Hello wordkraft-ga,
You are in luck. The Web is a cornucopia of recruiting and job hunting
resources and there are many sites that cater specifically to college
recruiting. Ive collected a sampling of resources that will help you
get familiar with the industry and give you material that you can use
in your newsletter for college recruiters. Enjoy!
National Association of Colleges and Employers
This is a membership organization representing 1800+ colleges and
universities, 1900+ employer organizations and 1 million+ college
students. It is dedicated to advancing college recruiting and
placement. It offers a large menu of services that will help
recruiters understand the college recruiting market.
E-Recruiting Association and
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Announce
Alliance and Fall 2002 Launch of NACElink
NACElink includes a job-posting feature, resume database, and
interview-scheduling component. Additional tools will be added to
accommodate the diverse needs of participating schools and employers.
It will be available on NACE's web site, NACEWeb (,
and through E-Recruiting Association's Internet search engine,
DirectEmployers (, or through the
participating campus career center web sites.
This is NACEs portal providing resources to college students entering
the job market.
This is a leading organization in the college recruitment market. It
was one of the pioneers of online college recruiting.
Career Pro News
This is a free subscription online newsletter from
( )It has lots of resources for
career-related news aimed at students and recent graduates.
American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
This association represents 12,000 academic counselors, the people who
know about what students know and expect about jobs and careers and
entering the job market.
College Grad Job Hunter for entry-level jobs.
Outsourced college recruiting services
This is a job board that specializes in college recruiting
College Hiring: It pays to look before you leap
Here is how to get college seniors interested in working for your
This is a primer from the publishers of the CareerXroads annual review
of online recruiting.
This is the home of a several specialized services geared to the
recruiting industry. Its a good place to start for anyone interested
in recruiting.
The Riley Guide Information for Recruiters
This is one of the first major career information hubs. It covers all
you could possibly want to know about jobs and careers.
recruiting college graduates
"college recruiting market" |
Clarification of Answer by
23 Nov 2002 15:03 PST
Hi Tim,
Its an interesting coincidence that I saw two articles in todays
newspapers about college recruiting. Both of them mentioned NACAC.
National Association for College Admission Counseling
This is an association of 7900+ professionals who are dedicated to
helping students decide about their postsecondary education choices.
They offer a lot of services to help students, parents and college
admissions officers.
National College Fairs
NACAC sponsors several college fairs. Reading about these will help
you get familiar with the college recruiting market.
Trends in College Admission
A Report of a Survey of Undergraduate Admissions Policies, Practices
and Procedures
You can download this 27 page report. Its a good place to start on
getting your bearings in college admissions and recruiting.
You can download the full 196 page report from this location.
To find the links to the articles I wanted to share with you I
searched Googles news links.
I hit the jackpot. The search yielded dozens of current articles
discussing trends in college admissions that were triggered by the
release of the report I listed above. Im sure that reading them will
give you lots of ideas about current issues in college admissions. You
might identify practices that you want to try or people you might want
to contact.
This is a newsgroup dedicated to college admissions. It seems to be
The Big Payoff: Educational Attainment and Synthetic Estimates of
Worklife Earnings
This is a 13 page report from the US Census Bureau that provides
excellent information about the extended financial rewards of getting
an education. This kind of statistics are frequently used in academic
Independent School Management
ISM is a consulting company that helps to market independent schools.
They have a wealth of online resources and offer workshops,
publications and consulting to help admissions and administration with
marketing the educational institution.
iStudent Recruiters, LLC, is a technology-driven international student
recruiting firm serving top U.S. high schools, colleges and
universities. Our primary focus is assisting American institutions of
higher learning to quickly and cost-effectively increase their student
enrollment from outside the USA.
US News and World Report - Best Colleges Index
This is a good site to review the various ways colleges are ranked and
to get ideas about how you could present the advantages of your
Interact Communications
This is a marketing and consulting firm that specializes in marketing
community colleges and other 2 year programs.
Global Sports Recruiting Agency
This site can only be accessed with free registration. You might want
to check it out for ideas about college sports recruiting.
marketing colleges
"marketing your college"
I hope this list will help you with recruiting for getting them in the
door instead of the resources I gave you for recruiters to help them
depart. Good luck with your newsletter.