Bureau of Transportation statistics with links to on-time statistics (click the "reports and products" button for reports or the "searchable database" for the database): The Federal Aviation Administration has a web page devoted to aviation safety data. They have reports on various topics such as weather related accidents and helicopter accidents. They also have a searchable database. Here is the address of the page: https://www.nasdac.faa.gov/servlet/page? _pageid=108,110&_dad=nasdac&_schema=NASDAC And this address should take you straight to the database search form (there are three different databases listed under "incidents", but all three appear to go to the same place): https://www.nasdac.faa.gov/pls/nasdac/NASDAC.wwa_app_module.new_instance? p_moduleid=2165301351 When I queried the accident/incident database for entries containing the text "runway incursion", it listed these 6 events going back to 1987 (sorry for the extremely long URL): https://www.nasdac.faa.gov/pls/nasdac/NASDAC.wwv_user_utilities.exec_procedure? p_session_id=&p_module_id=2165301351&p_version=14&p_arg_names=V_NARR_SRCH&p_arg_ values=Runway+Incursion&p_arg_names=V_RPRT_NBR&p_arg_values=&p_arg_names=V_ACFT_ REGIST_NBR&p_arg_values=&p_arg_names=V_EVENT_STRT_DATE&p_arg_values=&p_arg_names =V_EVENT_END_DATE&p_arg_values=&p_arg_names=V_LOC_STATE_CODE_STD&p_arg_values=+& p_arg_names=V_ARPT_NAME_STD&p_arg_values=+&p_arg_names=V_FLTCNDCT_CODE&p_arg_val ues=+&p_arg_names=V_OPRTR_NSDC_NAME_STD&p_arg_values=+&p_arg_names=V_ACFT_NSDC_M AKE_STD&p_arg_values=+&p_arg_names=V_ACFT_NSDC_MODEL_STD&p_arg_values=+&p_arg_na mes=V_ACFT_NSDC_SERIES_STD&p_arg_values=+&p_back_url=NASDAC.wwa_app_module.show% 3Fp_sessionid%3D19118 This web page contains a brief history of runway incursions, mentioning the 1977 collision at Tenerife Airport that resulted in 583 deaths: http://www.faa.gov/region/aea/runway_safety/rih.htm Finally, for information about airline safety outside the United States, the Aviation Safety Network appears to have information on airliner accidents around the world: http://aviation-safety.net/index.shtml I hope this information is helpful to you, and that the web pages I mentioned help you find any specific statistics you're interested in. |
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