Clarification of Answer by
24 Nov 2002 13:02 PST
Hello again, ypvancouver,
It appears that Microsoft has released a Multi Language Pack for
Office 2000:
"Changing the Language of the User Interface or Online Help
Multinational organizations that have standardized on the English
version of Office can use Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack to
provide added benefit to members of their organization worldwide.
Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack adds key multilingual
capabilities to those already built into Office by providing the
translated text for the user interface, online help, wizards, and
templates for Office programs. By using MultiLanguage Pack, you can
view commands, dialog box options, online help topics, wizards, and
templates in a familiar language.
MultiLanguage Pack also includes Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools,
which provides fonts, spelling and grammar checkers, AutoCorrect
lists, and other tools that can help you create and edit Office
documents in the language of your choice."
How to Obtain Multilingual Tools That Aren't Built Into Office
While much multilingual capability is built in to Office programs, the
MultiLanguage Pack, Proofing Tools, Visual Keyboard, and Global IMEs
are not. Here's how you can obtain them.
Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack
Contact your local Microsoft Sales office. For more information about
MultiLanguage Pack, visit the Microsoft Office Enterprise Information
Center or visit
However, the link above appears broken and leads to another MS Office
page. I searched here as well for Hebrew or Multi Language and found a
number of results, but most pertinent is the above mentioned page.
There is a FAQ on Multilanguage Packs available at this page:
It appears you will need to contact a Microsoft Sales Office to
purchase this add-on, or use the program I mentioned in my original
answer. I could locate no other Hebrew download from Microsoft other
than the Developer version you mentioned in your question.
I also came across one more package that might be of interest to you:
Global Office 3.0 Language Support for Office 97/2000/XP
Now you can write in all major languages from your standard English
Windows in Office 97/2000/XP! Unitype Global Office 3.0 is an
enhancement to Microsoft Office that adds text entry and visual
keyboard display in over 100 different languages to these Microsoft
products: Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint. It is easy to use, yet
powerful enough to support the most demanding tasks of businesses,
translation professionals, and academics worldwide. Best of all, the
program is simple to install and everything you need is on one CD-ROM.
Shipping weight 2 lbs. - $250
I hope the above information has been helpful for you.