Meet Chris Knight, a self-described "Trancendental Coder".
He created such a dictionary in SQL in a few hours, and
now has a site called The Hyper Dictionary, or The
Exploding Dictionary:
He explains the project here:
Chris notes that he drew from The DICT Development Group:
The Dict Group has a dictionary here:
...and a resource page here:
Chris notes that he has now adopted the DICT database,
but it seems likely that he still has the SQL database
laying around somewhere, and his email is available on
the "about" page at hyperdictionary, above. I believe
he'd be delighted to hear from you.
Here's a pageful of dictionary resources from dmoz.org,
but Chris' site was the only mention I found of an SQL
database (both on that page and in the Google search
just beneath):
Searches done, via Google:
"sql database" thesaurus dictionary
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