Looking for a list of engineers or energy professionals or companies
that specialize in wind engineering (with windmills) that are loacated
in San Antonio Texas area? If none are in San Antonio, then the
"next" closest geographically.
I wasnt able to find any companies operating wind farms in San
Antonio; however, I was able to find a couple of companies in Austin,
which I believe is 80 to 90 miles away.
The most promising appeared to be Cielo Wind Power which is based in
Austin. They state at their website ( http://www.cielowind.com )that
Cielo Wind Power has developed many projects, including a 107-turbine
operation near McCamey, currently Texas' largest wind farm.
I also found Renewable Energy Systems Inc., which appears to be based
in the UK but has offices in Austin ( http://www.res-us.com ). Their
websites states To date, RES has built nearly 550 MW of wind capacity
in the United States, including the world's largest wind farm at King
Mountain in Texas.
I found these companies and others in Texas and throughout the United
States at the website of the American Wind Energy Association, in
their list of corporate members (
http://www.awea.org/directory/corporate1.html ).
Another good resource is the Texas Renewable Energy Industries
Association ( http://www.treia.org ), which is also based in Austin.
They describe themselves as follows: TREIA is a trade association for
companies, organizations, agencies and institutions involved in all
the renewable energy sources. TREIA promotes the use of renewables and
its member companies, educates and advocates on their behalf. Their
members list (http://www.treia.org/members.html) includes companies,
consultants, educational institutions, landowners and individual
associated with or interested in renewable energy. Many of them
specifically list wind as their area of expertise or interest.
In the San Antonio area, you may want to contact the The Association
of Energy Engineers, which lists an Austin-San Antonio Chapter.
Contact information can be found at (
http://www.aeecenter.org/Chapters ).
I hope this was helpful.
Google search terms:
wind power
engineers wind texas power
engineers wind
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=engineers+wind&btnG=Google+Search |