hi geenbacheer,
There is an over the counter dye you can get that is suitable for the
purpose you want. It is called "Dylon Machine Dye", and is made by the
British company Dylon ( www.dylon.co.uk ).
You can get general information on this product here:
You can download a .pdf file containing instructions (and dying tips),
If are based in the UK you can buy the product from the following
Allders , Beatties, C&H Fabrics, Dunelm Mill Shops, Fabric Warehouse
Stores, Fred Aldous, Hobby Craft, Homecrafts Direct, John Lewis
Partnership, Littlewoods, Morrisons, Robert Dyas, Safeway, Sainsburys,
Sewing and Craft Superstore, Tesco, The Cloth Store, W. Boyes,
Wilkinsons, Woolworths.
Alternatively, you order on-line from these sites:
Here are instructions on how to dye your jeans:
Dylon Machine Dye Instructions -
· For use in automatic front loading machines only.
· Suitable fabrics: cotton, linen, viscose and polyester/cotton mixes.
Lighter shades on polyester mixes because pure synthetics DO NOT pick
up dye.
· One pack will dye up to 500g / 1 lb dry weight fabric. Dyeing larger
amounts (up to 1250g) will give a lighter colour.
You will need:
· 500g / 1lb of salt (regardless the number of packs used)
· Rubber gloves
1. Weigh dry fabric. Wash fabric thoroughly even if new to remove
stains or dressings which may not be visible to the eye. Leave damp.
2. Wearing rubber gloves, empty dye into dry drum (not soap dispenser
or dispenser ball).
3. Add 500g/1lb of salt, covering area where dye was added. Put in
damp unfolded fabric.
4. Run 60°C colourfast cotton/ fast coloureds cycle without pre-wash.
5. When programme is finished, add wash powder and run through
complete hottest programme for the garment, 95°C if possible. If this
is less than 95°C, remove garment when cycle is complete and run a
95°C programme with detergent to ensure all dye is removed from
Keywords used (Google):
"dyeing jeans blue"
"dyeing jeans"
"how to dye jeans"
"dye jeans"
I hope this helps you.
Let me know if you need any clarification on this answer.
Please rate answer accordingly. |