First some history; our group is already organized as a non-profit
corporation pursuant to Article 3.02 Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act.
The articles of incorporation that are filed with the Sec. of State
are Form 202 and in that Form 202, Article 3, B was chosen and it
reads,in part, "Management of the affairs of the corporation is to be
vested in its board of directors. ..."
Now, I am making application to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status using
Form 1023. In my bylaws I wish to make me the sole executive and
treasurer for as long as I wish. There will be a board of advisors
(with no vote in the corporate affairs).
Here is the questions:
A)How do I ask the IRS to accept corporate control from one
administrator given the language of Articles of Incorporation, Form
202, filed with Texas?
B) Can one person be president, treasurer, and secretary of the
corporation with or without admendments to the Articles of
Incorporation? |
Clarification of Question by
21 Nov 2002 06:23 PST
For Texas' purposes there are three people listed in the Articles of
Incorporation that constitute the initial Board of Directors. A
minimum of three people are required. The people listed include me.
The other two folks are actively involved in the charitable activities
of our group, but they do not want to be part of the "administrative"
work (e.g., executive decisions, accounting, fundraising).
The full instructions for the Texas Articles of Incorporation, Article
3(B) say, "Management of the affairs of the corporation is to be
vested in its board of directors. The number of directors, which must
be a minimum of three, that constitutes the initial board of directors
and the names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as
directors until the first annual meeting or until their successors are
elected and qualified are set forth below:"
The initial directors have now met and are willing to let me have the
full responsibility for administration of the group and give up their