Dear blisssu,
I did extensive research using printed sources in the library.
However, there is not much information about the artist who created
the picture you own. But I will give you what I was able to find.
The signature "E. v. Tarnoczy" refers without any doubt to Eugen
August von Tarnóczy, a German painter. Tarnóczy was born 17 April 1886
in Munich, Bavaria, so he was of German nationality. What art school
he attended, if any, is not mentioned anywhere. But it is well
possible that he did not receive a formal art education at all, since
his original profession was that of a soldier: Tarnóczy was officer in
the Kaiser-Franz-Garderegiment (Emperor Francis Guards Regiment) since
1902, and from 1910, he was a military pilot. His army career ended
with the defeat of Germany in 1918.
He took residence in the Bavarian town of Traunstein, not far away
from Munich, and began working as an artist. He was best known for his
landscapes and portraits. Among his numerous oil paintings, there were
"Aufziehendes Gewitter am Chiemsee" (= Thunderstorm coming near Lake
Chiemsee), "Wintersonne in den Chiemgauer Alpen" (= Winter Sun in the
Chiemgau Alpes), and "Flug der D-ANOY über das Pamirgebirge 1937" (=
Flight of the Aeroplane D-ANOY over the Pamir Mountains 1937), a
triptychon created for the Lufthansa airline in 1938.
His numerous tempera paintings were very appreciated, many of them
were bought by the Reich Ministry of Aviation after 1935. Also, the
officers' mess of the Hermann Göring Elite Regiment was decorated with
his works, among them "Deutsche Alpenstraße" (= German Trans-Alpes
Road). This shows that Tarnóczy's style of painting and his motifs
pleased the National Socialist government.
Eugen von Tarnóczy died in Traunstein on 19 May 1965.
His paintings appear to show up in auctions and art galleries
extremely rarely. The only reference I was able to find is this
Here, paintings by Tarnóczy were offered for DM 800.00 (approximately
$400.00) each. The source looks not very reliable, but is the only
place selling Tarnóczy's paintings I found. Also, his works seem not
to be presented in exihibitions.
This is, alas, all I could find out about the biography and work of
Eugen von Tarnóczy. Even the extensive multi-volume art encyclopedias
mention him only briefly, if at all.
Lexikon der bildenden Künste, Vol. 33, by Ulrich Thieme & Felix
Becker. Published by E.A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig 1920.
Künstlerlexikon des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, Vol. 4, by Hans Vollmer.
Published by VEB E.A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig 1958.
Hope this helps!
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