Hello stevenscharf,
I think I found your company :-) If for some reason this does not seem
like the right company, please ask for clarification before rating the
answer, and I'll see what else I can dig up :
DTS Medien (Media)
The product your client/friend seems to be using is distrubuted as
'Axxar'. Here is an excerpt from the site that helps define what it is
they do:
"Axxar Media Select allows the central archiving and provision of
digital data of all formats. The latter may be documents and pictures,
but also audio and video data...."
Axxar Info
The actual product/software is delivered through the Axxar site, and
we can see that website in English through the Altavista translation
- Go to http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish
- Enter the URL http://www.axxar-media.com/ in the 'Translate a web
page' area
- In the drop down nearby, select 'German to English'
- Once at the site, the main page is still in German
- Click on the link that says 'Das Produktz'
- You should see it in English now, and you can do this with any page
If for some reason you are unable to get it to work, here are a few of
the pages referenced in English for your convenience:
Axxar Media
DTS Contact Info
Main DTS program desciption
In short, the program allows a central place to manage workflow with
relation to the graphics. I am unsure of how your prospect/friend is
using it, but they could be using this service to deliver images via
XML or Java to clients. That's just my personal guess though, and
shouldn't be considered advice :-)
To help answer this question I searched Google Germany for:
DTS Media
Should you need further help, please ask for clarification before
rating this answer, as I would love to be of further assistance.
Thanks for the great question!
SgtCory |