I have carefully researched your question and have your answer.
First, Individualism. Individualism has different meanings depending
on in which context it's used. Aristotle said individualism is the
primary reality and has the first claim to recognition. He said people
are independent and are free to conduct self-development of
themselves. Individualist liberals contend the purpose of government
is to help individuals achieve happiness. Each individual is
Liberals believe no government may keep individuals from obtaining
their rights to the pursuit of their own happiness. They believe the
state is there to help individuals. Not the other way around.
Second, Impersonalism. Liberals believe impersonal organizational set
ups are needed. Liberals tend to have internalized ideologies.
Liberals don't necessarily believe so much in trust or sympathy. They
are looking to make a government work efficiently by creating a
bureaucracy that can make decisions for the whole.
While liberalism tends to lead to impersonalism, liberals believe in
creating a network of experts to help the bureaucracies make good
decisions. They believe in associations and lobbying groups to help
shape policy.
Third, Social Autonomy. Liberalism also tends to favor social
autonomy. Liberals believe people have the right to run their own
government. They believe minorities have just as much rights to run
society as those in the majority. The notion of social autonomy gives
equal power to all. Liberals believe regardless of your abilities or
your means, a government should treat everyone equally.
Fourth, Tolerance. Liberals tend to believe everyone has a right to
believe in what they perceive to be truth. They believe individuals
should not be forced to conform to how the majority believes
individuals should behave, act, and live. They believe that
individuals live their own lives, and that not everyone is even
capable of conforming with the majority.
You may read an overview of Aristotle, including his belief in
individualism online. The link is
Another good site about Aristotle and individualism can be found at
The Objectivist Center. The link is
I also found a good site that looks specifically at individualism. The
link is http://www2.rgu.ac.uk/publicpolicy/introduction/politics.htm
A good site that discusses impersonalism can be found at Ideology in
the Reviews by George Walford. The link is
Another good site about impersonalism is
You can read about social autonomy in an outline for the World Social
Forum 2002. The link is
You may read about liberal tolerance online in a paper called
"Tolerance, Liberalism, and Community." The link is
To conduct this research, I searched the following search terms:
liberalism characteristics individualism, liberal impersonalism,
liberal "social autonomy," liberalism tolerance, aristotle
I hope this helps! If you need any clarification, please don't
hesitate to ask.
darrel-ga |