I have obtained the information which you requested. However, since
you are wanting to file a complaint, I have also obtained some other
names and addresses which you may find extremely helpful.
The (610)362-3135 phone number rings at the desk of
Donna Leeds
Unit Manager
Workers' Compensation Claims
P.O. Box 499
Essington, PA 19029
The Receptionist gave me the following e-mail address for Ms. Leeds:
This is a valid address, according to Josh Thielen's E-mail Address
Validator at:
*** HOWEVER ***
This Is purely MY Personal Recommendation:
I do NOT recommend that you e-mail Ms. Leeds.
A person in her position will receive dozens, perhaps even hundreds of
e-mails a day. If you want your complaint to be noticed and taken
seriously, I strongly encourage you not to use e-mail. I believe that
your complaint will be taken much more seriously if you physically
write a letter (or use your word processing software and print a
letter), sending copies to Ms. Leeds and to the following people as
Hal Irving
Workers' Compensation Claims
P.O. Box 499
Essington, PA 19029
Ted Jones
AIG Healthcare
Product Line Manager
Workers Compensation
70 Pine Street
New York, NY
Search Strategy
AIG Healthcare workers compensation management directory
AIG, New York, NY
I obtained information for Ms. Leeds and Mr. Irving by calling
(610)362-3135, pressing "0" when the voice mail answered, and asking
the Receptionist for the information.
Mr. Jones appears on the last page (page 9) of this AIG newsletter,
which is in Acrobat Reader format:!!.pdf
(Adobe's Acrobat Reader can be downloaded at )
I called his phone number to verify that he is still there, and got
his voice mail.
AIG Corporate Information is here:
Before Rating my Answer, if you have questions or need additional
information, please post a Request for Clarification, and I will be
glad to see what I can do for you.
I hope this Answer provides you with exactly the information you
aceresearcher |