Hi kel,
I'm sorry you're having such trouble with your computer. Annoying,
isn't it?
Part of the problem in getting your situation straightened out is that
you've used Disk Compression. As previously noted, Disk Compression
usually causes more troubles than it solves, and should not be used in
the future. (I learned this the hard way myself.)
Another difficulty in getting this straightened out is that you're
attempting to use Western Digital utilities to fix a Samsung disk.
Western Digital utilities are designed for Western Digital drives, and
while they occasionally work for other brands, they most often don't,
instead pretending that you have no drive installed at all.
To get you on the right track, I searched for [ Samsung hard drive
utilities ], and was rewarded with a utilities page specifically for
Samsung HDDs:
Hard Disk Drive Support
Before you begin, make sure you have a Win95 Boot Disk and your Win95
CD or floppies. If there is any data you need to save, back it up
onto floppy or online storage now.
Next, download the program offered on the following page, label the
disk clearly and set it aside:
This is Samsung's equivalent of Western Digital's disk formatting
tool. You might need this, so hang on to it!
Since you'd like to try to salvage some of what's on your drive, I
recommend that you begin with the Self Diagnostic Program. Please
note, there is no guarantee that you will be able to save what you
have, but it never hurts to try first:
Self Diagnostic Program for Older Models
There is a link to an .EXE file at the top of the page. Save that
file to a floppy, then restart your computer in DOS mode. At the C:\>
prompt, enter A:\ to change to the floppy drive. At the A:\> prompt,
enter "SHDIAG", then follow the prompts.
Run *all* of the tests. If the program asks you if it should fix
errors, select "Yes" and proceed. If it successfully corrects the
errors, you're all set!
If the errors cannot be fixed, the program will recommend a low level
format. This will wipe out your drive, to allow a fresh start -
you'll need the ClearHDD program I pointed you to earlier.
Once you've run the ClearHDD program, run the Diagnostic Program once
more to ensure that the errors have been corrected. If there are
*still* errors present, I'm afraid your drive is done for. You'll
need to replace the drive.
If the drive is clear, you're ready to proceed with re-installing
Win95. Shut your computer down, insert your boot disk into your A:\
drive, turn it on...and follow the prompts.
Please note: If you do not have a Win95 Boot Disk, please leave a
Request for Clarification for me *before* you wipe out your drive. I
can provide you with .ZIP file that you can unzip to a floppy disk to
create a Boot Disk. The file also includes CDROM drivers to enable
you to start your computer with CDROM support (instead of having to
hunt for separate drivers to load through DOS).
I hope that you don't have to resort to wiping your hard drive out
entirely, and that the diagnostics solve the problem for you.
If you need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll be glad
to offer further assistance. Good luck!
Search terms: [ Samsung hard drive utilities ] |
Clarification of Answer by
23 Nov 2002 18:06 PST
Hi kel,
If the HD is *not* Samsung, the downloads may not work, and in fact
might cause you even more trouble.
Before proceeding any further, please turn off your computer, take
your cover off, slip the hard drive out of the bay and check the label
on top. Write down *everything* on that label.
If it's Samsung, you're good to go. If it's not, please post the
information here and let me see what else I can dig up for you.
Clarification of Answer by
23 Nov 2002 20:27 PST
Hi again,
I was afraid of this.
According to the June 1998 issue of the Houston Apple Barrel,
Micropolis (the folks that manufactured your hard drive) are no longer
in business. I've been unable to find any Micropolis utilities
archived *anywhere* - not even at FrozzBozz (who usually has
everything). The most recent mention of a Micropolis product review
I've been able to find is April 1997 - this does not bode well. This
means that your HD is *at least* four years old. HDs, like everything
else, wear out eventually. Your current problems may be an indicator
that your drive is going to fail soon.
Before doing anything as drastic as replacing your drive just yet,
though, try re-formatting it and re-installing Win95.
First, download the following file and unzip it to a formatted floppy
This is for a boot disk that includes generic CDROM drivers.
Next, read, print out, then exactly follow, the instructions on the
following page:
Fresh Start Install Procedure
Read them twice! Then follow the instructions to the letter.
Good luck!