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Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: lxluthr-ga List Price: $10.00 |
19 Nov 2002 10:09 PST
Expires: 19 Dec 2002 10:09 PST Question ID: 110668 |
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Re: Fate
Answered By: revbrenda1st-ga on 19 Nov 2002 12:14 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi xluthr, That question has been asked by man since time immemorial. Many, especially the clergy, hear it all the time and try to deal with it according to how it fits into their respective faiths. Humans seem to want to attach blame to something for everything that goes wrong or is painful to them. Most often it's God. Maybe the Biblical quote, "Vengeance is mine..." - Romans 12:19 (KJV) is the reason for that. Personally, I don't think there will ever be a confirmed answered. I can explain to you my thoughts on the subject and link you to some websites which discuss the issue, though. To paraphrase an oft-heard statement, "Stuff happens." Fate, karma -- both words are bandied about constantly. If everyone relied on fate, nothing would get done. I strongly disagree with Mark Twain who declared, "There ain't no such thing as an accident; there ain't nothing happens in the world but what's ordered just so by a wiser power than us, and it's always for a good purpose ..." - Mark Twain If I get angry, kick the wall, and break my toe that's a bad thing, but is it fate? No, it's my fault. If I'm walking down the road in a heavy wind and a tree branch drops on my head, is that my fault? Did God have nothing better to do at that moment than to drop something on my head? I don't think so (but who knows for sure.) Stuff happens! Ironically, Dag Hammarskjold once said, "We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours." - Dag Hammarskjold I'm wondering if he believed that when the plane he was in crashed, killing him and all others aboard. We could go round and round but when all is said and done, the answer lies within everyone and is dependent on one's personal beliefs and faith. I'll direct you to some websites so you can read others' thoughts. keyword phrase "bad things happen to good people" < ://www.google.ca/search?q=bad+things+happen+to+good+people&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search&meta= > This is a page which summarizes a book by Harold S. Kushner (1981) which he wrote "as a reaction to personal tragedy." Each chapter is annotated and you can read an except from each by clicking the underlined chapter title. When Bad Things Happen to Good People http://www.gurus.com/dougdeb/Courses/bestsellers/Kushner/BTmain.htm The author of this Christianity-focused article makes an interesting point. She believes that God doesn't MAKE bad things happen, he just doesn't STOP them from happening. Bad Things Happen to Good People http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9127/bad.html Next comes a brief page -- the webmaster is comparing Bibles quotes for both the negative and positive sides of his question. Do bad things happen to good people? http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/shithappens.html View the results of a poll that asked the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?." Only 12 answered it, but you'll see my personal opinion (Stuff Happens) got a zero. WTBN AM 570 & 910 http://www.bayword.com/poll/viewall.asp?ID=475 Okay, now! Here we have an essay (unattributed) in which the author says of course there's an answer -- a short, simple, obvious answer. Why do bad things happen to good people? http://www.generalinformatics.com/badthings.htm Now, about your other question, '...is there is really one person out there for everyone?" You know, I've heard that said often, but never really gave it any thought. I appreciate the opportunity to think it through with. Thank you. There may be some truth in that, but I do believe it's one of those statements that shouldn't be taken literally. I don't believe that a person is born and 'programmed' to be totally compatible with only one person. People aren't like jigsaw puzzles where a piece can fit properly to just one other. Why do I say that? Well, I know that people change. Certainly, I'm not the same person now that I was at 20 or 40 or even 50! Perhaps if I'd met my husband at older age I might not have married him. He was 'right' for me then, but would he be right today? Marriage has kept us compatible as we matured and changed together. There are a pile of people (too many) on this planet and they'd all be very lonely if they didn't take a chance on a companion. We just can't put things off in CASE the right one comes along. We have to go for it, and work at it, and hope things go as we'd like them to. And another thing -- just making an observation on scientic fact -- more females than males are born. Is that a quirk of fate? What happens to all the women when the men are taken and accounted for? And finally, how horrible it would be to go through life knowing that you only had ONE person who was right for you. What if you find someone who's good, something bad happens to him or her. Are you doomed to be alone for the rest of your life? No, I just can't swallow that, at all. I wish you well. :) revbrenda1st | |
rated this answer:![]() Thank you! These where actually my girlfriend's questions. I think she'll appreaciate the wisdom of your answers! thanks |
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Re: Fate
From: netmoud-ga on 20 Nov 2002 06:51 PST |
Dear All, I think this is a very serious matter that can affect many lives, all lives in fact, and the thing that you mentioned young children and their philosophical simple question and who to answer them complicates the matter even more. The thing is that there are too many factors and variables to be considered in order to answer such a deep question. To count among many: the essence of life, its meaning, God's power and Knowledge, humans ability to analyze and think, coincidence Vs. No accidents. In my humble view, we can begin with that not everything that you consider bad is really bad and the opposite is true. And there are things that can be bad at first and then gets better afterwards and you like it and vice versa. (But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not) Holly Qouran 2:216 and i think we all had experiences like this before. the second thing, if you are a believer in God and in the Afterlife, heaven and hell, then you should believe that life is to certain extent, an ongoing test, in which, there are other small tests or quizzes inside. Sometimes the questions are hard questions/situations and sometimes they are not. Fourth: life is not a day or two, its a whole thing, try taking it as a whole, dont judge what God did to you today or yesterday, but try to take it as a whole, maybe these people that you say bad things happened to them will receive good things after, and please try to take even one life as a whole and see if they received always bad things, i am utterly sure that you can never find one case, this will take the mercy out of the Merciful. And please try to ask the people that you think bad things happened to them if they really consider it as being bad. it is a perspective thing, and the rule of the glass half full and half empty applies greatly on these circumstances. to every thing that has happened there will always be a half full, and trying harder to find the good in the bad can reveal astonishing results Fifth: Some Believers (thought high on the ladder) do consider these "bad" things as a purification to the Soul, a must to try to nullify the exuberant account of guilt that every human commit every day. there are those who thank God on everything he grants them. they search the wisdom, they go beyond the actual acts and try to reach the essence, there are people who look for the lesson (as there is always lessons) in order to be a better person afterwards Sixth: He is God, the Merciful the Most Gracious, God does not oppress people but he is applying mercy on them, maximizing there chances for Heaven and settling the score for things they did before in their life, that maybe He doesnt want them to stand before Him on judgment day with this burden. Seventh: As for why good things happen to bad people: you can refer back to the fourth point and maybe to the story of Quaroun who was the richest man on earth in Moses time The Holly Qouran, 28:79 [79]So he (Qaroun) went forth among his people in the (pride of his worldly) glitter. Said those whose aim is the Life of this World: "Oh! that we had the like of what Qarun has got! For he is truly a lord of mighty good fortune!" [80] But those who had been granted (true) knowledge said: "Alas for you! The reward of God (in the Hereafter) is best for those who believe and work righteousness: but this none shall attain, save those who steadfastly persevere (in good)." [81] Then We caused the earth to swallow him up and his house; and he had not (the least little) party to help him against God, nor could he defend himself. [82] And those who had envied his position the day before began to say on the morrow: "Ah! It is indeed God Who enlarges the provision or restricts it, to any of His servants He pleases! Had it not been that God was gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up! Ah! Those who reject God will assuredly never prosper." [83] That House of the Hereafter We shall give to those who intend not high-handedness or mischief on earth: and the End is (best) for the righteous. One last point as for the weight of good things and bad things. as far as i know there is no objective measure for everything in this world, and i think the intangible things ( like true love, happiness, companionship, wisdom, serenity, having kids, having a family... and the list goes on) are the ones that really settle the score, try to weight all these things and then convert them to dollar terms to see for example if your love for your girlfriend worth more than a house in palm beach or a Lamborghini, and i defy anyone on this planet to set a price tag for a son or a daughter. I do have a certain perspective on this issue that i cannot prove, that God has this objective measure for everything, and i may say that we will ALL be given equal weights in the course of our life time, this is the absolute fairness, which God is. so try to take a good look at the people who has good things happened to them, and try to look again at the picture, you will never EVER find someone that has everything, and you will always find something missing. and try the sons and daughters things as people may cherish them more than anything in the world, and please dont just look for a day, and say i didnt find anything wrong with them, they have everything. look again and again, look at the people that you may refer as having everything, and look deep, I know an old lady who maybe had a lot of "things" at a certain point of her life and then lost her beloved son being old, you cant imagine, you cant imagine, no one can compare the feeling, all the jewels and glory in the world wouldnt bring him back. It was hard, very hard, but it is purifying. There is no good things and bad things, turn to God, Accept what he gives you, and thank him for it, because you dont know what is really good and what is really bad for you. He does |
Re: Fate
From: seadragon-ga on 20 Nov 2002 23:27 PST |
LxLuther, I am not sure whether the idea that I am about to provide will answer the specific questions your girlfriend has asked, but I am going to post it as general background on the question of Free Will v Predestination. I believe that the reality in which we (presumably) exist is best described by anology to geometric/numberical concept found in fractal mathematics and known as the Mandelbrot Set. You can see a picture and read a brief, non-mathematical explanation of its properties here: http://www.cygnus-software.com/gallery/mandelbrot.htm The most relevent properties of this figure is that, while the set is of a finite area, it contains infinite detail, and has an infinite circumference. This idea of infinite detail and complexity within a finite object is, at least to a non-mathematician, quite a paradox. I propose that the reality that we exist within operates in a somewhat similar way. That is, while the shape (representing Fate/Destiny/Predestination) is a fixed and finite one, the opportunities and choices open to us WITHIN that shape are infinite. Hence, within the fixed, predestined universe, we are still permitted infinite freedom to exercise our Free Will. I hope you find this concept as interesting as I did - I think that it is quite a novel idea, and a different way of thinking about an age-old problem! Seadragon-Ga |
Re: Fate
From: keithyb-ga on 22 Nov 2002 05:51 PST |
You might find some interest in http://www.religioustolerance.org/reac_ter3.htm - essay title: THEODICY: WHY DOESN'T GOD PREVENT EVIL? |
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